4/11/19 -Donuts & English Muffins


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Not such a good morning in these parts, hope YOU are having a great one! Tis windy, a very fine snow began around 8 a.m., for about 15 min. then it stopped. just wind blowing what fell around. It is to begin the serious stuff around noon......wind is awful. Lot of schools closed in anticipation, h.s. games cancelled for tonight. My older son, whose dr. appt was for 10:30, arrived here at 8:20, having already been to V.A. I won't have to go to mine today....(so guess I can do summary after all, today, lol)
I saw the white out pics from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area yesterday, sheesh. And last night, long, long lines of slow or non moving traffic on interstate.
My younger son, who lives mid-state is contemplating taking a job which will have him spending much of the winter months in Florida. (he had a lousy winter season with his own, previously successful business he has operated for 15 years).
Wind is around 15 mph,, with gusts 35 mph, but seems to be increasing. Tho our schools did not close, I am betting they go home early.
Hope everyone is safe and has beautiful weather!
Forgot to mention......Weatherman has told of 15-20 ft waves on Lake Superior, and has warned extensively of "flying ice chunks".........telling folks to stay away from the lakeshore, (evidently people like to go watch the huge waves rolling in). Well, evidently the ice is breaking up....in the past, there has been much shoreline damage to walkways, etc. from waves. This time, ice! Nope, do not want to be on an ore carrier in this, nor even see one on the lake. Hope all are docked.
Good morning.
Poirot ~ I hope you can just stay inside today and ride out this storm . . . warm, safe, and cozy.
Raining here, but not "stormy". This is good for all the veggie seeds I planted a few days ago.
Not much on my calendar today, so I can catch up on chores inside.
Wishing you all a good day.
Morning Everyone,
Woke about to find about 4 inches of snow outside, not really very helpful for moving, so I'm working today. My mom who took time off to help me, is driving to Ikea (which is 3 or 4 hours away) to get a cute little desk and bookshelf for Gena and a new smaller bistro style table for my early birthday present. My current table (which I also got from my mom) just won't fit in the apartment, so she's going to put it in her storage garage, in the hopes that I don't need to keep my storage garage too long.

Poirot - be safe in the snow. Flying ice, that sounds scary.
Lil0 - Enjoy your day in the warmth of your home, I'm sure your seeds will love the rain.
RK - Yes be careful when packing books, I put all my cookbooks in a wooden crate I've had for years, then filled it with VHS tapes, and boy oh boy was it heavy, I took the movies out and can lift the crate again, although just barely. My brother is probably going to have to move that for me. The crate will end up in Gena's room as a lamp stand by her little chair so she can read. I'm not sure about the cookbooks yet, but I'll figure it out eventually.

Wishing you all blessings today.
Good morning everyone. It is cool today, but at least the sun is shining. We're to have a very rainy weekend due to that huge snow storm that some of you are getting. You know I'm not thrilled about the wet stuff coming instead of the white stuff.

I'm finally back in the office after a l-o-n-g morning meeting at the United Way. When leaving, they handed me the allocation letter for the coming fiscal year. When I brought it back, my CEO asked if I had opened it. I said nope because it was addressed to her, but I was going to stand there until she did. :rotfl:
The allocation is down a little, but our United Way fell very short of their donor goal this year. They also inflicted (my word) a checklist on each member agency. We get so many points for each thing on the list. The higher the points, the better. It'll count towards the following year's allocation. Most of us in attendance rolled our eyes at some of the ridiculous things they expect our agencies to do.

Poirot - Definitely hunker down for the duration of the storm. Flying ice ?!?! That sounds scary.

rk - I second what the others have said. Don't make the boxes heavy.

Lil0 - You can start my spring cleaning for me. :)

Amanda - Hopefully the storm won't interfere with your move. Your Mom sounds like a real sweetheart.
It has hit. big time! Cannot believe how much can accumulate so quickly. I am not going anywhere, tho I am wondering if the mail came! I have to go out a couple blocks to the "mail stand". Mandy, are physically at your workplace, because if it is still storming heavy, maybe you could do it from home???? (via computer???) bigger flakes this round, very windy.
It's cloudy and still windy here today. The temperature didn't fall during the night. It
will this afternoon. I bought mulch this morning. I plan to work in the flowerbed this

Poirot, be careful getting your mail. The weather sounds really crazy where you are.

manda, I'm glad you have a lot of helpers. Good luck moving this weekend.

rs, I hope you won't get too much rain.

rk, good luck getting books packed.

Lil0, enjoy your inside time today.

Wish everyone the best day they possible can with the weather.
Since it's so cloudy and temperature now in the 50s, I won't be going
outside today. I'll get my tax returns copied and do Bible study instead.
Still sunny here, though the temperature has dropped to the 50s/60s today, down from 90s yesterday. Sunny and breezy but so far not the horrible wind that was predicted. West Texas is getting it, along with dense blowing dust/sand, causing traffic accidents.

I haven't been out of the house since Monday, except to dash out and put out bird feed. I've been in a pile all week. Haven't felt like eating much or doing anything. I would have gone to the doctor but I didn't have the energy and I hurt too much--sinuses. Don't know if this is a cold or sinus. It feels like a cross between allergy and a migraine! I have finally felt some measure of relief, after taking Benadryl in the wee hours this morning, and then taking a migraine pill later and dozing off and on all morning.

Thinking of all of you and so glad you are on a steady path, Manda.
Poirot - I thought of you the minute I got up. Stay safe - I hate the wind. Hopefully this is the last of the white stuff for your.

RK - enjoy your packing

Lilo - I wish I could plant my garden. We still have snow on all the mountains around us. The rule of thumb is don't plant your garden until the snow is off of Mica Peak.

Manda - so glad to see you posted. I'm sure the packing is getting over whelming - your tired, angry, and hurt and that wears you down. Stay strong for Gena. I'm so glad you have great family and friends for support. If I lived closer I would help you pack!

RS - so sorry your getting the rain and not the snow.

Kat - Enjoy your afternoon indoors!

65 - I would move in a heart beat - the rest of the family no way. LOL

Were having a sunny day but then the rains are coming for the weekend!
Boy, every time we think perhaps things have lightened up, maybe the storm has moved, nope. I know it covers a huge area.....the winds are awful, the snow gets a bit sparser, then wham, it is back with a vengeance. My older son, who lives not too far from where we did on the lake is without power. Electric company says they had lots of calls, widespread, men are already out working on it. Bless linemen, (and the firefighters & EMTs) who get called out in this, plus the police who have to be out there aiding those who ran into trouble when they ventured out.
Sorry for not checking in sooner.... this morning I received a text from the bank asking if I had used my credit card at a bar out of state... nope... was I staying at a Hilton... nope.... so now I have to wait for the new credit card to arrive in the mail..... fun fun fun... right???

I hope all of you in the path of the storm are safe.....

Have a great evening....
A ridiculously late check in from me. Another unexpected extra shift and now up for today's normal shift.

Manda thank you for updating us on how you and Gena are progressing. Your mother is wonderful and good friends are always a blessing! Love, hugs and prayers. :love::hug: