4/16/24 - Donuts and Spring


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. A beautiful spring day here. Hopefully the ground has a chance to dry out before the next round of severe storms hit late tonight and tomorrow.

Prayers for everyone in "Tornado Alley". (parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa and Ohio)
The storms whipping through there look horrendous.
Ohh, that doesn't sound good. Hoping everyone is staying safe and adhering to safety direction.

We are having a typical wintery spring day. Snow is falling and will melt by tomorrow. We'll take the moisture.

I didn't win at poker on Friday but I also didn't lose. My neighbour won $650 and I got 2nd place so I got my $50 buy in back. Was a fun night but Saturday was a recovery day. The beer flowed for all Friday night. Haha!!

Currently in a town outside of Calgary a group of guys have been playing hockey continuosly since April 5 to break the world record that THEY previously broke for the world's longest hockey game or number of games played. I can not recall which but regardless they've raised 1.5 million for the Calgary Children's Hospital. They hope to raise 2 million. What a great cause.

Have a good day and stay safe to those in the path of tornadoes and storms.
Received an email looking like it was from Nationwide saying that I was getting a partial refund from my premium paid in February. It wanted me to click on a link to "Accept the Payment" and enter my checking account number.

NOPE! That wasn't going to happen.

I just called my local insurance office, and they said the email from corporate was legit! My Seniors for Safe Driving course wasn't taken into account when the billing was sent. (According to Pennsylvania law, every car insurance company must give anyone over age 55 a 5% reduction in premiums if they take the Seniors for Safe Driving or AARP Driver Safety course every 3 years.)

I still said I would not click on the link or enter my banking info. The rep agreed with me that it wasn't safe to do so, and is having corporate send me a check instead.
Well, the tech guy was already here, and gone, fixed the electronic troubles. Hopefully. Heck, I could not even use the desktop and the mouse wasn't working. All is well so far.
Have an eye doctor appt. a bit later, I really have been having problems, but not sure if it is my new glasses not ground right, or my eyes changing since I got them. Weird. Will be interesting to get the cause now. A friend is going to drive, as I have no idea if they will put drops in eyes(makes them blurry then) so we will go out to lunch after.
Hope all is well with you all, take care, have a good day.
rather windy here, and supposed to rain....very cloudy.........who knows. I know tomorrow definitely is to be rain.
Muzzaman, I'm glad you had a fun poker night though had to recover Saturday. A cold beer sounds good. Maybe I shouldn't say that since it is just past 10:30 am here. ( I haven't had a beer since last summer!)
Those guys were talked about by the Penguins' announcers. They said they had to play somewhere over 260 consecutive hours if I remember correctly. They sure have raised a lot of money for the hospital over the years.

Poirot, hopefully the optical lab made a mistake and no new vision problems have emerged. I'm glad the computer problems are fixed.
There are so many scams. We have a friend whose parents got scammed and lost $2000. Apparently, scammers are now able to take your Instagram videos or any social media that has your voice and recreate it, then call grandparents asking for emergency financial help. They say they need bail in this instance. Plus they call in the middle of the night so more incoherent by being woken up.

Such Schmidty people out there.

Yes, I think you're right, RS. They had to play over 260 hours to break their previous record.

Glad you have a friend to drive you. Mike had drops put in his eyes that afterwards made vision fuzzy but I was out of town and couldn't pick him up so he walked home barely being able to make anything out. Silly guy could've called a neighbour. Enjoy lunch.
Muzza, that's awful that the people were scammed.
My brother-in-law received one of those calls on his home phone while talking to my nephew on his cell phone. He put the phone on speaker so my nephew could hear his own voice in the scammers' call before my brother-in-law hung up on them.
My nephew is a corporate lawyer and is not on any social media so he couldn't figure out how they got his voice.
Morning.... we had a windy, light show, sky rumbling night.... while I was able to sleep through it Vinnie had other plans. He was very upset and this is spring so it was the first of the potentially many nights.... Vinnie is at day care today. I'll be doing housework while he is gone.
Muzz glad you had a fun night..... that sounds like a fun Friday night....

Happy Tuesday to all....
Sunny and 65. I think the sunny streak ends tomorrow.

redsquirrel: I will join you in prayers for those in the "Tornado Alley" areas. May they all be safe and not suffer a lot of damage. Congrats on being vigilant and not trusting that email. These days, too many fake emails, texts and phone calls. Better to err on the side of caution.

Muzza: How wonderful about the Calgary Children's Hospital!

Poirot: Great news about your technology being fixed, and best of luck with your eyes.

Robin: Hope you get your housework done without Vinnie underfoot.

It's cloudy, very windy and in the 70s.

I woke up early when it was storming. I think I slept a little before I had to get up.
Summary up. I'm staying in to work on studies since I'm tired and high wind.

Poirot, I'm glad the tech guy was able to fix things for you. Did you get Facebook fixed? Good luck with the
eye doctor. I had a problem when glasses didn't work. Another doctor took over business of previous doctor
when he was sick. They found out eye test or glasses were done wrong.

rs, enjoy your nice day before the rain comes again.

Muzzaman, I'm glad you had a fun Friday night.

robin, stay safe during the stormy weather.

Wilde Woman, enjoy your pretty day.

rf, enjoy your week before the stormy weekend.

Wishing everyone a pleasant rest of the day.
Aahh, hard to believe that since we live so far apart, the same thing happened to me at eye dr. as to Kat. Either the previous test was wrong, or the glasses........(I think the test more likely, as this new doc said he wasn't charging for the visit. )
I wasn't charged for my second visit either. I was getting headaches with the glasses.
My friend drove me, we went to lunch, which was really nice. Gotta say tho, eating out has really gotten expensive, I realize this is a tourist area, but the season as not started yet. LOL.......then again, the snowbirds are returning until they leave again in the fall, so....guess they have to take advantage while they can.
Hello. I've been 65 miles away to the city all day. My niece had an eye doctor appointment and several errands to do so I went along for the ride and for lunch--at Cracker Barrel, her favorite place to eat.
It was sunny and rather hot, got to 90* more or less. We stopped in the smaller town 25 miles from home on our way back, and each got a few things at the grocery store. A day like this wears both of us out anymore. Neither of us sleeps well so we tend to start out tired.
We were going to take some baby possums from the animal control lady to a lady in the city who rescues them. (Their mother had been killed). But somebody else had already taken them. We took a baby bobcat to that lady a couple of years ago.

Squirrel, I'm glad you prevailed and got a check sent to you.

Poirot, fingers crossed that your electronics keep working.

Kat and Poirot, the same thing has happened to me with glasses not being right. I finally quit wearing them because I can see better without them than with them, which isn't so great. Thinking I should probably find a new eye doctor but a combination of inconvenience and hassle makes me not want to do that.

I hope everybody was safe from the storms. I haven't had a chance to catch up on news yet. Gotta get supper now.....