4/6/2024 - Donuts and Wind


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Nice sunny day out with sustained winds at 15mph.... gusts to 50 in parts of town....and it's only going to get windier as the day moves on then at dusk the rain and thunder move in..... wonderful..... the sky is so dirty from the prescribed burns that it hurts to breath outside the air quality is deep in unhealthy....
Yet I have things to do and places to go so I'll be out in it..... happy happy joy joy....
Maybe the Farmers Market will have some good root vegetables that will make a good dinner......

Good Saturday to all......
Blue skies, slight wind, sun (which help to melt some of the snow, actually see grass again, even tho brown, lol). We are 45°, and may go up to 50!!! I think perhaps Spring finally decided to pay a visit. Despite the snow melting, they are warning of wildfire because "so dry"......????

What are prescribed burns????

I am gonna have to either check WalMart down the road, or order from Amazon, but got to get laptop. Should have done it yesterday, me bad.
Good morning. I guess it's still morning....

Poirot, Robin can tell us if it's the same there as here, but here, where we stay under burn bans much of the time, people get permission from the county to burn a certain area, then the area has to be prepared with wind breaks, etc., and arrangements are made for the fire department to be present at the location during the burn. Someone could be needing to burn brush that's been piled up by a dozer or some other thing but usually they are wanting to set fire to a prescribed number of acres as a means of getting rid of weeds (mostly prickly pears) and improving the grass for cattle grazing.

Robin, I hope nobody is burning today, with the wind so awful. It's worse here than it was yesterday.

I hauled off my trash. It was the biggest mess I've ever had to load up so far. I had put it off longer than I should have. Got out by 9:00, hoping to beat the wind but that didn't happen. Still, glad to have it done! Now I think I'll take a shower.
It's windy here too. It's sunny and will be in the 70s this afternoon. I might have
rain early in the AM tomorrow.

Today my former Sunday School class is meeting for lunch. I plan to work on my
state return when I get home.

robin, I hope you found something at the Farmer's Market.

Poirot, good luck shopping for the laptop.

OC, I hope you have a good rest of the day after getting your trash taken.

Wishing everyone a pleasant rest of the day.
What are prescribed burns????
In California they were called "controlled burns" where you alerted the fire department and other agencies depending on how big it was to be and were responsible for all flames. Every October till the mid 90's (I think) the farmers would burn the rice paddies. Making the Sacramento Valley very smokey and hazardous to breath. I always had breathing issues just thought it was the change of season then they stopped and I stopped getting walking pneumonia every October. Wonder if they were connected?? Why they allowed burning here Friday knowing today was going to be windier than hades is beyond me.... I did make it to Home Depot for some flowers but they won't be going into the ground till Tuesday....

the weather service put this out "Windy and mild conditions are expected on Sunday. Westerly winds sustained at 30-35 mph may gust around 50-55 mph at times, especially across north-central Kansas. This will also provide very high grassland fire danger to central and parts of south central Kansas"

wonder if the power will stay on.....
I wrote this earlier, then got a phone call before I was able to send it.
Kat, I hope you had a good lunch and a great visit with your former class.

Robin, I hope you already have a car rented for when you get to Dallas. Knowing how experienced you are, I'm pretty sure you've made all the necessary arrangements. This morning in my truck I heard on the radio that some of the car rental places were going up to $600 a day!! I guess because they can........The burns are also called "controlled burns" here. I can't believe they let them do it on such a windy day but I've also seen them do it here when it was questionable. Makes me very nervous when they do that. A year or so ago the only thing separating my property from a burn area was a barbed wire fence and a vehicle-width path scraped clean by a dozer.

I am stunned at how much attention is being given to this eclipse event. I've heard that the national guard is being called in for protection. I don't know if that's just in Texas or all across the path. I just hope that turns out to be an unnecessary precaution! I'm not much more than a hundred miles west of Fort Worth, as the crow flies or as the sun shines, so I wonder how much darkness will reach here. Not much, I suspect, except for the clouds, which are likely to be around. Whatever the case, I will not be looking toward the sun because I don't have the glasses.
I hope you will still be able to see some of it......tho hopefully, the rain will hold off til late afternoon or evening. Up here , will only see eclipse on TV......won't be visible at all.

Ordered a new laptop........supposedly arriving Tuesday. yayyyy, my present one only stays on for 30 seconds, maybe a minute. Needless to say, am using just the desktop. Really has been a lovely day here today.......in fact, this whole week ahead is to be in the low 50s.......not sure about sun, but that will be nice.