5/10/21 - Donuts and Overcast

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. It's cool, breezy, and very cloudy here. I don't think I'll be spending any time outside. My yard still hasn't been mowed and the grass is so tall, it is flowing in the breeze. I have my morning routine done but I can't seem to latch onto any direction to accomplish anything.

I hope everyone is getting off to a good start for the week.
I'm having the same dreary day OC is having. The high today will get in the 60s,
but it's breezy. I won't be working outside either. Wednesday will be a better
day to work outside. Next week, the warm temperatures are back with rain.

OC, I hope you'll find something to do today.

I hope everyone has a nice Monday.
Same here, and I am sooo far north. Had to run out to pick up prescription for hubby, park the car, &.........it was SNOWING!!! Egads. May 10th! not a lot, but this a.m. is was 31, and at that time was around 45. Sun had been out for 5 minutes, but mostly overcast, still.

I hope at least some of our posters are having better weather!
Afternoon Everyone,

Hmm I see a trend as it's chilly and breezy here as well. Thankfully we don't have any of Poirot's snow. Work is flowing like normal. Tonight I have to attend the an end of the year Girl Scout leader meeting, I'm exhausted already, just thinking about it. I hope it's short sweet and to the point. If not, I'll just sneak out early, 5 AM comes too early to sit at a meeting until 9 or 9:30 at night.

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you wonderful Mothers on this board.
Okay, I'll run your cold morning with a nice 88 degrees before noon, on our way to the mid 90's and NO rain on the horizon. So hot and dry. Dry and hot.

I am going to try to walk around the yard a bit today. The knee is a bit stiff.

Another day of excitement here. :)
robin, are you in any pain?
I'm glad you aren't in too much pain, Robin. Hope the swelling goes down soon.

Manda, I hope your meeting is short and sweet tonight!

Poirot, I think I'd cry if it snowed here now. The wildflowers have finally taken hold just in the past few days.

Kat, it's good weather to stay in. It's 58* here right now. I don't know that it ever got to 60*. Still overcast and breezy.
Fortunately, that snow did not stick, and was overwith in about an hour. It did get up to 50, & so funny, but the sun is out, bright and shiny at 5 p.m. LOL
Jonquils have bloomed, as have some tuplips here and there around, but these morning frosts play havoc with early bloomers.