4/15/20 - Days, partial summary....& 2nd half !!


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Nov 23, 2006
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Only got 1st half hour......so....repeat of Justin & Kayla parting, her calling him back, she will have dinner with him. That makes him happy, but he starts asking all kinds of questions about Steve, what he said, how he still cares for her. Finally, Kayla asks if he is avoiding dinner with her.

Sonny & Will are eating at a table in the square, talking of Sonny having weird dream. They mention Steve being back, so he & Hope will be back to normal. Sonny says he dreamt he walked into their bedroom, Will is having sex with Leo. This causes Will to spit out his drink. They talk over what it mean, Sonny decides maybe his insecurities. They then begin talking the pros and cons of adding to their family, whether by adoption or surrogate.

Long scenes of Sarah crying as she holds Rachel on her lap, stroking her hair, talking of raising her, giving her up, etc. (felt sorry for that baby)

As Xander stands over Mickey's crib, Eric enters, Xander tells him to scram, nothing to say, but Eric has lots to say to him. Eric keeps his cool, as Xander rants at him for telling Sarah, instead of keeping his mouth shut. Eric notes Xander is trying to place the blame elsewhere, instead of on himself, where it belongs. Harsh words exchanged, Xander complains about Nicole starting to sniff around, calling her a nosy b****. That gives Xander a right to the jaw from Eric, with Xander asking if he feels better now. They go back and forth, with Eric reminding Xander that it was him causing Sarah now to grieve for the rest of her life. (He also has referred to causing Brady & Kristen to grieve their child for months).

Kristen wants to go get Rachel right now, Brady talks her down, tells her of Xander being one who switched the babies on purpose. She is livid, is going to make Xander pay.

Eric goes to see Sarah, knocks, no answer, goes in room, her dress is on the bed, Sarah is gone. Where could she be.

Will & Sonny still talking in the square, see Sarah go by, pushing buggy. They call out, comment about her just being married, what is she doing. She claims going to get Mickey a few things, taking her on the honeymoon. Yes, last minute decision. They tell her of wanting to add to their family, mentioning adoption, but what if bio parent would want them back. She says that is horrible, has to be on her way now. Will says, hey, you were just married......where is your wedding ring?

And break for commercial......but that is all I got.
Nearly forgot......Jack & Steve spend a lot of time talking, with Jack encouraging Steve to fight for Kayla, since he loves her so much. Steve is being noble, she is with Justin, blah, blah. But Jack is persistent.
Another great episode. That said, I'm so tired of Angry Eric and his hypocritical moralizing. At least he didn't resort to open violence so there is that small plus.

Nice to see Kristen's first instinct is still to obtain vengeance for any slight yet she excepts everyone to automatically forgive her misdeeds because she "has changed". She hasn't changed and has learned nothing. Whenever she has the least glimmer of insight Brady and his cheer squad are there to make excuses by brushing the past aside. Brady is a disgustingly pathetic co-dependent enabler. I've seldom felt so badly for a fictional character as I do their child. Poor little Rachel doesn't stand a chance.
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Managed to get to see most of the last part, which is just more of the same. Eric comes downstairs, asks Xander if Sarah was there. No, he looks outside, car is gone. Kristen has additional meltdowns, Brady being the calming influence. They get a call from Eric wanting to know if Sarah is there. No, have not heard from her. Now Kristen is really off the rails. Sarah kidnapped our daughter!

Will & Sonny arrive at Kmansion, what is going on? They cannot find Sarah, but the duo just saw her in the square. Yes, she had the baby, said she was going to airfield. Uh, oh. Now they learn the wedding never took place.

Xander is up in Sarah's room, sees her dress on the bed, sits there, the ring is atop the dress. He vows he will find a way to put it back on her finger. Will is calling the airfield, Titan jet just took off, no flight plan. Kristen & Brady rush in, Kristen gets upset all over again.

Jack with Steve, helping himself to a gift basket, disappointed no candy. Kayla comes in, Steve claims he has a headache, but did not want to bother the nurses' station. She will get a prescription for him. She is going home, Steve notes "to Justin".......yes, we live together. She leaves, greets Justin outside, asks about the wedding, Justin starts to relate what happened as he enters the elevator. She stops, looking at Steve's room, then gets into the elevator. Jack is trying to reason with Steve, Kayla gave him an opening, why did he not take advantage, tell her he wanted her, etc. Steve feels it would be in vain, too many things have happened, she has moved on, made a new life. Jack tries to make Steve realize he is being noble for the wrong reasons, that Kayla should make the choice, not Steve. But Steve feels she already did.

