4/23/20 - Donuts and opossum


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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This morning, I saw an opossum out the kitchen window. He was on the other side
of the fence taking a stroll.

Goldie and I had a nice walk this morning since the rain has been called off for today.
If the forecast is correct, we should be able to walk tomorrow morning too. It's too
cloudy and damp to be outside today.

I'm not sure what's going on in the bird basket. I think the babies flew off, but I'm
not sure. I think another bird moved in and Mrs Finch isn't able to use it
In the fall, I need to clean out a lot of the nesting stuff to see better.

OC, I hope you're ok after the bad storms

I hope everyone has a good day.
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Good morning my friends......I already have been out to the auto shop where my son was getting an oil change. I still have to get together something for the mail, hubby has been on phone for over 1/2 hour with doctor and "phone visit", so calls I have to make will have to wait. I got a robot call yesterday from the doctor's office saying they will be offering "video" doctor visits. Egads! Still don't know how that works with listening to your heart, lungs, taking blood pressure. Blood test tomorrow, I cancelled the "phone visit" for me to mid-June. We will see. Yesterday, I had to run an errand out to the lake where I saw my old house, the lower brick on the addition all gone, with fake logs instead. Guess the owners want to have a rustic log cabin.Saw a lot of snow still out there, but lake is wide open, looks lovely. Miss seeing the wildlife.....loons, eagles, foxes, not much missing the bears, tho. LOL
good morning all..... I received this little picture yesterday
donuts camille.jpg

Poirot we have a doctor's office advertising on TV that they do phone visits.... that's cool..... but it a urology clinic.... so..... how do they do this over the phone? My mind is confused... so many questions.....

I did have a video doctor's appointment last year, I had a UTI and my doctor couldn't get me in that day but 3 days later... I said but I have a bladder infection... the earliest we can see you is 3 days.... so I used the phone a doctor option provided by insurance..... the doctor asked have you ever had a bladder infection before?? I rolled my eyes... I literally rolled my eyes.... the doctor laughed and said okay then.... otherwise how to you feel.... please take your hand make a fist and lightly tap your by your kidneys.... then prescribed antibiotics and said to drink lots of water and cranberry juice..... it took less than 10 minutes it was a good experience....

We are waiting for the A/C man... the annual check up for the unit. Good thing too... it's going to be 96 today.....

Let's have a great Thursday.......
Good late morning everyone,

It's cold and overcast today. Gena and I drove to get her lunch, as my friend's little boy is sick and couldn't take him out to get his lunch, so we got an extra and dropped it off so he'd have lunch. She's a single mom who normally cleans homes for work, but between her son being home and the virus, she hasn't been able to work.

Gena finally finished the dishes at 9:15 last night. I gave her the option of earning her tablet back if she vacuums today. The computer is still off limits until next week.

Kat - aww, it's too bad you missed the baby birds flying off.

Poirot - I'm sure some things can't be checked virtually, but other things most people could do themselves and relay to the doctor if you have the required equipment. I'd be willing to give it a try.

Robin - oh my, she gets cuter all the time, I hope your AC unit is ok.
Robin, oh my, look at that adorable smile. What a cutie pie!

Kat, it's good you are getting some weather breaks that allow you and Goldie to walk. I wish your opossum would send some of his friends to visit me! About those storms, thanks for thinking of me. Truth is, I didn't even know about the storms until I saw it on the news this morning. It didn't do anything here. My niece did tell me there had been wind and hail in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area yesterday but then this morning I heard that three people were killed in south Texas.

Manda, I had to smile at Gena pushing the edge and not getting dishes done until 9:15 last night. She must really not like doing dishes. I hope she'll get used to it at some point but my mother made me dust/polish furniture when I was about that age and I disliked it very much. To this day, that is a job I will put off way too long.

Poirot, I've already opted out of one video call with a doctor. If they keep doing that, it may cure me of going to a doctor at all. I'm glad you got to see the lake but I can imagine it may have stirred up some feelings to see your house, especially with the changes being made to it.

I had planned to get out and drive around the pasture this morning to look for my cows. As usual, I got a late start, then I had to check the vehicles for mice. Found one in a trap in the oldest truck. Decided to deal with an issue with my car. The wheel wells get filled with hard dried mud on these gravel roads. The car had been making a noise for a while, like it does when a tire is rubbing against the dried mud, so I washed all that out. But it still made the noise. I was driving forward, backing up, getting out to look, etc., when something popped. A big piece of hard plastic or vinyl had come off from underneath the car and I had driven over it....broke it, whatever it was.

After I parked the car I went to get in the truck and noticed a tire was very low. It's had a slow leak but had not gotten really low until now. I drove it around and aired it up and by that time I was so hot and tired, I came inside and had lunch. Now debating on whether to go for the drive or not. I've lost my enthusiasm and it's hotter than it was a couple of hours ago.