4/6/20 - Days - very short


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Well, I got the first 5 or so minutes and the last 10 or 15, commercials included. So...here is the beginning and the end.....

John is on phone (I think with Belle) saying surgery is over, he has yet to hear. Kayla & Rolf walk in, Rolf saying he did his part of the bargain, time for John to do his.

Eric on phone trying to get airline ticket to NY, Nicole walks in, he was just trying to get to NY to her. When she asks why, he says Brady told him no business in NY, so must have been her, she is sick. She admits business was not what took her there, but not her, it was him. Then evidently must tell him what she learned (I did not see this)

At the end, she is telling Eric what a wonderful father he is, Sarah such a good mother, I guess attempting to talk him into not telling anyone. Eric doesn't think he can do that, despite Kristen being a lousy person, Brady is wonderful father, deserves to know he has a daughter. Nicole says it is Eric's choice, she knows he loves his brother, whatever he decides to do, she will go along with, it is up to him. Knocking at their door, it is Brady & Kristen. (this is the end of the show)

But, evidently Marlena's surgery is success, John is laying on her bed with Marlena, they are talking, she comments that when she was going down that rabbit hole with Stefano, she was hoping John would rescue her, & he did. He talks of them being thru so much, then teases about how he might have ended up on a submarine with Gina. She laughs, they hug, she invites him to get under the covers with her.

Brady was babysitting Mickey, Kristen comes in, she is all eager to hold her, John (remembering that birthmark) says no, as Sarah comes in, Mama is back, can hold her.

And Rolf is in the room with Steveano & Kayla, refusing to operate & remove the chip. Kayla says he has to, No he doesn't, no way. He is loyal to Stefano who has always supported him. Stevano laughs, Steve Johnson is never coming back, he will be using his body for a long time.

Justin has come to hospital, sees Kayla looking upset, oh, she is not o.k. While Rolf successfully removed the chips from Hope and Marlena....he refuses to do so with Steve.

Brady & Kristen are at Eric's wanting to tell him the good news about Marlena. Thus knock, knock at Eric's door.

Sorry....it is all I got.
I found it interesting that Justin doesn't seem angry at Victor.

I also thought Nicole got the news out pretty quickly, especially for Days.

I can't believe Brady's time with his mother was limited, but Rolf the criminal and serial abductor was given free reign to visit Steve-aNO.

Marlena also declared that it was time to end the animosity between her & Kristen, and move forward, because Kristen was concerned for her when Steve-aNO was leading her to the bedroom.
Just when you think this show can't get any stupider, Rolf is left alone with Stevano in the hospital room. :angry::angry:

And Kristen and Marlena shaking hands, deciding to move forward... Yeah, no. Just no. :sick: Again, Kristen raped both Eric and Brady and gets to enjoy a happily ever after? Disgusting. :sick::sick::angry::angry:
Thanks again for the summary. I have resigned myself to the apparent policy of our local NBC affiliate to use this time slot for daily briefings. Which would be fine, IF they would give an alternate time to record Days~:sad:
Why wasn't the police guard inside the room....Steveano's...when Rolf was there?
Because one of them asked the good doctor Brady for some time alone. She got beeped and had to leave. Their timing was good! So she basically left saying the police officer would be right outside and not to try anything.
Kristen: Today, she asked: "Is that so wrong?" about her holding the baby. The answer is to that it most definitely YES. Any plot that threatens to give an innocent infant to the DiMera psycho is truly sick.

Eric: He was his predictably gloomy self today. The real question is why when Nicole began talking up his and Sarah's parental qualities, he didn't suddenly shout: "Then why didn't you mind your own *&%@#* business?!!!"

Marlena: She's taking the forgiveness thing too far with creepy Kristen. It's one thing to forgive your enemies, but that doesn't mean that you have to get all chummy with them.

Steve-ano: So another one of his grand schemes has now collapsed in flames, adding to his long history of failures. Here's a question for longtime viewers: Have any of his plots ever really succeeded?
O.K. thanks. Seems weird then, the guard would be outside the room. Heck, Rolf could have given Stefano an injection of something, stuck a microchip into his neck....one with "delayed" activation. Dumb story. LOL
@Dr. B....Steveano never learns, but he gave some kind of orders to Rolf, some kind of plan.......
As to Marlena/Kristen..........if Marlena wants to forgive, fine. John has other ideas I bet. However, maybe Marlena wants Kristen to not be "on her guard" or something??? Gad I just wish it would end, completely. All of it.
Thanks Poirot and others.

Why does Marlena have a bandage when Hope didn't have one? They had
the same surgery. And why is the bandage on Marlena's neck? Did the knife

Did Marlena forgive Kristen because she was Stefano's Queen of the Night
for one night and now she likes all DIMeras?

Brady talked again about Mickey's birthmark being a coincidence and looking

like Rachel's. Brady should know better. It's Salem and there's no such
thing as a coincidence.

Good scenes with Nicole and Eric. So far, he's not really mad at her for
keeping it secret about Mickey.

Great ending with Brady knocking on Eric's door and Eric still not decided
to keep the secret about Mickey. Will Eric open the door or will Nicole and
Eric keep quiet until they leave?
I'm willing to give in on the idea that Kristen is changed if they follow through completely. If in six months, they decide to have her do something dastardly, I'm going to be upset. If they want to change her, then commit to it as much as they've committed to making Gabi a villain.

Jack was a rapist. Ben was a serial killer. I've gotten over both of those things, but they've basically stuck with those two being heroic characters moving forward.
There is absolutely no proof that Nicole's claims are true. She did not bring back the "good" doctor nor a record of their conversation. The official results of her illegal DNA test contradict her story. If Xander and Victor are smart they'll say Nicole is lying. Nicole's record for truth-telling isn't strong. Why anyone would believe her is beyond me. These "writers" are as stupid as their half baked plots.

Edit - If Brady and Kristen are given a child and a "happy ending" I'm done with this show, forever! I have my limits for nauseating idiocy. I takes all I can takes 'til I can takes no more.
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