4/25/2023 - Donuts and Red Hat Society 25th anniversary


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas

I know some on this board are or were members....... this sounds delightful.... but I did get out to Lunch on Sunday so I'll have to bask in the friendship from them..... picking my sister up at the airport to get the final packing done. We will visit with my step mother tonight and take her to dinner for the last time in Phoenix.

Happy Tuesday....
Ahhhh, yes...I was a red hatter....in fact, was the "queen mum" as one of the husbands still calls me. LOL. It was a lot of fun, we went on little trips, sort of sight seeing around the area here. Definitely LUNCHES, even a couple of dinners. Under 50 wore pink hats, we even did a "graduation" when a pink hatter was able to step up into a red hat. LOL. There was a couple at a nearby table, they stopped on way out, was his birthday, and best one he ever had, he said. Entertainment galore. Ha.
Twas all fun, til they began to charge for being a chapter, & per member, with Queen paying more. However, we still all get together for lunches. But admit, our red hats always caused a stir wherever we went. Ha.
Sun came our early this a.m. , tho seems to be clouding up a bit now. Did I tell you about the snow cloud that passed over last evening? All of a sudden, huge snowflakes were coming down, eventually getting smaller, little dots, and bingo, it was over. Lasted about 5 minutes. Weird. It was 46 at the time. Watched Days this morning.........only have one word to say.......Ugh! Just my thought, folks.
Good morning. I'm glad your snow storms are fizzling out, Poirot. I'd never heard of the Red Hat thing until hearing it from you, but my mother had six sisters and when they got older they would take trips together, dress up in purples and reds, and had the best time.

Robin, your stepmother is going to miss you. Here's hoping her own kids will step up. It's nice you've had different family members pop in to help you. Soon you will be stretching and clipping in that last wire (thinking of finishing up a barbed wire fence) and what a relief it will be! How's HB's head, where he had the stitches from surgery?

I've got a lot of things going on this week and next, and so does my niece. We're still trying to figure out how to work things in--especially around possible severe thunderstorms the next couple of days. Have rescheduled appointment to take my car to the city for a recall, twice already.

Wishing everyone a good day.
It's cloudy this morning with off and on rain during the day. Rain all day tomorrow so I'll probably stuck inside.

Last night, I started feeling icky. Today I have runny nose and body feels yucky. Hopefully, it's just a cold.
I'm going to overdress when I take Fenix out.

I was disappointed after I got done with lawyer. I thought I was picking up papers so I can start the process
for my brother. The info has to go to country where he died so it's filed in county. I have to wait until petition
is filed. I can't do much until I get ok.

I'm planning to go to brother's apartment on Friday even though I may not have papers to take to the
post office, but I'll take other paperwork and maybe I can get his mail.

robin, when is moving day? I hope your dinner with stepmom goes well. I'm guessing no one else has
volunteered to help her since you're moving.

Poirot, I hope you don't get more snow this year.

OC, good luck getting all your chores done over the next two weeks.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Robin - Thanks for posting about the Red Hat Society. Good Stuff.

Poirot - Appreciate your adding to the story. Was never involved but always knew about it, nice history.

OC - Hope you get all your errands done before the storms hit.

Kat - You have been running around a lot and might have caught a cold, and the weather has been so fickle. Sorry you are still dealing with more paperwork you did not expect. As always, take it one step at a time.

A sunny 56 in NY now, chilly morning in the 40s.
