4/5/24 - Donuts and Snow


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Yep, the nasty rain has left until this afternoon and beautiful snow has been falling for hours.

OC, I have a weather station with an outdoor sensor that is smaller than a tv remote. It uses 2 AAA batteries, and the display can be used plugged in or with 2 AA batteries. The sensor is on my front porch, and the display is in my living room.

La Crosse Technology C85845-INT

The regular price on Amazon is $73.95, but it is currently on sale for $49.88

Grrr...the picture won't upload from my phone.
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Currently 60° not sure what wake temp was somewhere in the 50s just know it was cold and I turned on the electric blanket. Temp to 80 by noon. Like they say if you don't like Texas weather just wait a few minutes and it will change.. Got Boomer to take his morning meds. In a bit I'll get dressed and take him out.

Watched Days this morning can't wait for summary to be posted so discussion can start.
Poirot and Squirrel, thanks to both of you for the information on outdoor thermometers. I've always enjoyed the big round things with hands but as I said, I don't have a good place to hang one and the one I have doesn't seem to be too accurate, so I may consider the digital ones.

Sexton, same weather here, and I've got heat on now but had a/c overnight and will have it again by mid-afternoon. It's supposed to reach 87* here today! With a 25 mph wind! Glad Boomer took his meds.

Squirrel, enjoy your snow. I know it's a nice change from the rain for you. My son's traveling family has posted pictures with what looks to be six or more inches of snow in Yosemite. Of course they're loving it and I'm glad it's them and not me. It is lovely though and I know the kids are having fun playing in it.

My home dumpster is full so I need to load up my trash and take it to the community one, hoping it's been picked up and emptied. I never know for sure when they'll be there.

Day before yesterday at Walmart I browsed for a long time and splurged on something. I'm not a shopper and don't often buy things for myself for no good reason but I'd been seeing this pink velvet office chair in W-M for about a year and when I saw they had only one left in a box I took a big leap and bought it. It didn't seem all that expensive (heck, I pay nearly that much for water filters for my refrigerator). Also, an office chair would be helpful in accessing my file cabinet, etc. So last night I put it together, all except for the casters, which I can't seem to manage. It says to just push the little post on them into the hole on the bottom of the legs. It looks easy and obvious but I can't discern any way for them to take hold and stay put. Maybe I'm just not pushing hard enough or maybe there's something I'm not seeing. I was hoping not to have to ask my niece for help with this but I've done everything I can think of to do.
Have had my weather station for a few years now.......it is model 308-1417V2....but sounds just like squirrel's.

So this happened. Anyone else on the board experience it, too?

NEW YORK (PIX11) — Several people felt buildings and homes shook after an earthquake hit the New York City area Friday morning. The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 4.8, officials said. According to the USGS, the earthquake was recorded in Whitestone, New Jersey.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said the epicenter was near Readington in Hunterdon County.But the shaking was felt in the five boroughs and throughout the state.“A 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit west of Manhattan and has been felt throughout New York. My team is assessing impacts and any damage that may have occurred, and we will update the public throughout the day,” Gov. Kathy Hochul posted on X.

Besides this, overcast, windy and 45.

redsquirrel: Glad the nasty rain has turned to pretty snow. Interesting about the weather station with sensor.

rfsexton: Agree about summary. Wonder if a certain something was addressed or not. Will read later and comment.

OC: Good for you, treating yourself to that chair! It sounds lovely. I hope you get the casters attached one way or the other.

Good morning..... it's windy and only going to get nastier as the weekend progresses.... and severe storms are possible Saturday..... joy......
after work last night we went to Costco and they had rose bushes and clematis plants.... as I'm trying to build a natural barrier between my house and across the green belt... I got one of each now I need to find a pot to put the rose it..... I thought I'd put them in the same box and I might but maybe not... I still have to get the pussy willow repotted..... If the wind stays below 10mph I should be able to report today and tomorrow.....

WW are you okay? earthquakes are challenging to deal with ..... hope your pigeon friends were terrified off your window and are very slow to return.....

Happy weekend to all....
Thanks for asking, Robin.

Yes, so far, so good.

Whether or not there will be aftershocks, anybody's guess.

The news has not reported any injuries/deaths, so that is great.
It was in the 30s this morning. It's sunny and in the 70s now.

Busy morning with PT. It's a two hour process counting the driving. I turned on the washer as
soon as I got home. I hope to get out a little bit this afternoon. I have to make a quick trip, but
can't leave until mower goes since he's blocking me in.

Interesting story with Fenix. I brought him to my yard and a pair of finches flying around. I don't
know if finches from basket or not. All of sudden a baby bird fell in the yard by Fenix and I. I had to
pull him away and take him home. We went out in his yard. Fenix likes looking a critters since he
doesn't see much in his yard. Yesterday, two squirrels were on the fence and he pulled to get a closer look.

Wilde Woman, I hope you won't get any aftershocks and you're doing ok.

rs, thanks for the info on the weather station.

