4/22/19 - Donuts & Rain, Rain, Rain!


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Nov 23, 2006
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Mornin' all.....and it is still raining here!...Yesterday a.m. sun came out, a bit weakly, but was out. Came out of church to find it had rained a bit, and was a bit windy. Well, for the rest of the day, yep, sun came & went all day. And then, it began to thunder, lightning, pour rain, thunder, lightning, wow! All evening, into the wee hours. That part has stopped, but still raining. And of course, my rain gauge is not registering , tho I put it back out. Inside, got the date, time, but no measurements from out there. If it wasn't still raining so much, I'd go check to make sure I did not set it out upside down! LOLOL. Hey, one never knows. Electronic things are a pain you know where. The year before I forgot it, left it out in the snow, freezing weather, etc. Maybe it is paying me back for not letting it stay out in the weather. Ha.

Tis Monday, start of another work week, I just wish I did not wake up so early, it is tooooo early. Coffee done......Hope all enjoy the day.
Good morning ~
Cloudy here, but no rain so far. Had a good time yesterday with family and friends at my daughter's house down at the end of the street. In recent years, our "Easter egg hunt" has morphed into a GPS exercise. My son-in-law hides a treasure for each person and then gives each person the GPS coordinates to guide them in their search. Great fun.
Today is Earth Day. There are several teams on the island who will begin a 3 month challenge to reduce their carbon footprint. It is a friendly competition to see which team can do the best. The challenge has been named "Taming Bigfoot". lol Seems an appropriate name in the Pacific Northwest.
Have a great day.
Hi all. My dad is doing well but still pretty tired. Our moving date has not changed. Dad can't do nothing but he can boss people around on how he wants things in the trailers. We might have over 10 people coming to help. We usually have a church service the first saturday of the month and our pastor decided to cancel it and all members to come and help us and bless the house. So I think we have plenty of people plus a few relatives also helping.
Happy Earth Day!

Well the earth looks the same here in this drought stricken desert but I cherish the beautiful parts of our globr. Easter was touching and beautiful.

Poirot:. I am constantly surprised at how much snow it rain your area receives each year. Hope it brightens up soon.

Lilo: your GPS hunt sounds great fun. I may borrow that idea next year too. Let's hope you don't get too much rain.

RKN: that I'd such wonderful news about your father plus church members helping with the move. What a joyful blessing.

To all posting later I am thinking of you and wishing you a great Monday. Manda you and Gena remain in our prayers.
Good morning. RK, I'm so happy for your dad and your whole family, that he is doing okay. After what he's been through, maybe everyone will just be glad to have him home and not mind taking orders from him on how to load the trailers. :) How nice of your church to pitch in and help!

Noel, glad you had a good Easter. Wish you could have more of the seasonal changes to enjoy.

Lil0, your daughter lives just down the street from you? Wow, how nice! The GPS hunt sounds fun for most. I'd be out though, since I don't even know how to use the one on my car. I had to laugh about Big Foot, as it made me think of what my daughter-in-law told me. Their two daughters, 5 and 6, have spent very little time in the country so it is strange to them. On the way out here, one of them asked if this is where Big Foot lives! I said they might see a Chupacabra but probably not Big Foot. :eek:

Poirot, at first I thought maybe you needed the moisture but then I quickly decided, after all the snow you've had, it must take a while to dry out. Sure wish you'd get more sunshine! And sleep. My weather station has been on the blink too, but it's been out there for more years than I can remember. Sometimes it doesn't register the rain, and a few mornings lately it said the temperature was in the 80s*, when it was much lower. Guess I need to break down and get a new one, but then I'd need somebody to install it. I have other rain gauges, a nice big one on my deck.

I'm washing towels and bedding, and puttering around the house today. It is mostly cloudy today, with rain chances starting tonight through Thursday night. Warm enough.
Still raining here. My rain gauge is in two parts. Simple. One sits just outside, collecting rain, it is self emptying. The monitor is inside (has batteries which I replaced) and records the rainfall, gives warning for flood watch, etc. HAD it for A few years, never a problem. No idea why it suddenly will not show rainfall. It does the date, time. I tried to go to an online manual, which was no help at all.
Guess it is time for me, too, to get another. I really liked this, batteries lasted forever, it seemed. I only changed them in desperation. Trouble is, they don't make this model any more, and it looks like the nearest to it is nearly double the price I paid. No replacement parts to be had either.
RK, I know a few dads who aren't able to do anything either, same thing....know exactly how to order everyone else to do exactly as they say. LOL
While we had tons of snow to melt, don't know how much the ground defrosted. I know it has at least partially, there are no lakes forming atop the ground. This also helps the ice on lakes break up. But sure is chilly! Just 40*
That GPS hunt does sound like fun......tho I also am unsure about them. I have one I have used on occasion in the car, but definitely needs updating. I don't put co-ordinates in, just addresses. :) It is not part of car, but one I plug in. A voice comes on saying you have x amount of miles to go, or turn left in 1 mile. Etc. Needs updating, as definitely wrong on occasions. Ha.
RK.......I do agree it is wonderful so many are coming to help with the move. Are you taking some things over early, putting away. (meaning clothes, rarely used kitchen items, stuff like that?
Another pretty day here before rain comes. I went to town this morning. After I got
home, I used my trimmer before lunch and after. I plan to work in the flowerbed later.
I couldn't stay out as long as I wanted yesterday because it got in the 80s.

