4/17/19 - Donuts and Blueberry Banana Smoothie

Hi all..been a busy day for me...I had an errand, but time ran away this a.m., but wasn't worried.Alas it began to rain, pour, thunder, the whole shebang. I left at 12:30, figuring to stop at WAlmart for a few things. Quickly did so, then spent a half hour waiting in lines because of customers' problems with their credit cards. Took the wrong set of papers with me...will have to trek out again tomorrow. And I needed gas, and evidently picked the slowest pump at the station. Finally just shut it off....gave up. Rain stopped finally just a bit ago...temp kept dropping all day,,,so..wet, cold, ugh. Glad Mandy did not run into this for her move! Hope the forecast for snow showers on Thurs. is wrong.
OC: thanks for the update. Cows are creatures of habit like we are when it comes to food (wink).

Poirot: oh my that is just too much cold, damp and wet weather! Fingers crossed tomorrow is a better day to finish errands.
I’m pretty new here so I don’t know your story Manda, but my heart both breaks and sings for you. It breaks for what you’ve obviously been through but sings at your strength and resolve. Give yourself a big hug and pat on the back from me.
Gleneden beach is down along the Oregon coast. I haven't been in that area for decades, but my younger daughter's son is attending college down in Eugene, so she has been down there several times. She specifically mentions enjoying Lincoln City which is just a few miles from Gleneden Becah. Beautiful area.
RosesRYellow - welcome to donuts and thanks. It's been a long rocky road, but I'm working my way to freedom and happiness.

OC - spring is always the worst for allergies, mine have been starting to hit me the last few days. I need to find my generic zyrtec or buy some more.
Lil0, thanks for the information about Gleneden. My friend thinks it's beautiful there. They go every year and stay in some place on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Manda, I keep thinking I'll take Zrytec but it wipes me out so, when I begin taking it, I've just put it off. (But it works better for me than Claritin or other allergy meds). The recommendations on any allergy medication is to start taking it before the season arrives but I never do that and maybe should.