4-28-21 - Donuts and Storms


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Like many of you, we're under a severe storm watch here. Rain is to start any time now with the worst of the storm supposed to hit from 2:00 pm on. Thank goodness I had all of those trees cut down last November. Now I'm not worried that one will fall on my house.

Friend Cindy said to thank all of you for your prayers. She was sent home from the hospital last night!!! (Her son from out of state is staying with her for now.) The docs couldn't find anything wrong with her. She has to wear a heart monitor for a month to see if anything shows up. The head of cardiology at the second hospital told her that some of the problems that occurred at the first hospital were from a horrible reaction to a drug administered in the ER there.

Must finish packing for today's school.

Stay safe if you're in the path of one of these storms.
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Gotta say, it sure looks like it is going to storm, but the weather people say partly cloudy/sunny and near 60. Only 35 right now, overcast, etc. Glad Cindy was able to go home, but how odd there is no explanation for what happened initially.

Got laundry done yesterday, going to try and do some desk/table"de-cluttering", which seems to be never ending.
I have 7 weather alerts right now. Most are for flooding. I'm under a tornado watch until 10.
I'm glad I have my Cox music on in the mornings. It break in before 6:30 this morning with
a tornado warning. I haven't had too much rain since no pools in the front yard yet.

I was able to walk three times around in between the rain. I noticed when I got home my
new neighbor mowed in my yard, Since he didn't answer the door, I left the note. When
I took my shower last night, he sounded really close. The wooden fence has always been
the boundary with the yards. I told him if I was wrong to let me know. I put in a small
fence when I moved in to save on money.

rs, I'm glad Cindy is home now. Maybe she'll get more rest than being in the hospital.
I hope they figure out what happened to her.

Wishing everyone a safe day from the bad weather.

Hopefully, my power won't go out since I'm doing the summary today.
Squirrel, it's pretty scary that Cindy had a bad reaction to meds administered at the first hospital and they didn't seem to pick up on that. I'm glad she's better and that her son is with her. It's a great idea to send her home with a heart monitor!

Poirot, laundry and desk decluttering....it feels like that's all I ever get done these days and I have no excuse. You've got your hands full though so it must be hard for you to fit those details into your routine now.

Kat, I was thinking of you this morning as I watched a national weather report. I figured the storm system I got last night must have reached you by now, and they said the worst of it will get to Pennsylvania tomorrow, so look out, Squirrel.

The hard rain and almost uninterrupted lightning woke me up around 3 this morning (there had been hints of it before I went to bed). By 4:30 it was gone, but oh my, it came in torrents and the lightning was pretty scary, from where I was sleeping in the sunroom, surrounded by big windows! I got 4.3" of rain, with the possibility of more later today and tonight. Squirrel, the tank at the bottom of the hill from my house is full--hallelujah--so no doubt the other ones are too. It's not running around (the dam) but it wouldn't take too much to get it there. That's when it's considered officially "full."

I'm going to go take a shower before any more lightning arrives. Have a good day, all....Whoa, the sun just came out really bright for about one minute!
Good Morning,

Sorry for not checking in the last few days. Work was extra busy, and yesterday I had to leave early to take Gena to the dentist for a filling. We had some really heavy rain and apparently hail over night, but the sun is shining now. Tonight Gena will have her first of 3 First Communion classes over Zoom. She's very excited.

RS - I'm glad Cindy is feeling better, but it's scary when they can't figure out what happened, praying that it doesn't happen again.

OC - so glad your water tanks are full.

Kat - sorry you have ditch full of water, but better in the ditch than the yard or basement.

Poirot - good luck with your organizing today.
I have 5 flood alerts now. The one alert says some areas getting two or three inches
of rain an hour. Rain isn't suppose to end until tomorrow afternoon.

manda, I'm glad you checked in today. Since there is so much water in the ditch it means
the pools are back on both sides of the yard. Most houses in my area don't have basements.
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Hey!!! I thought I'd already been here but I hadn't, so sorry. Currently VERY windy and there is stuff coming from the dark sky. The pavement smells funny. It could be rain. I have the house open because it is very nice out. Also very dark. The Beast is unsure what to do with the wind. You may not be aware, but if it's windy you cannot use the outside facilities. The leaves move and such. He is a very squirrely dog that's for sure.
Robin, The Beast would be in big trouble if he lived here, especially with all the wind we've had this spring. :rotfl:

Oh, the sun has been shining brightly here for a little while. A possibility of rain is still in the forecast but I don't think anybody will be surprised if it's finished out this way. The DFW metroplex and points east are a different story.
The Beast survived. We had darkness and wind with spritz for about 10 minutes, that was it.

I do look forward to December this year when I put him in the car and drive to Kansas where we "might" have snow, but we will have cold and wind. I'm sure he will treasure his time at home, if you know what I mean. LOL OF course prior to the snow trip he will head to the beach and play in the sand and run barking from the surf.

Yesterday's sadness, for a Beast.

I should add the ball has been "trapped" there since Sunday. That one branch kept the ball for 3 days. If he went down a step he would be level with the ball and able to snag it.. But NO, he had to stand on the top step and try over and over and over.

When he finally got the ball, we played catch for 3 throws then. He dropped it in the pool where it still floats.
Yes, he will walk around following the ball barking at it until we take it out or call him in. When it finally gets into the skimmer he forgets about it. We then can fish it out and toss it and it is a new ball.

There are times when Vinnie is definitely a taco short of a combo plate.