rk, I'm glad your dad is doing fine and your church is helping you move.

Poirot, I hope you can get on a better sleeping schedule.

Lil0, I'm glad you had a nice Easter.

Noel, I'm glad you had a nice Easter too.

OC, I hope you got your washing done.

manda, I hope your Easter went well.

Wishing everyone a good rest of the day.

Good Afternoon Everyone,
Sorry I'm so late to the party, Gena hasn't been feeling well since Saturday. Today I ended up calling in to stay with her. I also did laundry, washed dishes, set-up the computer hung a couple pictures, and setup the Netflix receiver. Yesterday we enjoyed breakfast at church and Gena hunted for Easter eggs, then we had dinner at my mom's house.

RK so glad you'll have lots of help for moving.
Poirot, storms are moving in this afternoon.
Lil0, you basket hunt sounds really fun.
Kat, enjoy your time with the flowers, I need to get some pots for my balcony.
Noel, so happy you had a great Easter.
OC, I feel like all I do is putter around the house lately.

Have a great rest of you day!
We had a beautiful Easter and the kids had a blast. The weather was perfect. Sunny, no wind and a high of almost 70. We all ate too much and then we all went for a walk. The little girls kept asking why are we on a walk - why do we have to walk - LOL

Have a good day
Hi everybody. I'm one tired squirrel today. After the required Monday morning meetings I went to 4 different sites in my southern county to do programs. When I got back this afternoon, I had to hurriedly unpack boxes so my filing cabinets will fit in the room. They'll be put in first thing tomorrow morning.

I had a wonderful Easter with the family in Pittsburgh. Everyone was there except the 2 in California. My 9 month old great niece is just too adorable for words. She's grown so much since Christmas. The only times that she got upset were when her Dad (my nephew) was out of her sight. She even fought her Mom over diaper changes. When Mom would give up, she'd stay perfectly still for Dad to change them.

rk - That's wonderful that your pastor is having everyone help you move instead of having services. They'll be doing God's work instead of sitting and listening about it.
Manda, I feel like I don't do much more than putter most of the time. I hope Gena feels better soon. The both of you have had so much to deal with lately but I'm thinking in the long run your lives may become less stressful than they had been before this change. (Not to diminish the possible conflicts of emotions that may arise at times).

Shan, that's funny about your grandgirls wondering why they had to walk. I bet you'll get them conditioned to it. When my younger son and his wife's two older kids were little, they didn't want to go on the hikes with their parents, but they have come to enjoy it now. Good thing too, since they are the ones going to live and travel in a camper and they do LOTS of hiking. Glad you finally had some nice weather.

I don't think much about Earth Day. People who live on farms and ranches are naturally conscientious about the environment. There is an unavoidable awareness of one's connection to, and dependence on, the land and therefore, have a built-in desire to preserve it.

Yesterday I thought for a minute, if I'd known my granddaughters would be here on Easter, I could have gotten them an Easter basket, but then, on second thought, I don't think having them hunt for eggs in my yard would be a good idea. They might find a snake instead of an egg! Anyway, their mother had brought some goodies for them. I did have an unusual bit of fun though. I still have an Easter bonnet I wore when I was about their age, so I managed to talk one of them into putting it on and letting me take a picture of her in it. I have a picture of my sister and me with our baskets and dressed in our Easter frocks, and I was wearing that same bonnet so the granddaughter was able to see it. Of course it was more fun for me than it was for her. :rolleyes:

Uh oh, Squirrel, it seems your g-niece is definitely going to be a daddy's girl. That's sweet, how she would be still for him. Goodness, they certainly piled the work on you today at work! It will be nice having your file cabinet, and everything else to come, in place. Maybe you can finally get settled now. I hope the rest of the week is less demanding than today.
Robin's son: thanks do much for the surgery update. Please let her know she is in our thoughts and prayers.
that is so thoughtful & kind of her son to come here and let us know. So glad Robin came thru so well!