4/5/2022 - Donuts and Dense Fog

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. We're under a dense fog advisory. It will turn sunny by 11:00, get up to 91*, with wind gusting to 30 mph. Lately the wind switches between north and south about every 30 minutes--or so it seems--but either direction, the wind blows. I'm not even paying much attention to temperatures anymore. For me, it's all about wind, which this week will be mostly out of the northwest, with south pulling in the lead a few times.

My son's roving family is in northern California for a while. They tell me the surroundings and conditions there are much like they are here. That's not what I would have imagined.

I haven't made plans for the day yet. Yesterday morning a big healthy-looking coyote, and a slightly smaller one, walked past my yard. I can hear them most any day but don't see them very often so that was a treat.

Wishing all of you a good day.
Mornin' all. Sun is really trying to come out, but....the rain clouds giving it a tough time. Yep, they say rain today, beginning later this a.m., ending by 11 P.M. LOL. Have to run out for a couple errands so will do so in a bit. It is pretty chilly out there, just below freezin..and this is to be the weather for the rest of the week, except near the end, when snow returns to mix it up a bit. Sigghhh. Well, maybe my car will get some more of the dirt, salt, mud removed......LOLOL.
hey y'all..... we got sun here..... lots and lots of sun...... days climbing to the low 90's but at least for now will be cooling down at night.... okay even during the summer it cools down but really cooling down to 90 isn't all that cool.....
back to work today.... my last week..... they've hired someone fingers crossed she lasts.

OC the beast is currently waging war with his morning milkbone..... tossing it into the air barking at it as it lands pouncing upon it.... waging war with a milkbone.... that's the start of my day..... oy....

have a great Tuesday all...
It's sunny and in the 60s today. No outside time for me today.

Today was my post exam on my toe. Last night, it didn't look well like usual. The
doctor gave it good exam and said it's still healing. I won't have to soak it now.
The gauze kept sticking when I tried to change bandage. I have an antibiotic now.

Tomorrow I'm going the aquarium in Springfield Mo. I'm going with the Olli group.
I'm glad I can get there. I won't take my daily walk the rest of the week.

FYI, I'll be gone all day tomorrow so everyone needs to behave on the board :)

OC, I hope you're having a good day.

Poirot, hopefully you won't get too much white stuff.

robin hopefully, you won't have to go back to work when the new person starts.

Wishing everyone a pleasant afternoon.
Kat, have a good time visiting the aquarium. I hope you have comfortable shoes (shoe). I can't promise I won't get carried away and ramble in my comments but I'll try to be good. :)

Robin, I don't think we've ever had 90* for an overnight low here but there have been plenty of times when the low was in the 80s* and that's bad enough..... At least Vinnie knows how to entertain himself!

Poirot, I believe you've had about enough of the snow and freezing temps. I know.....Memorial Day. That is just inhumane!
OC, I'm wearing my walking shoes since we're be walking a lot.
Sounds like everyone is having a decent day.

It was a bright 78 degrees here. Warm and sunny making it a great day to get outside stuff done.

We are having dinner at the ILs tonight which is always nice.
Kris, how did Beta convention go.......or is that yet to come this weekend?
Kat, You are one brave soul as doubt I'd go museum walking if I went thru what you just did.

O.C. I had this huge mound of snow on my little patio, which has been very slowly melting away, with the help of a very slight slant of the patio toward the grassy area. Oh, there is snow strips in the grassy area still, the sun would have helped, but have not seen it for a few days. But the temps hit 40 so that works, too. Not as fast, but??? Wind makes it feel colder than the temps say, tho.