4/26/19 - Donuts and dentist


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Dec 29, 2012
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This morning, I have a dentist appt. This time they will need to take X-rays. It's suppose
to nice today so I'll be outside after lunch. There might be some rain breaks over the
weekend to be outside too.

Wishing everyone a great Friday and weekend.
Happy Friday!

Today I am taking off early [fingers crossed no changes by supervisors]. I hope to see the new Marvel Endgame movie -- I am so excited for this decade-long climax to all the stories! Sometimes - rarely - I like a few hours by myself to just be me.

We will reach 100F today. This weekend we're 98-99F predicted with full sun. To me, that means all afternoon indoor activities unless family has a game or something scheduled. The rate of melanoma is rising in Arizona despite many of us always wear sunglasses, sunscreen and hats in full sun. Try to keep a hat on a child...........ah, well..........

Sure hope your Friday is a good one and leads to a carefree weekend.

Kat: fingers-crossed the dentist finds no cavities in the x-rays and you enjoy a nice luncheon afterwards.
Good morning folks. Woke up again wayyyy too early, gonna make me fall asleep too early, terrible cycle. Have to say, I loved watching Music Man the other night, a real "feel good" movie, as there is not a single scene that makes you frown, or feel lousy. Last night, Shop Around the Corner, the oldie with Jimmy Stewart was on (not til 8:45) and of course, dozed off 15 min before the end. Dang it. However, have seen it enough times I know how it went, still would have liked to have seen it! Woke up and Gigi was on....but.......off to bed for me.
Was so cloudy, sun finally appeared 1/2 hr. ago, but....yep, tis gone. A cold front is moving in now, rain........maybe a bit of snow, and temps in 40s all week!!! (we got to 68 yesterday! Ah, so called Spring in northern WI. LOLOL
Managed to find a digital rain gauge at local hardware store, not the brand I wanted, but tis o.k. Today will be putting it together, if I can get it out of the sealed plastic. Ha.
Enjoy your day everyone. Robin, take it easy with the knee, Mandy, I think you got rained out yesterday, that was too bad. rk, getting closer to moving day, and I know Dad is getting restless having to take it easy. Insist! :)
Enjoy the movie, Noel, Muzza...are you going hiking this weekend? Or having company.......you are one busy guy. Daysdg, congrats on how much you have accomplished, all your "aunties & uncles" here have watched you go from high school, thru college......and now you will actually be moving to Israel. Is your family going, too, or just you?
RS...do not envy you one bit, however, you DO get to have your office the way that works best for YOU! :)
kat, hopefully, a painless dentist visit today, and all will be o.k. with the x-rays.
Take care, hey, it's Friday, and everyone gets a couple free days.
Hi all. Yesterday our close neighbor came and helped mom pack up whats in the China hutch. I started packing up my dad's toy tractors in there original boxes. I have don't much left in my bedroom. But we haven't even started in the kitchen yet. My sister and maybe aunt are coming on Sunday to help us.
Morning Everyone,
Poirot, you are correct, the baseball game last night was rained out. We had already ordered dinner at the "fancy" restaurant at the park, so we stayed to eat our Whiffer Waffle Sandwiches, which consist of fried chicken with bacon, pepper jack cheese, and maple aoli on waffles, there's supposed to be a Sriracha sauce too, but we left that off. Oh boy those were delicious and very filling, I'd totally eat one again. We can trade out tickets in for equal value seats at a future game. Plus we have tickets to the game on Sunday for Girl Scout day at the ballpark. Gena is starting to love baseball as much as I do, once I save up some money, we'll have to take a trip to Chicago (or Milwaukee would work I suppose) to see a Cubs game, just thinking about it makes me excited.

Kat - I hope everything turns out ok at the dentist.
Poirot - really hoping you don't get anymore snow.
Noel - enjoy your time to be you.
RKN - best wishes for speedy organized packing.

Have a great day!
Good morning. Manda, your meal at the park sounds delicious! How nice that you are getting some fun events and trips lined up for you and Gena. The two of you will have so much fun at ballgames and such.

Kat, dentist visits, never fun, but maybe yours was just routine with none of the painful procedures--I hope!

Rk, your dad's toy tractors sound interesting. Sounds like your family is "getting 'er done!" What a relief it will be, when the move is finally finished.

Noel, it's so nice to hear you are taking some time for yourself. Enjoy the long-anticipated movie. Looks like most of your activities will be indoors from here on. Maybe it is time to go back to the bonnets of pioneer days, and big straw hats for the guys. In my grandparents' generation they wore longhandles throughout the summer. Sounds awful to me but they said it actually kept them cooler before a/c.

Poirot, I didn't realize The Shop Around the Corner was on in time to get in on the beginning, but like you, I've watched it so many times I knew what happened. I watched the last 45 minutes of it, all the while thinking of you, but I figured you were in bed by then. I was surprised to see it when it's not Christmas season. I think one of the Hallmark channels is doing Christmas movies maybe once a week now, so that could have been part of it.

It's another nice day here today. My internet is completely down. Talked to my niece and she has no service either so the AT&T tower must be out of order. I was feeling disappointed I couldn't get online, then I remembered my Verizon hot spot so that's what I'm using for now. It sure has come in handy. Glad I still have it for a backup.
OC.......our newspaper told of a man in the area who got a DUI last week. While driving his farm tractor! LOLOL. Seems the squad car saw him driving along the road, deputy stopped him as he had 2 open cans of beer visible. Well, also had an open 15 pack of beer, an open 30 pack of beer, and a plastic bag full of empty beer cans. (by open packs, meaning the pkg seal was broken, cans removed). Alcohol blood level legal is 0.08......his was 0.13. If he was plowing a field, wonder how straight those rows are. LOL
Maybe we are all taking turns with no internet, mine was out the one day, too.
Have not had lunch, and Mandy's meal has me salivating. Off for something to eat, won't be as good, though!
Hi everyone. Just a quick fly by post. Monsoon rain here since last night. Roads are flooded, trees down, and power out in many places. I've had 3 pumps running continuously since my power came back on at 3:00 am. My cousin is still without electricity, heat, etc.
Snow is predicted for the weekend.

