4-26-18 - Donuts and Monkey Bread

Was just going to suggest the same thing, Kat. Plus...OC, maybe you can find PJ bottoms...or PJs...I found men's sweat pants rolled up and packaged...last month...where the socks were......at WalMart

That refinery fire was on national news.and they just broke in...is out...tho some more wispy smoke has appeared. they have not yet lifted the evacuation deal...want to make sure it is out
Shan: your area is gorgeous to visit or live. I am not surprised the hospitals were overwhelmed after the volcanic eruption but that is a long way to go when in labor.

Kat: thanks for the King review. It sounds great and I hope it plays here soon.

Night all.
Thanks for the suggestions about sweat pants but I was told to do that from the beginning and have put his name on everything with permanent marker. It doesn't seem to make any difference. I did see some "sleeper pants" today but they too were short. I took some pajama bottoms for him at first. They didn't get used. I can't recall whether I brought them home or if they disappeared. The only store in the town where the nursing home is located is a Dollar store. I got some of the sweats there this winter but I looked the other day and they don't have any now. Guess I'll have to order some from Amazon.

I didn't hear about the explosion on the news. I was surprised to hear of a refinery up that way. It's good they got the fire put out. I hope no one dies from it.

The radio news for Texas the past couple of days has been of the two police officers who were shot in the Dallas area yesterday morning, at a Home Depot. The male officer died. The female is in very bad shape. I haven't heard anything about it on the national news though.
OC, I wondered if you already put his name on them. I would contact someone there
and tell them to find his pants. Someone else at the nursing home must be
wearing them. Hopefully, that is the only problem you have at the nursing home.
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Outside of doing his laundry yourself, cannot imagine what else you can do. Obviously, whoever is in charge of the laundry isn't doing their job the way it should be done.
A Guy, I was going to suggest her getting weird colors or something with
patterns on them. They would be easy to spot if OC saw them. Otherwise
she wouldn't know.
Kat, there's no doubt someone else is wearing his pants. He's wearing other people's pants! You are right though, if this is the only (or the worst) problem I have with the nursing home, it just has to be put into perspective. (It in fact isn't the worst problem but I don't have a lot of options, and overall, it probably is about as good as it gets, for a nursing home).

Poirot, I do have the option of doing his laundry myself but it just isn't worth it, since he isn't even aware of what he's wearing and he wouldn't care if he did know.

A. Guy, :rotfl:, I can always count on you to give me something to laugh about. But seriously, I am tempted to go for the second ones, "Victorious," because without finding any at the Dollar Store or Wal-Mart, they are the least expensive ones I've seen so far. Most of the residents at the nursing home, my husband included, are way beyond self-awareness or embarrassment about anything.
OC, I didn't know if he would wear pink ones :)

I wish you had a better place you can take him to. I heard some places
are awful.