4-18-19 - Donuts and Buttercups

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I have a buttercup opened up next to my back door, a few other ones just outside the yard. They are always cheery to me. I was awakened before daylight with bumps in the dark. Sounded like on the glass of my storm door in front but it could have been anywhere. It was around 6:00 and I was happy to have gotten seven hours of sleep. I almost never do that.

The days are getting longer in a hurry. At 7:15 this morning the sun was already a good ways up. Only a week ago it was just starting to peek over the horizon at 7:15.

Rk, I woke up this morning thinking about you. Any updates on your dad?

Have a good day, everyone.
I'd be happy to see a buttercup, gotta tell ya. Gloomy & overcast here, rained more during the night, but temp is 36, so thankfully, nothing froze. I have another super busy day today, probably won't see the show at all. I hope it won't be raining hard all day, but then there is a bright spot. Yesterday, got a free car wash in the downpour, lol.
It's going to be cloudy here today. It rained during the night. If there were thunderstorms,
I didn't wake up.There shouldn't be anymore rain today.

Cat going to the vet this morning. I'll be doing Bible study today and tomorrow since I can't
be outside.

Poirot, I love free car washes.

OC, I have never seen a buttercup before. Are they in daffodil family?

rk, I hope your dad's surgery went well yesterday.

Wishing everyone a blessed day.
Morning Everyone,
I finally slept well last night, but feel even more tired today, than I have. I think my adrenaline rush is finally wearing off, from the last week. We had storms last night too, Gena nervous even more because of them, but she fell asleep fast once she let herself relax. My sweet girl has been so worried that the Easter Bunny and Santa wouldn't be able to find our new apartment, so I got out her elf on a shelf (which I had tucked in with her Easter Basket stuff) and wrote a note for the elf saying that Santa let elf know that Gena was worried they wouldn't find us, so she made an extra visit down to let her know that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy all got our change of address notice from the post office. I've never seen a kid so excited to see a Christmas Elf in April. :)

OC - What a treat to wake up to pretty spring flowers.
Poirot - hurray for free car washes, I was grateful for the free one I got too, washed off all the Texas dirt from the last snow storm.
Kat - good luck with your kitty at the vet, enjoy your Bible study
Kat, I don't know anything about the Buttercup family. The flowers are larger than daffodils and they don't grow up as tall. There is only one flower on a plant. It has five petals, I think, reminding me of the petals on primrose or poppy, but they stand more upright, like a cup shape. During the day the flower closes up and only opens in the evening, early morning, or on cloudy/overcast days. They best part is their bright yellow color.
Came in to do a quick post, but now I need someone to pass the tissues. I have tears coming down after reading about Gena being worried that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy wouldn't find them. Amanda, you are such a special Mom to bring your Elf back out with a message for her.

Most of my new office furniture is here. Just waiting for that company's men to finish putting it together. Then I'll just need my lateral filing cabinets, but those won't be here for 3 weeks.

OC - The buttercups here are about the size of my thumb.
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Morning all...... it is going to get warm today and warmer tomorrow..
looking forward to the weekend.....

Manda good idea to have the elf explain to Gena that every thing would be okay......Santa wise......

RS lovely how things come together isn't it...... I once got a telephone but no desk... I had to "borrow" the reception area end table for a desk and phone stand for weeks till the desk arrived.... the higher ups were not pleased with the optics of the lamp on the floor......guess they'd have like me on the floor..... I moved the lamp to my area too.... at least then "the public" couldn't see the lamp on the floor..... not that the public or clients ever came to the office.....

Off for a fun filled day at work...
OC - my mother loved Buttercups and we always took drives in the spring to find the buttercups out in the woods. Ours are little too - like RS mentioned. I love that are days are getting longer - we have daylight right now 5:30 and the sun is setting about 8:30.

Poirot - you poor thing first the snow wouldn't stop now it's constant rain - your eyes are really going to need some adjusting time once your sun comes out.

Kat - enjoy your bible study! Is your kitty ok?

Manda - Poor Gena, isn't it awful what little kids can think about and upset themselves. She is such a sweet little girl - so glad you has you for her Momma!

RS - Yahoo new office furniture! That makes what you've been through with noise and dust somewhat worth it?

Robin - isn't it funny when we look back and think about some of things we have had to do to get the job done. Enjoy that warm weather and swim in your pool for me too!

Noel - Thank you for what you do! Hopefully everything is going good!

Today was suppose to be the best day in 2019 per all the weather people. It's cloudy (no sun) windy (was suppose to be calm) --- high of almost 70 and it's 59!

Last night my daughter had bathed both girls and then when they get out she takes Ember to her room and they read 2 books - Daddy takes Harlow to her room and is suppose to get her all dressed and read to her. Coley said she put Harlow on her bed and yelled to her Daddy that Harlow was on her bed. Daddy didn't come right away and Harlow got down and found a sharpie (red) and proceeded to color her forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Coley said all I could think of was thank goodness we just got their pictures taken for Easter. She tried rubbing alcohol and then hand sanitizer with aloe. Poor little Harlow doesn't look so good.

Have a great day
Cat is fine. It was his yearly check up.

Shan, poor Harlow. Time to hide the sharpies.

manda, I'm glad Gena knows she won't be forgotten on the holidays.

robin, I hope you had a fun day.

rs, enjoy the new office furniture.
Oh, my goodness, poor little Harlow. Read somewhere you are not to rub the area, just hold cotton ball soaked in the rubbing alcohol , then wipe (probably several times. I think it is going to just take some time. The hand sanitizer with aloe was a good try and well, same procedure. Did some come off?
Wish I could remember where I just saw a commercial for something new, that is supposed to really work. If I see or remember. will post. Hugs to the little tyke.