4-6-18 - Donuts and Bird Seed Crisis

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning! The turkeys have about taken control of my yard. There are at least six gobblers and a bunch of females. They stop in several times a day to eat the birdseed that I put on top of some scaffolding and on the ground for the other birds. It doesn't take them long to clean it all up. I think I will get some gamebird seed and put it out at the back of the yard, in hopes that will distract them from the other seed. What are the odds?

I hear the gobbling even as I write. Also, the cows have now decided the grass in the yard is just right so yesterday I had ten babies playing around while their moms grazed. They aren't bad but they are curious so they make a mess of some things. They drink the birds' water in a couple of big slurps. They come right up to the house and look in the windows. I enjoy watching all of it though.

Have a good day, everyone.
Wish others would jump in here to start this, Cause it is getting boring for everyone to keep reading that "it is snowing again", and it is right now, AGAIN.!! Paper said that up to April 1, we had around 74" of snow for this winter. Made the snowmobilers happy. The skiers happy. That is about it, I think. Ha.
Had a friend come by yesterday, brought me huge beautiful bouquet of flowers, housewarming she said. She has a big house, her late hubby was always "adding on", and now she is talking of downsizing, moving closer into town, etc. and I think she would have it worse than me. She lives on a different lake than I did, but has been living there as long as I did....so, can imagine the accumulation for her.

Off to get things done.......Have a good day, my friends.
LOL, thank you OC.......I posted and saw you had, Thank goodness, bless your heart. We see turkeys around here, don't know why, but always in a pack.......or should I say group? Tho I usually see them when in the car, so cannot say I hear them gobble. Hmmm. Wonder what will be visiting once the snow melts, as this area was once a golf course, so there are some ponds, and large grassy areas. Will be interesting.
Good morning. Still cold here with predicted snow and freezing rain coming in a few hours.

Sorry. I was starting the thread when I got a flurry of phone calls from my friend's husband so left my post hanging here.

Just since last night, she can no longer stand or walk on her own. Her lung function has also gotten much worse. The doctors...heart, kidney, and lung...are looking for a nursing home where she can get on-site dialysis.

She's deteriorating so quickly that none of us were prepared for this.

Also a back and forth with my boss to get the husband scheduled with the casework department for his upcoming medical appointments, grocery shopping, etc.

I'm going to lunch with our friends from the other town. We scheduled this a while ago, and I've decided to still go so I can tell them this news in person instead of over the phone like I've been doing.

I'm going up later to read mail to the husband, write checks for him to sign to pay bills that are due, and go through her appointment book with him since I'm one of the few people they trust who knows where everything is.

Several tom turkeys in one flock? They must be young ones that haven't been driven out of the flock yet. The dominate tom can be brutal if the young ones don't want to go.

The flock that comes through the woods and along the side of my house had 22 hens the last time I counted. The mean tom has trapped me in my car a few times while his ladies ate in my front yard before crossing the road.

When I lived in Sacramento, we had turkeys. And a bunch of turkeys is called a rafter of turkeys. That is your useless fact of the day. In Sacramento, our Latvians wanted to know what a group of turkeys, crows (murder) and other things were called. One of the weird thing my brain holds onto.

My trees are ready for the show. My stones are ready, so Hunny Bunny will take them down. I'll show up after work. I have to go to the FedEx Office to get copies made of pages for coloring, and get markers and such. Then to the bank for change for the raffle and water sales. So much to do, so little time.

I love hearing about snow. I don't want to ever live in it. But it is amazing to be in 90 degree days and hearing about folks in a very different weather situation.

OC - the calves frolicking in your yard, how cute. And messy, too.

Back to the grind. I'll try to check back often.
It's Friday, at last!

Hmm, I often wonder if ya'll aren't tired of reading of our hot sunny high temp days so not surprised you are wearying of writing of cold blizzard conditions too. Our weather is just what we're stuck with, in season and out so we have that in common.

OC: love your story about the rafter of turkeys and herd of cows. Watching young calves play and explore is a fun pastime I used to love on the farm. Enjoy your calm beautiful day and heal up quickly.

Poirot: your friend was both thoughtful and kind to bring you flowers in the snow! Hope you make a fine dent in your paperwork and have time this weekend to relax.

Robin: enjoy the show tonight after work. You deserve a fun evening and a long sleep tonight! Your trees are so lovely they will undoubtedly receive compliments galore.

Squirrel: very sorry to read about the quick deterioration of your friend. It sounds like sepsis and I truly hurt for her husband. You are a wonderful friend to them both! Enjoy your luncheon despite the sad news.

Wishing everyone a good Friday so you can start a great weekend!
Morning Everyone,

RS - so sorry to read about your friend. Her situation sounds like what my mother-in-law went through before she passed. :cry:

Robin - have fun with at the show tonight.

Poirot - I feel you pain about the snow. Enjoy your flowers.

OC - what a fun sight to watch the calves play. The birds, however, not so much. I'm not a fan of birds.