On the plane, Sarah is smiling, holding Rachel, no one is going to take you away from me, ever.
Watching Kristen mourning the death of her "daughter" the happiness of finding out she's alive and now gone... which I haven't seen yet because of timezones.... I just don't buy it.... I don't feel anything... perhaps because the character is a monster.... the actress is doing her best I'm not faulting her.... but I remember back to Eve finding out about Paige.....I really felt sorry for Eve and she hadn't been the best mother but her grief was so spot on.... Kristen's, ahh, not so much...

is it because with either set of parents this poor child is doomed??
Kristen: If Brady has an ounce of sense, he'll realize that she hasn't changed. All she did today was wail about how much she wanted her baby back and make empty threats against Xander. There wasn't an ounce of empathy for the plight of Eric and Sarah. And didn't she herself recognize the absurdity of her complaint that Xander will get away "scot free." When did the psycho-sicko ever pay for any of her crimes??

Xander: He must have been really shell-shocked to take all that abuse from self-righteous Eric. If the X-Man was his usual self, he could have dragged Eric to the door and then pitched him so far down the K-mansion driveway that he'd land in the street.

Eric: He actually told Xander that he "belongs in a grave." Has he forgotten the concept of forgiveness he presumably preached while a priest or is that what he told people who came to him for confession when they confessed to particularly outrageous sins? He also expressed the fear that distress over her baby would cause Kristen to "go insane." What makes him think that the DiMera witch is of sane mind?

Jack: He certainly had a lot to say about the Steve-Kayla relationship about whose inner workings he knows absolutely nothing. Is he preparing for the day when advancing age forces Julie to give up her title of Salem's biggest busybody.
:rotfl: @Lil0 Though that is very creepy. Kristen and Brady are just creepy.

But oooh, crazy, mean, vengeful Kristen seems to be starting to make an appearance! Yay! And I do like that people keep saying “Brady says that she has changed”. If people keep saying it then certainly she has not.

I thought it was amusing that Sonny said he had a dream from the April's fool episode. Anyone else going to do that?

So Kayla operated on Steve's frontal lobe. Did she go through his eye? I don't see any other incision. And apparently Steve is going to be a man and step aside and let Kayla decide. I'm still rooting for Steve and Kayla.

So Sarah stealing a baby just strolls through the square like she doesn't have a care in the world? I knew she was going to take off. I am just surprised that Xander isn't on the plane with her.
So - legal question - since this baby is legally Mackenzie Horton, Sarah isn't kidnapping her...correct @DrBakerFan ?
The persons listed on a child's birth certificate are its presumptive parents. This means that until a Salem court is convinced that the birth certificate is incorrect, Sarah is legally "Baby Mickey's" mother. In the future, if it could be shown that Sarah actually knew that she wasn't the baby's mother when she took it (which could be hard to prove) she could be charged with kidnapping.
knew that she wasn't the baby's mother when she took it (which could be hard to prove)
Especially with Fr Frowny Pants the perpetual downer, psycho Kristen (who will undoubtedly cross legal lines trying to get "her" baby "back" in the coming hours/months/years), and frequent felon Nicole as star witnesses to Sarah's purported knowledge.
Jack was running the Spectator during the lost year. But did he inherit Adrienne's share?

Because it seems like owner Sonny/reporter Will could have a lot of story if they were working with Jack & Jennifer at the paper. And reporting on the malfeasance from the miscreants in their family trees.
Thanks, Poirot.

Interesting to learn part of the April Fool's Day episode was Sonny's dream.

I enjoyed Jack and Steve again.

Kristen was acting sort of crazy today. Was it because she couldn't wait to
get Rachel back or does the crazy part of her want out?

Xander still hasn't told anyone the real reason of the baby switch. It was
mostly done for Maggie because Victor wanted it done.

Where is Sarah taking Rachel? Who will be the one to find her? Will it be
Steve and John? Xander? Hopefully, it won't be Kristen.
Wow.... when Sarah flies on a private plane.... it has a floor lamp silk shade and a pull cord..... all remaining very still..... that has to be the most level non bumpy flight ever... what a great plane..... wow
I just assumed she's already were she flew to. Did not look anything like a plane.
The Steve/Jack interaction was great for me. "What do you want me to do? Jump up, grab her, carry her off to my castle and prove to her I'm the only man for her?"


(Jack's response about sitting on his butt was great, but still)