4/9/19 - Donuts and Sun


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today and tomorrow it's going to be sunny and in the 80s.

Before lunch today, I'm going down and clear out the narrow part of the ditch.
The water isn't moving and it has scum on top. I'm not planning to do a lot.
After lunch, I'm going to work in the front flowerbed. I need to do more
weeding and put down another bag of mulch.

Prayers continue for manda and Gena.

I hope everyone can have a terrific Tuesday.
Good morning. The sun is so bright this morning, I'm glad there is none of Poirot's snow on the ground. I've had to shut my shades to keep from being blinded, as it is. Will get to 89* today, with wind gusting to 25 mph. Tomorrow we're under fire danger.

I've been on the go for a couple of weeks. Now, nothing lined up so I'm at a loss for what to do. I got a sore throat last night. Happened right after I ate chicken and sweet potato so I don't know if it was an allergic reaction or if I have something. But no other symptoms, so far, but throat is no better today.

Have a good day, all. Thinking of you especially, Manda.
Another sunny hit day here reaching 98F. My house is 72 but will rise this afternoon. I do not want to turn the A/C until May but that may not be possible. With do many if you facing cold, rain and snow I feel ridiculous mentioning our heat.

Another busy day.....what else is new for any if us at Donuts.

Special prayers for Amanda and sweet Gena for emotional healing and blessings.

Kat: enjoy working in your garden flowerbeds. Enjoy your Spring sunshine.

Hope all of you too follow have a pleasant Tuesday.
Morning all.... working outside in the cool of the morning didn't finish so I may be out after work today..... will be so happy when this year of Bonsai is over and I am no longer in charge of swap meets, sending out meeting notices and such.... oy...

as our warmer weather approaches the pool pump motor has passed away... or one of his/her bearings did..... so that's on my list to get fixed..... because bonsai club duties don't fill enough of my time....

Manda... you and Gena are in my prayers.....

it's Tuesday..... Monday is in the books....
Robin, the mention of your pool pump just reminded me I need to see about getting my pump for the cattle water going. I hope it isn't broken. Haven't checked it out since I had to shut it down over a week ago. Cows are having to walk nearly a mile up the hill to drink from the tank right now.
Good morning everyone. I'm just back from a school in my southern county. It is in a small country church in a very picturesque setting. The way the sun made everything glow as it was rising over the steeple made it look like it was a Thomas Kinkade painting.

Prayers continue for Amanda and Gena.

kat - I wish your neighbors would clear out the ditch behind their own houses. You shouldn't be doing all of that.

rk - Good job. That's 2 more that you don't have to worry about.

OC - I hope you didn't catch anything over the weekend while at the celebration for your grandson.
I'm glad you have your niece and sometimes her grandson to help get the work done on your ranch. The girls and boys still need tended to whether you feel like it or not.

Noel - :eek::eek: I can't even imagine 98* at this time of the year.

robinsnest - Like many of us, things just never seem to end for you. As soon as one thing gets taken care of, something else gets added to the list.
Hi Everyone,
Thought I better take a quick break from packing to look at apartment listings and say hello to all of you. I have an appointment shortly to look at an apartment. I'm not holding my breath on it as the landlord didn't sound super thrilled that I have a cat, but we'll see. Gotta run.

Thinking of you all.
Mornin' all....not going to mention weather or forecast for next several days as much too depressing. Weird today, as sun comes out, stays 5 minutes, maybe 7 or 8, then vanishes, skies darken, rinse, repeat. I have an appointment, actually two, so will be taking off. I hear the banging out side, was puzzled, til I realized they probably began breaking up the concrete on the 4 lane hwy (it is to be pulverized, then gravel over, and finally repaved, or reconcreted or whatever. It is a major hwy. But the noise has carried from so far away, egads.
Kat, you are a blessing to your lazy neighbors, glad you will be workin on your OWN garden.
OC, hope it is just allergy to something or other, maybe an ingredient used in the cooking of either thing?? RK, are you taking the boxes over to the house and unpacking them? Trust me, moving day will be hectic enough. It was nice to get the not often used kitchen stuff put away, along with out of season clothes into closets. Glad it is going well. Robin, no end to anything, is there? Always seems one gets one task done and 3 more pop up.
Have a good day, all, have a couple things to do before I leave.
We are still very short handed - he has interviewed 2 people! People in this city just don't want to work - so sad. I wanted to pop in and check on everyone.

Manda - You and Gena are in my thoughts and prayers. If for nothing else you need to do this for Gena so she know's she never has to take that from a man! You are so strong Manda and a very good Momma. It's going to be rough but you have your church and girl scouts and work --- stay strong Manda - you can do this. Gena is a sweet, thoughtful, caring person because of you Manda, if you ever need a pick me up - look into her sweet little eyes and know she is who she is because of you!
I cannot believe myself, as I actually fell asleep around 4 p.m. and woke at 5! I never nap, ever....I then am so lethargic the rest of the time. As it is, I just opened a can of soup,...that was dinner. I only had about 4 or 5 hrs. sleep last night, and guess it all has finally caught up. Had those afternoon appts. One did not go well, as the person got held up, and could not make it til 2 hrs. later. Sorry, I am not waiting around that long.
Got home........was so tired, the highway is barricaded just past the road where I turn in here, could see the long area of pulverized concrete, but a huge pile of asphalt was right in front of my road, had to go half into ditch to turn in. Grrrrrr. I am still so tired. And if I go to sleep early, I will be awake at 3 a.m. Vicious circle. Sun has been in and out, but the weather warnings are horrendus. Am sure some of you have heard/seen how it will hit west of me, (Nebraska, Kansas) first, finally getting to MN, WI,), even mentioning Chicago. LOL, and Days' Salemites are wearing sundresses, midriffs, shorts, no coats, etc/. etc.
Kat: Happy Momma Mrs Momma

Poirot: hope you get some much be needed rest and .a good night's sleep tonight.:hug:
Shanrick, no one wants to work anywhere. Our supermarket, WalMart, have had ads for a year. A beef jerky company 20 miles from here also. Plus all the smaller stores, resorts, restaurants, etc. If one does get someone, they stay a week or so, long enough to get one paycheck, and are gone, never to be seen again. It is too sad.
Hope everything is going o.k. for Mandy & Gena.....Packing is enough of a pain and hard to do, without being put into a bind of just a few days to get it done, along with all the other stuff. God Bless.
Poirot, I could just feel everything you described about your sleep problems. It's a miserable situation. I hope you get some rest tonight.

I think that problem with getting employees is everywhere. I know some people who just won't work but somehow they manage to get food stamps or otherwise exist somehow. Also, at the nursing home, some of the aides would come and go and then after a while they'd show up again. The nursing home always needed help so they'd hire them back.

Kat, enjoy watching the baby finches. Please keep us updated on their progress.