4-12-2016 - Donuts & Breezes


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Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Good Morning Salem friends!

There is a soft quiet breeze blowing the palm trees this morning while a few stars sparkle in the distance. Our wind & rain on Saturday cleared much of the dust/smog from the skies. I can smell the orange blossoms and hear the twitter of sparrows. A beautiful morning.

My farm girl experience has come in handy for a neighbor. They moved here from Alabama and have not endured one of our Spring or Summer seasons yet. They thought they bought geese, but actually it is a duck couple. The little goslings are adorable, but need the proper shelter & care. I think they lack the commitment to care for them so suggested our Phoenix Zoo. Time will tell.

Off to work to start a very busy day. Thinking of you all:

Poirot: I hope your cough is completely gone and you are feeling stronger daily.

OC: I also hope your migraine is gone for good and the mice have moved elsewhere.

Robin: Take care regaining your strength as our weather fluctuates daily.
Good morning Noel and everyone yet to check in.

Poirot or JS will need to change the thread date. That's ok, I thought today was April 14th.

It has stopped raining here, and the basement pumps are finally catching up. I got less than 1 1/2 hours sleep last night due to having to run the big pump every 45 minutes. I need to work in my northern county this morning, but will try to go home early today.

Noel, I hope you don't have a super busy day at work. You need more time to get your strength back. Plus that would mean there are less babies with serious health problems.
Good morning all. Today is a rainy day. Today's high is 69°, I can deal with that.

My new Samsung Galaxy S7s are here! Gold for him and black for me. Today I will be focused on setting up my new phone. That is all I have to be busy with thankfully.

I hope everyone is feeling better soon. The sicknesses I hate the worst are migraines and coughs. I can not get anything done when afflicted with either.

I hope my medicine comes soon. I have this nasal spray that I can never get the last dosages from so I always come up short before my next refill. Very frustrating.

So now that I have another person in my house, I guess I do not need to pay for doggy daycare anymore. But the dogs love going so I will have to consider.

National free cone day at Ben & Jerry's. Also national grilled cheese day.

I hope the sun shines for you all today.

Have a great day!
YPG, enjoy your new phone. I always have fun setting mine up and tweaking everything just how I want it. Even when there is nothing to do, I search for new wallpapers and ring tones on Zedge just to make some kind of change.

I have a Galaxy S4, but the software was updated to the one that is in the S6. I like the S7, but I don't want to spend the money to upgrade . Yep, I pinch Lincoln's nose until it bleeds. (pinch pennies)
YPG, congrats on the S7; here's to an easy learning curve! :drunk: Note: Get a bouncy case on it, ASAP! I picked up a Lincoln's-nose case for $5 at Five Below. Got it right away so the phone would be protected while I pondered the various types. It hasn't given me any reason to change it! Also picked up one of those thin glass screen protectors for $5; no problems there, either.

I jumped the gun on Grilled Cheese Day; had a couple last night, with tomato soup! :)

That strange yellow thing is in the sky again! It hurts my eyes to look at it. :confused: Have a great day, all!
Good morning. I'm expecting more thunderstorms today. I hope I don't get the large hail some areas have had. It may be a movie or novel reading day for me. I've been on a tear with the mice problem. I found they had eaten through the plastic container I keep Sparky's peanuts in, so I set out traps around that area. Let's just say Remmy was all over it this morning, lol! Disgusting critters!

Guy, my mother always served grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup! It's like comfort food to me, lol.

Take care everyone.
Good Morning,

Chilly but sunny today. Supposed to have steady increase in temps from now through the weekend, hitting 70 on Sunday. We shall see if the weather man is correct. Hubby did just a good job cooking brats last night. Although it's rather hard to mess them up, especially since he just cooked them in a frying pan. He said it wasn't worth starting the grill for 4 brats. Tonight is chicken. Hoping he actually puts it on the grill. :rolleyes:

YPG -enjoy your new phone

OC - have a safe trip to town

kt - watch out for those storms, good luck with the mice.

A guy - mmm, love grilled cheese with tomato soup. I like to dice up some extra cheese and put it in my bowl before I pour in the soup for extra gooey goodness.

RS - gosh, please be careful on your long road trip with so little sleep.

