4-20-16 - Donuts and Sunshine


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. The sun is shining and the birds are singing for a beautiful start to the day. It is currently in the 50s, and will reach the mid 70s today.

I'll be leaving soon to work at a preschool about a half hour north. The kids are always very well behaved, and the teachers are prepared so it is a pleasure to work with them. This school makes up for some that are nightmares.
Ah yes, I remember it well. Amazing the differences in schools/classes, huh? (I used to do testing like RS some years ago).
Good morning all, grey & gloomy here, turned a lot colder, in the 40s. Lots to do today, hope everyone has a good one.
Thank goodness I no longer have to lug the big lighted screening boxes with the "tumbling E" charts. This small auto-refractor is a lot lighter compared to that. (Except when I have to take the printer to places that request the results be printed on site.)

We still have to do cover/uncover/alternate cover to detect muscle weaknesses, stereo butterfly for depth perception, and red/green & blue/yellow color perception screenings the old fashion way. There are no modern ways to do those.

Before anyone says you can do those screenings and vision testing with online programs........NO, NO , NO, NO! Never ever rely on them. The results are not accurate, and in no way compensate for a vision screening by a professional. The professional is trained and certified to recognize when anything deviates from the norm in order to refer someone to an optometrist or ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam.
Good morning. It's cloudy, but will be warm with no rain. Yesterday was so nice, even Sparky (he can see out the windows) was screaming to go outside. I took him out and we walked around for a long time. I tried to take some pictures of him (while I was holding him on my arm) with the purple wildflowers in the background, but he wouldn't cooperate; kept trying to bite the camera, lol. I had to sit him on the back of a chair on the porch for this one:


Take care everyone!
First, I want to add that people shouldn't take a parrot outside unless they know the bird very well and they are attached to each other "emotionally". There are certainly sad stories about a beloved bird getting away.

JS, parrots love affection. They mate for life and their human becomes their mate. Sparky loves for me to scratch his head and under his wings, but don't mess with that tail, lol! Parrots do seem to prefer men or women and get more aggressive with the opposite sex. I don't know why and it doesn't seem to matter if the parrot is male or female. Strange, lol.
Good Morning Everyone,

Warmer today than yesterday, but it's supposed to start raining again later. Back on overtime today too, yippee skippy. Dinner last night turned out fabulous, although I think I'd layer half the soup over the chicken and half over the stuffing as some of the stuffing was a little dry. Although once I stirred it all up, it softened quickly. Definitely something I will make again. :) My picky husband even loved it.

Our troop meeting went really well. The girls loved making our troop "nest" for treasures we find while we are out and about this summer. It's very fancy made of old ribbon and lace scraps that were found at my mother-in-laws house. The girls don't know where the supplies came from, but it makes it just a bit more special to me.

KT - Sparky is beautiful, I tend to have very mixed feelings about birds, lovely in pictures and on the other side of a window as long as they are no where near me. Glad you have a wonderful relationship with your parrot.

RS - good luck with your screenings today.

Barb - hope you can get through your to-do list.

JS - that's a funny story about your friends parrot.
Good morning. Squirrel, I commend you for keeping up the good work, in spite of health problems and weather and other issues. It makes me think of one of Johnny Horton's patriot songs, about "Snow Shoes Thompson," who packed the mail on through the Rockies, against all odds. I love his old album about legendary heroes. Glad today is good weather and good kids for you.

Poirot, I hope you get done what needs doing. Gloomy weather makes that even harder than usual for me.

Kt, Sparky's colors are breathtaking! Like J.S., I am fascinated by parrots too. I appreciate her questions and your answers. I wanted a parrot so much when I was a kid, but never got one. My mother got me a parakeet but it got out the door and flew away.

J.S., that is so funny about the parrot that liked the girl figure but was aggressive with the boy. Very curious!

I'm in a pickle today. Yesterday I got all ready to go to town--put on makeup and fixed my hair, which I never do unless I'm going some place. Then I never could get the husband in gear so it was all for naught. I even drove out the three miles to check the roads and they were surprisingly good. It wasn't urgent that I go yesterday but is getting more so today. BUT, we got another two inches of rain last night! Guess I'll go out and check the roads again but I'm not very hopeful about them now.
Right about now meeting up with Don Craig would be a great idea.

I asked my Dad where he was. He is in a civilian hospital off base in California. A base he is building for training purposes, and it is 1917. And someone let the dogs out, as they are running down the street. But he is clear he broke his hip. Not clear on who I am.