Must shower and find something to eat. I don't know if I'll be back in or not.
Good late late morning all..... Mr. Gus and I work at 4:30 Hunny bunny took him out to do his business... I walked to the little room down the hallway and did mine and then back to bed where I slept till 9:45 I guess I really needed to sleep..... I also showered.... this is the 2nd time since the surgery and it is getting easier each time.....
Son is out getting me another pair of house shorts..... something to wear around the house that isn't binding or long......

PT is due this early afternoon.... I expect to nap after the visit.....

Happy Friday to all.... Noel enjoy the movie....
Kat I hope your Dentist appt. went well - I really hate getting the xrays!

Noel - enjoy your "me" time. Sounds like you need to live in a pool this weekend.

Poirot - I can't believe your weather people are still talking about the "s" word. I don't think you could grow a garden - not enough time.

RK - Good luck with your packing - sounds like your getting close to finishing.

Manda - so sorry you and Gena got rained out but sounds like you had a good time anyways!

OC I hope your internet service comes back soon.

Last night my daughter dropped by with the youngest granddaughter. Harlow is very independent and she is potty training her. Well she had gone in her pull up so Coley said let's go change - No she wanted to do it herself. Coley let her go in and use our bathroom in our bedroom. We talked for about 10 minutes and she and Harlow left. I heard something running and asked the hubby was he running the wash machine. Nope - so off we went to find out what and found Harlow had tried to flush her pull up down the toilet. we had water flooding the bathroom and our bedroom - also the water was going down into the basement where the furnace and electrical panel is, he had to remove all the sheet rock in the basement to get the water from running into the panel and the furnace room. Thankfully her husband came over and helped. We finally got everything dried around midnight with fans and heaters.

Have a great day
No cavities today. Instead of doing regular X-rays she had me stand under the
scanner that takes X-rays. It moves around your head. Next time, they will use it
again to do
more scans. They do that every five years. The dentist told me they
are giving people 20 percent off if they pay with check or cash. I wrote a check
instead of the credit card.

Shan, poor Harlow. Mom will have to keep going with her for awhile.

manda, sorry to hear the game rained out. I hope you can try to go again soon.

Noel, enjoy the movie. It's suppose to be three hours. I'm not sure if I can sit that long.

Poirot and rs, I hope you won't be getting the "s" word.

rk, good luck with packing and moving.

OC, I hope your internet comes back up today.

robin, I hope your PT went well.
Good evening. My internet came back around noon. Kat, glad you didn't have cavities. I've had a few places lately tell me my cost would be less if I don't use a credit card. Inconvenient, but okay.

Oh Shan, I felt queasy reading about the mess little Harlow made. It's a good thing we think our grandchildren are so cute and sweet. Sometimes it would be hard to keep our composure otherwise.

Robin, I bet you really did need that sleep. You've been going at such a hard pace for a very long time. I hope your therapy went well.

Poirot, that's hilarious about the farmer with all the beer. Sounds like he was having happy hour all day long in his field. Yes, it would be interesting to see if he wandered off track. Probably safe to assume he wasn't planting cotton, up your way. That would be the worst for crooked rows.

Squirrel, I feel so bad for you with all the extreme weather you've had, and continue to have. I hope everybody gets power back soon, and that yours doesn't go out. Gotta keep those pumps going!

This afternoon there were Army helicopters going over my house and all around the area. I don't know if they were in training or what. Long way from anything out here. Helicopters are becoming more common though. It occurred to me there are now four different kinds that show up here: Army, Medical Air Lift, Pipe Line check, and hog hunters. Kinda weird. They used to be so rare.
Good evening. My internet came back around noon. Kat, glad you didn't have cavities. I've had a few places lately tell me my cost would be less if I don't use a credit card. Inconvenient, but okay.

Oh Shan, I felt queasy reading about the mess little Harlow made. It's a good thing we think our grandchildren are so cute and sweet. Sometimes it would be hard to keep our composure otherwise.

Robin, I bet you really did need that sleep. You've been going at such a hard pace for a very long time. I hope your therapy went well.

Poirot, that's hilarious about the farmer with all the beer. Sounds like he was having happy hour all day long in his field. Yes, it would be interesting to see if he wandered off track. Probably safe to assume he wasn't planting cotton, up your way. That would be the worst for crooked rows.

Squirrel, I feel so bad for you with all the extreme weather you've had, and continue to have. I hope everybody gets power back soon, and that yours doesn't go out. Gotta keep those pumps going!

This afternoon there were Army helicopters going over my house and all around the area. I don't know if they were in training or what. Long way from anything out here. Helicopters are becoming more common though. It occurred to me there are now four different kinds that show up here: Army, Medical Air Lift, Pipe Line check, and hog hunters. Kinda weird. They used to be so rare.

Noel, sounds like you are having fun. Good for you!
Glad you enjoyed the movie Noel......

son spent more time in the pool..... and is my taskmaster for PT..... I'm icing now...... the therapist was concerned about the amount of swelling..... hummm.... I keep icing it.... so I'm not sure what else to do.....

Off to a lovely Saturday.....