4-15-2016 - Donuts & Cider


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Good Morning my friends. Celebrate Friday!

It is going to be warmer today without clouds or wind. Looking forward to the end of the day errands so my to-do list for the weekend is shorter. We are driving up north this weekend to enjoy some 'real Spring' in the high country.

Wishing each of you a great day!
Good morning...Wonder of wonders, we actually got up to 70 during the day yesterday, however it was very, very windy, which made it seems as though it wasn't that warm. I knew, and of course, jackets shed by so many in town. Folks act as though it is 85 on the first day of "warmer". LOL. Why is it that getting through bookwork, piled up mail, bill paying, etc. just results in more of the same. Never ends, I swear. LOL

enjoy you time up in the high country, Noel, I know you love that cooler weather.

We still have unmelted snow here and there, mostly where it lays on the north sides of roads (from being plowed) and not getting any sun.
Good Morning Everyone,

The weather today is so nice I decided to wear my sandals. Still wearing long pants and a jacket, but I love having the freedom to skip socks.

Gena was very excited as the teacher sent a note home yesterday that all the students were invited to bring a board game today. She picked Candy Land of course, with all 200 game cards that have the potential to get lost. I guess it's better than Operation with those teeny tiny pieces. :) Hard to believe but they also sent home a countdown sheet for the last 30 days of school and all the special fun days they have planned.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Morning all.

Manda - have you heard of the board game Pretty Pretty Princess?? My niece in her younger days LOVED that game. On what was supposed to be my Mom's last Christmas, we all went to the mountains and rented cabins to be together and have special family time. We played that game and we were ruthless. You need to get two earrings, a necklace, a bracelet, a ring that were the same color of your game piece and then the crown to become the Pretty Pretty Princess.

But if you had the black ring, you lose. Adults playing this game was funny. My mom watching and coaching the boys on how to put on earrings. My niece did go on to become the "grand" winner the Prettiest Pretty Pretty Princess.

My boys have Trivial Pursuit, Star Wars addition. Even being spotted 3 or half the pieces of the pie, he beats me every time. But I do play any time he sets it up.

Noel. Enjoy the cooler weather. Per the weather guesser, we are to have wind this afternoon. Making sure all the trees are well watered as nothing dries them out faster.

If any of you watch the Blacklist, did you expect that ending?????

Have a great Friday.
Have been saving (don't know why :rolleyes:) some kind of rock-n-roll trivia board game. Honestly don't know anyone knowledgeable enough to play it, except maybe a loose-cannon musician nephew. :eek: When cleaning (!?) the garage, I stepped on one of the game pieces, the restoration of which is ongoing. :rolleyes:

I will play Scrabble only on a Deluxe set! :)

Balderdash can be a laugh riot, if you have enough players. :drunk:

Noel, re your mountain trip, don't forget your sweater! :)

Try to have a fun day, everyone. The glass is half-full!
Nearly still morning here, so good morning. I've been outside, cutting down yuccas and picking up junk in the yard. Waiting for the lawn mowing guy to show up. Mowing or weed eating around the yuccas is nearly impossible. The tough spines get tangled up in the blade or string. I had a crew come a year ago and get rid of them and other things, but they keep coming back like weeds, with roots that spread underground and put up new plants. It was heavily overcast and cool enough for me to wear a jacket but the sun is trying to come out now and will get to 80*, I think, then we have rain in the forecast starting tomorrow, for several days.

I don't play board games but I hold onto an old one that's been in my family for a long time. Have any of you ever heard of Pollyanna? My grandmother and others of her generation had sets of it and we all played it a lot when I was growing up. I don't know if my relatives were the only ones who liked it or what, but nobody else seems to know about it.
We have lots of games for all ages. My favorites are Boggle, Clue, and Scrabble. Gena loves Hungry Hungry Hippos, Pop the Pig, and Candy Land. My favorites clearly don't get played much as Gena's only just learning to read and spell, but we'll get there. For now I play the games she likes. :) Just so long as I don't have to play Monopoly with my husband. I like to set a time limit. He will only play if you play until all but the winner are bankrupt. I just don't have that kind of time.

Pretty Pretty Princess sounds fun.
It's a cloudy and in the 60s today. I'm staying in today because I'll have to finish
mowing on Sat. Rain starts again this coming week.

I've been finding ants on my kitchen counter. When I came home today, there were
a lot. I sprayed outside the window even though I don't see them there. I just
went in kitchen and they are coming up the to the counter from the floor.
Now, I have to figure where they are getting in.

I like board games too. I wish we could play games together.

I hope everyone will enjoy the rest of the day and evening.
I love to play games also! I love Backgammon. In the summer, my husband and I will play outside a dice game for hours after dark. I won't play any of the games like Aggravation or Sorry, as he loves to win and laugh and laugh! Gets kind of old real quick.

Supposed to be a beautiful weekend here. We still have the ducks in our pool! My husband was afraid they may damage the winter cover but it is fine.

Have a great day
Good afternoon. We've been busy with dance practices and we've missed softball practices because of rain or dance. More rain is expected this weekend, so any yard work needs to get done tomorrow. We don't have anything to do this weekend so I hope to have some time to relax and just hang out at home. I'm not in the mood for board games but I really, really want to play dominoes. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
There is stuff to spread all around the perimeter of the house, which is not toxic.....I think Muzza is the one who suggested the powdered coffee creamer. I get a lot of e-mails swearing by certain concoctions to repel mosquitos, wasps, ants, etc, some even swear your patio or yard would be mosquito free for months. Not sure of any of it. When you live in any area where different kinds proliferate, if something works, they just go nearby, moving just a bit. We get everything here, ticks, chiggers, ants, bats, no see ums, lol, spiders, catepillars, moths, flies, (biting flies, too) lady bugs, those nasty Japanese lady bugs, and I could go on and on. LOL

I had to go look up a few reviews of BlackList, and even the reviewers are shocked at what happened yesterday.