OC, good luck getting the wheels on the chair. I bought a wheel plant stand. I had to push hard
to get the wheels in.

rf, I hope you can stay comfortable with the heat.

robin, thanks for the cute video

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and nice weekend.
O.C. - Dumpster service here always comes same day of week. In summer it is every week, in late fall & winter.....every 2 weeks, tho they might change the day for the winter season. From Monday to Friday. When lived out at lake, it was every week, Mondays, and then during winter maybe once a month! Roads get bad, snow builds up, etc. The town finally got dumpsters there, as so many part time owners resented paying when they were not there. I guess now they have a punch card...costs so much, card is punched each time you go. Believe it or not, some of the partimers take theirs home with them. Nothing one likes better than riding with bags of garbage in the back seat for 6-7 hrs. LOL
Here in town now, the dumpsters are emptied same.....once a week, always same day, in summer, and less often du ring winter. Being a tourist area, plus locals become snowbirds in winter, where they go to FLa, or Ariz, & Texas. Anywhere no snow or temps below 60. Ha!
Sexton, do you have any shade trees over or around your trailer? I know my son always hopes for shade when they go to different campgrounds in hot climates.

Poirot, I think my community dumpster is emptied on Thursdays but I've heard the man who owns the farm store (and owns the property where the dumpster sits) make comments that make me wonder sometimes. I could call him and ask if they've been there but he's not always there and usually doesn't know whether they have or not. I usually have a dozen or so bags and don't want to load it all up and have to bring it back and unload it to repeat another day. But so far I've done okay by going on Fridays or Saturdays. I'm now thinking I'll wait until tomorrow because the wind is ferocious today. And NO, I would not want to take my garbage in my car even the five miles I have to go, let alone several hours!

Kat, I'm glad you were able to keep Fenix away from the baby bird but poor disappointed Fenix, can't do what dogs do by nature. Not that I would want to see dogs doing what they do by nature! I had one kill about three tiny baby kittens one time before I could stop him. He didn't know he was doing anything wrong but it was sad for me.

Wilde Woman, I'm glad you reported on the earthquake and that you're all right. I heard about it on the tv earlier and was wondering about you and others up that way. They said it was felt in several states and that it had been over 100 years since anything like it had happened there.

Robin, that video is too cute! I watched it several times. When we're out to feed the cows we'll sit in one spot and sound the siren until they all get there. Once a bunch gathers around, they will moo in unison every time the siren goes off. Always makes me smile, no matter how many times I've seen/heard it. Hope you can work around the wind with your plants.

Poirot, thanks for the additional information and picture. My internet is not working well today but I'm going to look up both the numbers you and Squirrel gave. Sounds and looks just about right for me. My husband had put up a rather expensive one years ago but it quit a long time ago and it seemed more complicated that what I wanted to try to replace. A question for you and Squirrel.....is your outside sensor always in the shade or does the sun shine on it during parts of the day? That's one of the problems I have with my big hanging thermometer and I'm not even sure whether they're supposed to be in the shade or the sun.
OC, my sensor is in the shade on my porch. It sits on a little table by my front door.

My cousin has her's in the outside track of the sliding glass door on her back porch.

My display is a rectangle about 8 inches across and about 6 inches high. The frame is black, and the display is in color.
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They DO advise the outside sensor NOT be in sunlight.......and I can understand why. I also placed mine in the track between the door and screen door initially. However, there are two small covered meters attached to the house, but accessible on the patio out back. Being that particular small area is under an eave....I set the sensor on top...........works great............but if it gets really windy, I keep an eye on it. LOL
donuts plant.jpg
my tiny patio the clematis has white flowers, the rose next to it isn't in the pot I had, I need a new pot, next to that is a pussy willow, it too needs a new pot.in the left front has some bulbs but they haven't done much in a week, I got them from my grandson's fundraiser, so I don't have much hope but maybe.
Saturday I'll go to Home Depot they are having a huge garden sale, so I'll be getting the two pots and more soil for the new pots and some flowers to fill in the clematis box.
My hope is that once the clematis fills in the neighbors across the way will be able to walk around their house without traumatizing Vinnie.... I also have a dahlia starting not photographed.
To the right not photographed is the table for the little trees I brought from Arizona that are currently living in my bedroom, I can't wait till they can move outside....

Sunday I leave for Dallas, where I'm hoping we will get to see SOME of the eclipse... not looking good but the NASA speakers should be good so fingers crossed.
This is the one I have. The colorful display makes it easy to read from across the room or from my hallway. You can turn off many of the features if you don't want to see them. The time & date update by satellite once you pick your time zone...no internet used.
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It seems I am evidently not in the path of the eclipse, it figures. We will see come Monday, but I doubt I will be so lucky. If you are, try to be around then. And remember "Poirot is jealous", lol.
Poirot, it seems you'll have about 84% to 85% of totality. I'm in the 99.98% range of totality with 100% being 15 minutes away in Ohio. Since I can't leave work, I'll have to be happy with going out in the parking lot with my eclipse glasses.

It is already crazy here with a big influx of people, and all hotels, B & Bs, etc within 100 miles of here are already completely sold out for tonight through Monday night. The police are going to ticket everyone who pulls to the side of a road or highway to watch the eclipse.
I booked a room in Little Rock last year in October for the eclipse, paid rack rate, even with taxes under $100. Then HB wanted to go to Dallas, so found a place with taxes and had to be paid upfront under $200 just barely..... I checked the place for mid July the room is $59 a night.... but my first place choice choice for Sunday night was going to be $590 for the night..... amazing..... but I've run into it in California with Pasadena raising rates for the Rose Parade the rooms cost more and you need to pay for the night before night of and night after..... Luckily I have family but still haven't dragged HB to the parade.....