He could be a lot more fun this way then the way he was before he fell. Before the fall, he was mean and cruel. Now fun and silly. He wants to know how Matlock got in that small box. (the tv is on in the room) I said it was a television. A what? It's going to be a really long day.
Another cloudy day here. Highs in the 60s. OC, will you send me some of
your rain. We only had a big rain on Monday here. Sprinkles off and on.
South and north of me got a more rain. The weather channel map shows
my area in state no rain today. Everywhere south rain.

Mrs Finch decided to use the old planter for her bird nest. Maybe one day
another bird family will use the other one.

Nice picture of Sparky, kt

I enjoyed the story of the Gomez, JS

Have a good time at the store, robin.

I'm glad your dinner turned out well, manda.

rs, I hope the screening went well.

Poirot, I hope you're getting your chores done.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Just a quick drop-in on my Sister's Day. My Sis & I are chatting it up. Then we're going out to lunch and off to see The Jungle Book. Somehow I think I'll miss the song Bare Necessities as I'm a vintage Disney fan. Still it looks beautiful on screen. Wishing each of you a blessed day. I'll try to catch up at work tomorrow.
RS - have fun with the preschool kids. That must be an awesome job!

KT - what beautiful bird. She sounds like she has you trained as well as Remmy

Amanda - glad your dinner turned out - it sounded so good.

Robinsnest - glad you have some humor going today. It beats the other and makes for better days.

Noel - enjoy the day with your sister!

My daughter is vegetarian and is quite pregnant, taking her Masters classes and has a 5 year old, so I decided I will fix her some dinner since her husband has been working from dusk to dawn landscaping.

SO.... I made her some meatloaf from a recipe I got off the internet. It turned out looking really good and even smelled like meatloaf. She just sent me a text and said it was yummy. She needs her protein right now and nothing sounds good to her, so I'm glad I could do it. She has been so close to eating meat lately but starts thinking about the poor animal and the abuse they go through and just can't.

Another gorgeous day and I'm trying to spend as much time in the evening outside as I can. Last night I sat out until 9:30 to see the stars. It doesn't get dark until 8:45 now so my evenings are getting longer and longer.

Have a good day
Kt - Sparky is lovely.
Robin - I'm sorry you're having such a rough time with your dad, but pleased that he is more enjoyable to be around right now.
Noel - Do let us know how the movie is. My husband, daughters, and I are huge Disney fans but we're a little leery about the new Jungle Book movie.
Shanrick - your daughter may want to consider grass fed beef and pasture raised beef and chicken. They're a bit pricy, but the animals are treated much more humanely than the ones in confined feed lots.

Edited to add a comment, and then to correct a spelling error.
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Love all your stories and tidbits.I did need some laughs.......been a totally hectic day, with many interruptions, unexpected visitors, problems, and I will not go onto any more. "Nuff said.

Robin..........does sound like fun, being back in a building from 1917. Guess your dad has a bit of a problem with his long term memory.

Definitely a gorgeous pic of Sparky......such beautiful colors.

No idea when the sun may shine again here. Hubby was trying to pick up all the fallen branches all over, but it was doing him in...The maple in front by the lake is budding up, good to see. I am tired, just too many annoyances today......just one thing piled atop another, all happening within short periods of time. LOL

We have our only two grocery stores undergoing renovations, aisle changing, stuff being added and subtracted, so.....if you don't think going to the store to get things you need or are out of is not a pain you know where, think again. Sorry, I am just tired, and would love to just get away, and cannot. LOL
Kat, if we get any more rain tonight, I'll try real hard to send it your way. We have a 60% chance between 1 and 4 a.m.

Poirot, I feel for you. Maybe you and I could meet in Missouri and hide out from everybody and everything for a while. :)

Noel, I hope you had lots of fun on Sisters' Day!

Robin, thanks for sharing the light-hearted side of your dad's situation. It could end up being an interesting saga. My grandmother used to say the funniest things when she had dementia. There is a lot about it that isn't funny. You have to look for relief where you can find it.

Shan, you are a a very thoughtful mother, to make an unusual meal for your daughter. I think it would be a challenge to keep up with the nutritional needs.

We made it to town today. I could hardly believe the roads weren't very soggy or slick. It looks like a lot of the gravel washed off and the road is down to bedrock in places. The rain we've had the past few days has come down hard and fast.