4 weddings in a row........& then......???


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, this is in Crystal Ball because it has not happened yet, but am wondering what everyone thinks about the upcoming weddings in July? Do they all come to pass? Do any have a big problem, if so, what?

My biggest concern is the upcoming nuptials of Kayla & Justin. Will Kayla change her mind before the wedding? If so, will it be Steve she weds instead? Or does she just say "no, I can't" when asked the QUESTION...Do you take.............

Then we have Eli/Lani, the first wedding. Someone surprises Lani before the wedding. Why? Who? Some think Kristen? Why? Could it be Eve? Again, why? Would it not be terrific if it was Theo? but alas, doubt it.

That will leave Ben/Ciara, Plus Eric/Nicole. Do they come off? Does something (what) happen to cause a problem?

O.K. I think Eric/Nicole get to be hitched, but Sami, as usual, has to cause a huge scene...but guessing it happens during reception.

And this all leaves..........the funeral? Is there really one? Who? Why? Supposedly the last wedding is also the date of the death/funeral? So...what do YOU think?
I think the X man will arrange some type of memorial for baby Mickey. He so wants Sarah back (why I don't know) he wants a grand gesture to win her back.
I did see on another site that it might be Ben that dies :sad:

I saw it some time back but is it isn't on here then I have the salt loaded
While Kristen is a good guess for the person that surprises Lani, I also wonder if it might be Vivian. We know Vivian is coming back, and she might be looking for revenge against Lani for shooting Stefan.

Of the four weddings, I think two will happen, and two will not. I think the two successful weddings will be Eli and Lani, and Eric and Nicole. These two couples have already been through a lot to be together, and it is time for them to be together. Justin and Kayla will probably not make it because Kayla clearly still has feelings for Steve. Since it is listed as one of the weddings, it will probably be stopped at the alter, with either Kayla realizing she can't go through with it or Steve interupting the wedding and declaring his love for Kayla.

It's possible that Ben and Ciara's wedding will not go through. With Claire just released from Bayview, I feel that her resentment for Ciara has not fully disappeared and she will either go after Ciara again, or she is appearing like she's still disturbed to us as the audience and the one who will cause havoc is Gwen, who might actually be crazy herself or is just a big troublemaker.

As for a funeral, I am afraid that if there is an onscreen funeral, it will be a character with significance onscreen. My biggest fear is that it might be Victor. John Aniston might have actually decided it was time to retire and with Victor having two health crisis this year, he might actually be the one to die.
You know Poirot, I believe you and we know the answers to your questions. Any wedding in Salem never goes of without a hitch.
My biggest fear is that it might be Victor. John Aniston might have actually decided it was time to retire and with Victor having two health crisis this year, he might actually be the one to die.
IF he were to leave the show, I'd think that info would've been leaked well before now. Like when Joe Mascolo (Stefano) left the show. We knew about it ahead of time.
I think the weddings that will take place and actually finish will be Eli/Lani and Eric/Nicole. Since we saw a picture of Sami and Nicole fighting around a wedding cake, that must mean they get to the reception, so I think those will happen. IF Kayla gets married, it will be to Steve. I see Steve stopping the wedding somehow before it happens. I am not sure what happens with Ben and Ciara, but I am guessing either Claire or Gwen will do something to make sure it doesn't take place. I wonder if Claire will go back to Bayview or if Shawn and Belle will just take her back with them, since she isn't getting better where she is. Does anyone know if the Gwen character is long term or just a few shows? (I really hope that Sami's return is a quick one, although I have been doing well just reading and not watching most of the time.)

OK, wild idea about a funeral. Kristen comes back to help Lani, but Vivian is going to shoot her for killing the other Stefan, and Kristen takes the bullet and it is HER funeral? I would really like that, and baby Rachel can go back to Brady (and Sarah).
I hope you are correct JustSam. I do not want it to be Victor.
I personally don't want it to be Victor either. I just think it might be him because as I said, if there actually is a funeral shown onscreen, it would be for a long time character with significance on the show.

I do like Lisa's idea that it might be Kristen. Kristen is a character I would not miss if she died. Just keep Rolf away so he can't bring her back to life.
That would be over a year after, and the baby is buried. Maybe a Memorial service.......but not a funeral. I think there are a lot of possibilities.......Kristen, Vivian, Eve, Rolf, ....heck, Adrienne died......was there a funeral? She is buried as there is a gravestone. Yes, Vic is a possibility, too. So is Orpheus, Zoey, maybe even EJ????
Some people use funeral service/memorial service interchangeably to describe a service in which condolences are offered and a eulogy is given. When a relative of mine died, the body was buried shortly after death (with no service), but we had the memorial service nearly a year later. Most of the family called it the funeral.

But it will be interesting to see who the funeral is for. For all we know, it could be a funeral for the Salem Brain, who finally gives up and jumps into the river. :rotfl:
A Funeral Service is a service held to memorialize a deceased person with their body present. A Memorial Service is a service held to memorialize a deceased person with their body not present. ... If a burial occurs prior to the service for a loved one, the service is considered a Memorial Service.

We have a lot of memorial services in this area, because of family being far away, or the deceased dying in other places (nursing homes in the area where family lives. And the past few months, there were NO services of any kind whatsoever.
A Funeral Service is a service held to memorialize a deceased person with their body present. A Memorial Service is a service held to memorialize a deceased person with their body not present. ... If a burial occurs prior to the service for a loved one, the service is considered a Memorial Service.
I'm quite aware of the difference. Only saying that many people use the terms interchangeably, regardless if the body (or ashes) is present or not. With the way spoilers are written, the person (who wrote them) may not have known the difference.

Anyway, back to the spoilers, I'm looking forward to seeing which weddings actually happen and which ones blow up in the usual Salem fashion.