Gena's school had an art show yesterday, so I go to enjoy viewing some of the projects that she and her schoolmates made this year. She also talked me into bidding on the 2nd grade class painting. Not my cup of tea, but she wants it for her room for when we make it over from a jungle to a big girl room. I only bid $12, so even if we win it won't be a big deal. And the money goes to buying new art supplies for the classes, so it's for a good cause. Last year we won with a $25 bid, but that painting is in my living room.

Finally we have nothing extra planned for the weekend. Just the normal shopping and church. I'm so excited at the idea of sleeping in tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Noel, watching any kind of babies is always a treat. I hope your weekend will be relaxing.

Robin, yes, messy too. During the summer the dung beetles take care of it pretty well but this time of year I have to settle for the sun and wind drying it out in a hurry. I'd heard of a murder of crows but don't recall a rafter of turkeys. I can never remember all those strange terms. Wishing the best for your trees!

Squirrel, I'm very sorry about your friend. Her husband is blessed to have you. He must feel lost without her by his side. You could be right about the turkey toms being young. I can't tell, since they all look big to me. They stand around constantly with all their feathers fanned out. They are definitely way more patient than other species of males! I'm glad you told me about the tom being mean. Mine are still quite wild and will scatter even if I'm not quiet enough walking through the house, but I will sure keep that in mind.

Poirot, I can't remember what month you moved. Has the ground been covered with snow ever since you moved there? I'll be eager to hear what all you discover once it's all cleared off. It's nice there are ponds.

Manda, I hope you get the painting, for Gena's enjoyment. I loved hearing she has a jungle theme. I had that in my youngest son's room. I have a cousin who is truly afraid of chickens or any kind of fowls. Even feathers bother her. I have to admit, the mess the turkeys leave bothers me more than what the cows do. I hope you get some good rest this weekend.
OC - Gena has had a jungle themed room since she was a baby. I didn't find out she was a girl until she was born, so a jungle and baby animals was the most neutral thing I could think of. :)

I'm like your friend, I don't really like any birds.
Here in Maryland, I get foxes in my backyard. They are cute in the springtime. I love the bunnies, but my favorite is the big black raven my daughter and I swear is my Aunt Edie. All our lives she would say if you see that big black bird, you better throw it a slice a bread because that's me out there. And for 32 years, this bird has followed us everywhere and we throw that bread every day.
OC...I moved at the very end of October, with it already turning chilly, windy, leaves gone, etc. Wasn't but a short time when the first snows arrived.

At our old house, the geese in Spring were the mess makers, egads. Hated seeing them. Heard there are some that appear here. By the lake, if they eventually nested, they hung around quite a while, until the young appeared, then there would be even more, but eventually, boat traffic would send them away to someplace more serene I guess.??

I do agree there are strange names for some groups of animals/birds.......ever hear of a cauldron of Bats? how about a congregation of alligators? Or a convocation of eagles? LOL

Squirrelly, you truly are a wonderful friend, making time to help your good friends. God Bless.

TamiBelle, glad you are good to that raven......just ask Squirrelly about feathers......& her mom.
OC - your yard sounds so fun to just sit and watch the entertainment. Too bad the turkeys and calves don't scare off the rattlers. Hope your feeling better.

Poirot - maybe the flowers will help bring color to your house since you have been surrounded by snow.

RS - so sorry about your friend. You're a true friend to help out her husband. It's hard on everyone so I'm sure he is very thankful for your help.

Robin - good luck with your tree show tonight. I hope it goes great.

Noel - I don't think I would ever tire of hearing about your weather. Yesterday, on the way home from work, I was visually thinking of you sitting out in the early morning hours in the silence of the morning. I hope you and your family have a better weekend than last weekend.

Manda - have a restful weekend. I hope you're feeling better too.

It's supposed to be a really rainy windy weekend here. Not much to do with that forecast. Have a great day.
A busy day for me. I told my cat last night wake me up at 5. I was awake at
4:45. I ate breakfast and walked Goldie at 6. I was at Walmart before 8.
Then I had my hair appt. and other stops. It's been cloudy all day here.
Winter weather still in forecast overnight. Next week, it's supposed to be in the 70s.

I put out birdseed this week because of the weather change. The starlings
found it so the song birds haven't been by.

rs, sorry to hear about your friend. I'm glad you're there to help her husband.
I hope you had a nice lunch today.

OC, I hope you're feeling better.

Poirot, sorry to hear you're still getting snow.

manda, I hope you win the painting. It sounds like you and Gena will have a
fun time redecorating her room.

I hope everyone has a good evening.
TamiBelle: just love the story about your Aunt Edie visiting you in the guise of a black raven. There are people I know who feel that way about red cardinals, butterflies, etc. It is such a comfort to them. Not to mention the bird is very healthy so keep on throwing that bread!

Shan: I hope you have a lovely Spring-like weekend too. We are planning on a good weekend too.

Kat: you had a very busy Friday between 5am-8am. It always feels nice after a haircut and hope you just love your updated style. When feeding birds, we always had to have different bird houses with varying sizes of openings so the song birds and smaller birds could feed. Otherwise the larger wood peckers, starlings, crows would eat it all.

Thinking of you all tonight.