4/30/21 - Donuts and the big day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today is the day the countertops and sink go in. I did most of the work I needed to do last
night. They arrived before 8. It's 8:45 now and they are on a break.

I took my walk when they were here. (Locked purse in car). I just got back. The countertops
are on. All they have to do is attach the new sink and the faucet. I can't believe it's done
already. The plumber comes back around 10 tomorrow to attach the faucet to the water.

One day I need to tell you the fun adventure yesterday when the plumber came back. He put
the hot water tank in the morning. He had to come back since there was small leak, but a couple of
fun things happened when he came back.

Wishing everyone a nice day and wonderful weekend.
You've got me curious, Kat. Anyway, what a relief and I hope a pleasure, for you to have the new countertop, sink, etc. in place, and to know you'll be back in business after tomorrow. Are your countertops a light or dark color?

I'm spending time in the kitchen today, cooking up some things so I don't have to cook everyday. It's sunny right now but still partly cloudy and a bit hazy. It's 69* now and will only get to the low 70s*. We have a slight chance of thunderstorms today but a greater chance tonight through tomorrow night. Looks like those of you down on the coast may be getting rain already.
They are light colored with brown swirled in. I have light colored cabinets. I'll try to
remember to take a picture after the plumber is done.

I brought home a sample and it's sort of same color I had before, but not formica.
It's really nice.

The workmen left over an hour ago. Everything is nice. I didn't realize they weren't
attaching the plumbing stuff on top. The plumber will have more to do. That's ok
because I want the garbage disposal on the other side.

Gotta dash. It's nice out, but I'm going to Sunday school lunch.
Afternoon Everyone,

Well I caught some sort of crud that has stolen my voice. I'm on day 2 of barely being able to be heard when I talk. The only good part of that is that my boss gave me permission to not log in to answer customer calls. I'm also exhausted and have a miserable cough. Hopefully I feel a little better tomorrow as Gena and I are supposed to be attending a wedding.

Kat - so glad your kitchen makeover is almost finished, it must be wonderful for you.

OC - that's a smart plan to meal prep like that. I wish I could get organized to do that.

Have a terrific afternoon and weekend if I don't make it back.
Hello. Another day of exciting staying at home. I will have to go out later to pick up some medication for our ill neighbor. Then back inside.
Our excitement for the day, mommy quail and daddy quail and a whole bunch at least 6 maybe more, they move so quickly, have taken up residence in our back yard So far the Beast has been good and ignores them.


Dad watching from our roof top.
Posting two pictures. One is the dishwasher and other is sink. Hopefully, you can tell
what the countertop looks like


  • Dishwasher.jpg
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  • kitchen sink.jpg
    kitchen sink.jpg
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Oh my goodness, Robin, it's a Scaled Quail? Oh my, oh my, oh my......I'd be OVER the rooftop with excitement if I could see one of those! I'm excited just seeing the picture. I so hope Vinnie doesn't do them any harm. Bobwhites used to be so common here but they have become more scarce. I used to have them in and around my yard all the time and now rarely see or hear any.

Manda, I sure hope you are better by tomorrow and not worse. Maybe allergies?

Kat, thanks for posting the pictures of your new countertop. It all looks pretty, so fresh and clean and new! The countertop and the floor look like they go together well. Enjoy!!
manda, feel better soon.

OC, I hope one day I can get redo the floor since it's not the best. When I wash it
at times, I see specks. It's not dirt, but pieces of the linoleum.
LOL, a while ago this got mentioned, so when I saw this, made me laugh. A friend posted this "you were raised and still live in Wisconsin if"....it's a big long thing, so...here's what made me laugh.

*You know that "creek" rhymes with "pick".
*Football schedules, hunting season and harvest are all taken into consideration before wedding dates are set.

Kat, love the new kitchen.

Manda, sounds like a cold, with laryngitis added on.
Hi everyone!

kat, your kitchen looks beautiful.

robin, I’m surprised Vinnie ignores the quail family considering at one point he was guarding you against the lights in your backyard :rotfl:

manda, hope you feel better soon.

OC, hope your meal prep went well.

I’m going to give out some peanut education today: No, we do not have raw green peanuts in the shell because it’s almost May. Peanuts are picked in the fall. They would be moldy by now if left raw and green.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Robin, I've never seen a Gambel's Quail either so I'd get just as excited about that. I'm glad Vinnie isn't very interested.

IamRed, I've never had raw green peanuts--or even seen any, for that matter. Don't know anything about them except that people in the south seem to like them. The only thought I've ever had about them is that they sound like something that would cause a stomach ache. :eek:
Good Morning all!

I finally have my house back to normal from the kitchen renovations. I agree with kat, the work before and after is what takes all the energy out of you. I am going to try to attach some pictures.



I really don't know how to do the pictures, so if they didn't show up, I give up!
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Your kitchen looks beautiful, nanahl.

Now enjoy it.