Noel - really hope your new neighbors do the right thing for those little ducks.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Amanda, thank goodness my assistant drove today. I almost fell asleep on the hour drive back to the office.

:drunk: Note: Get a bouncy case on it, ASAP! I picked up a Lincoln's-nose case for $5 at Five Below. Got it right away so the phone would be protected while I pondered the various types. It hasn't given me any reason to change it! Also picked up one of those thin glass screen protectors for $5; no problems there, either.

I love 5 Below. All of my phone covers and screen protectors are from there except my Doctor Who TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension(s) in Space .....a time machine) Case Gorilla cover that is on the phone now.

Are there any other Whovians (Doctor Who fans) here???

Morning/afternoon all. Insanity reigns at work today. Luckily for me I'm so low on the food chain I'm not deeply involved.

Tonight a swap meet with the Bonsai folks. I have 3 unworked trees I'd like to sell. One I found in the garbage as the management company changed out the landscaping. So any money for it will be pure profit!!! The other is a Christmas tree, bought in mid January for $5. I don't want it but they hadn't watered it and it was looking pretty bad so I know it will go quickly, as they do well here and are easy to work on. I just don't like them.

Grilled cheese and tomato soup. What a great idea.

Noel, ducklings? Oy. Keeping dogs and cats through the summer is difficult enough. I'd not want to try outdoor birds. I hope the owl that resides in the pine tree across the street doesn't have a cousin on the west side who enjoys waterfowl for dinner.

Have a great Tuesday.
Hi everyone!

Grilled cheese and tomato soup sounds yummy.

Rainy and in the 60s here.

rs, I hope you get lots of sleep tonight.

Hope your day isn't too busy Noel.

Stay safe with those storms kt.

Samsung is all Greek to me. I'm on my third iPhone.

Working 3-10 today. Maybe it won't be too busy since it's raining. Yeah right:rotfl:

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Oh Noel - palm trees! I love palm tress they always seem so peaceful!

RS - just what you didn't need - being up all night! Hope you get to go home early

KT- I hope you don't get the hail either. They were showing somewhere in Texas the hail was coming down the size of golf balls.

OC - I'm glad you were missed by those hail storms. I did think of you though!

The weather has been absolutely beautiful here. This weekend we even went to the lake on Sunday. Just unreal for us here but we will take it.

Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon and the weather is kinder to all of you

Whenever I get a fancy phone, I'll need help just to pick out which one to get.
I'm sure everyone says their phone is better :)

This morning, Mrs Purple Finch came to start her nest. The purple finches have
been coming for three or four years making a family. The sparrows moved in
the planter hanging outside during the winter. On my way volunteering, I stopped
at the hardware store and had them fix the other planter. It fell a couple years
and needed a new hanger. I put up the planter when I got home. I hope Mrs Finch
will come back and see it.

Disappointed it didn't rain yesterday afternoon. Maybe rain on Wed. I won't
be working outside today since Bible study this evening.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
The 11th Doctor played by Matt Smith was ok after he got his memories back. The real jolt was when he regenerated into the 12th Doctor played by Peter Capaldi (a much older looking Doctor with white hair). It took me all of season 9 to get used to him. They'll start filming season 10 soon.
Good evening all,

I've missed out! Been beyond busy with work (a coworker, who's really a pain to work with due to her attitude, was out for a few days in CA, so I had extra work to do at my job), the gym, my blog, and schoolwork (a lot of papers and such to do all at once). Weather here has waffled, and we even had some snow flurries on Saturday. One day it's windy, rainy and almost winter-like, and the next it's much milder and sunny. It rained this morning, but the sun eventually came out and temperature got to 60F.

I skipped the gym today in favor of sleeping in, and after school I had work. But on Thursday I'm going out to CA for the Coachella Music Festival, near Palm Springs. Some of my favorite artists (Calvin Harris and Zedd, to just name 2) are going to be performing. I'm staying with my mom's cousin and her boyfriend, who get a villa hotel room out there with friends for the festival weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), and I'll stop by to see some family on Monday before my 10:00PM flight (will be back in Philly on a week from today, in the morning).

Hope everyone has a nice day and is feeling better from any illnesses.