5/12/21 - Donuts and clouds


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Dec 29, 2012
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It's going to be another cloudy day here. It's going to be in the 60s this afternoon. I plan to
do something outside today. It will be nice tomorrow and Friday before the next rain.

I'm going to town this morning to do shopping.

I hope everyone will have a wonderful day.
Sunny, also to be low 60s here! Amazing! LOL.

So, yesterday, hubby was having a problem with his legs, swollen, hurting him. He called the local Marshfield clinic, who wanted him to go to the hosp. where he had the surgery, but that was not feasible. So, after waiting about 4 hrs. for a call back the day before, he was told to get x-ray at local E.R., he might have blood clot. He starts thus, around 8 a.m. calling for APPOINTMENT at E.R. to get x-ray, having to explain all about the hip break, surgery, and recent nurse advice. So, his caregiver was due soon, he would come after 9 a.m. Only I get an e-mail that the care-giver's 3 children have come down with covid, the care-giver has tested negative, but all under 2 week quarantine now.

Well, hubby needs ride, (I cannot handle him, so ...) Eventually, he gets an appt. with the local transit bus (which does this sort of thing) for 1:15 p.m. He decided to forego the walker, and when this big thing arrived, very slowly managed to climb in. (E.R. is only about 3 miles away. Only takes about 5-7 minutes. Anyway, I hear nothing til around 4 p.m. he calls, had all kinds of tests, now was going to get an ultrasound of his legs, & chest. More waiting. The E.R. finally made arrangements with the Transit bus who came to get him, he got home at 7:30.

Over 6 hrs there, and they did not give him anything to eat!!! So, he was liquid buildup in legs, due to to congestive heart failure, they gave him a lasix pill, which is doing a good job still.....he has to go every 2 hrs. he said.

I have a ton of errands today, probably will forget half. No caregiver for 2 weeks. Hope I don't land in E.R. Ha. Just glad the weather will be nicer today.
Poirot, I'm sorry for everything going on. Is he supposed to go to hospital every two hours?
How is he supposed to get there?
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Sorry I was not clearer, Kat. I meant he had to go to bathroom every 2 hours. ! That pill should have worn off by now, but he has refused to wear the compression socks, so this is what happens...he accumulates liquid in his legs. The lasix pill helps get rid of excess liquid, but only should last 6-8 hrs.

Well, I will be leaving to try and get a few things done. I tire, so perhaps will return, & then go later this afternoon again.
Good morning everyone.

Sunny but cool here today. Another frost last night with the icy stuff to revisit again tonight. Yep, another reason we don't plant until after Memorial Day. I have 2 begonias outside so at night they get placed inside the big raised vegetable planter that is still on my porch for now. I cover them with newspapers. Then put my old kitchen comfort mats over the top of the planter to hold in the heat. So far, the plants are fine when I uncover them each morning.

The school nurse gave me a beautiful petunia plant yesterday. The flowers are a pretty pinkish orange with an inner circle of white and a lavender center. The color combination sounds strange, but the flowers are gorgeous. That plant is in my house for now since her mother-in-law grew it in her kitchen from cuttings. Her mother-in-law is my next door neighbor (she and her husband are the neighbors who bring yummy food to me), and I know she is very careful about keeping her indoor plants free of pests.

One zoom meeting done so far today. I missed half of it because the power kept going out at work. No idea why. The only light was from the emergency exit signs and my laptop. Thank goodness the laptop has battery backup. Most of the computers here don't. The others are a Dell unit with a small hard drive box on the back of a monitor with plug in keyboard and mouse.

kat - Enjoy your shopping trip.

Poirot - Your husband is just too stubborn for his own good. Has he cut down his salt/sodium intake? They'll cause a problem even when on lasix.

I take generic lasix everyday to keep my lungs clear and to prevent congestive heart failure. I had to learn where all clean public restrooms were located in 4 and 1/2 counties. Just a fact of life, either be prepared to "go" or end up in the hospital. Yes, it is inconvenient at times, but no thanks on being hospitalized when it can be prevented.
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I found most of the things I wanted. I decided I need to kneel differently when I pull weeds.
I found a garden kneeler at Lowe's for $20. The ones I saw at Amazon were over $50.

Poirot, thanks for filling me in. I never heard of that pill before. I probably need to get compression
socks. My mom had varicose veins. I noticed Sat two veins by my ankle were puffed out.

rs, I hope the frosty weather leaves soon.
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Sorry I was not clearer, Kat. I meant he had to go to bathroom every 2 hours. ! That pill should have worn off by now, but he has refused to wear the compression socks, so this is what happens...he accumulates liquid in his legs. The lasix pill helps get rid of excess liquid, but only should last 6-8 hrs.
Did they give him a prescription for the lasix?
Good almost noon my time, all.

I have an appointment to see the doctor in about 2 hours. Maybe I'll get the stitches out. The band-aids really bother the Beast. HB has bandages all over his arms. He gets yard scratches and being on a blood thinner, the smallest scratch will bleed as if something major for hours.... The Beast likes to help clean the wound. Yes, it's not safe ,but you don't tell an adult male things.

Going to be 100+ here today, but cooling back down by the weekend. And the nights are still cooling to the lower 70's, so it's bearable. Soon at night it will cool all the way to the high 80's. Gotta love those overnight lows of 88.

A Bonsai group is having an online "silent" auction of items on Facebook, so I found something I want. The bid is now up to $50 and it goes til May 22 so I'll just watch. I started the bid at 15 and held the 48 bid till 50 came in. I fear this will eventually go higher than I'm able to go but it has been fun up till today.

Poirot - hope all goes well for you today.
@ 65Days...If they did, it would just be called in to pharmacy, he hasn't said anything, tho. I doubt he wants to continue with it. ???
Robin, what a cute picture of the beast! :love: But no amount of cuteness would make seeing him clean a wound okay. Still, you are so right--you don't tell adult males anything!

Squirrel, the petunia plant sounds very pretty to me!

Kat, how nice that you got a good price on a garden kneeler! I paid $49 on Amazon awhile back.

Poirot, what an ordeal! It's really too bad there's not a back-up caregiver. I hope you can hold up to the stress and the extra work.

I didn't realize I needed to go to town until I was getting my breakfast this morning. I was tempted not to go but I think my son and his two teenage kids are coming tomorrow to spend the night. (He had to fly them in from northern California for orthodontist appointments so they are in the metroplex for a few days, since his business base is there too). Also, my niece needed a prescription and she still can't get off her hill in her car, due to mud, so I picked that up for her. It was cloudy and cold all day. Was 52* this morning, got up to about 63*.
Wow! Things have been happening to everyone on here it seems. Prayers for all of you. I haven't been on for a few days trying to get things done.

It seems I spend most of my time going to doctors, and waiting in waiting rooms. It looks like 2 knee surgeries in the future. Having an MRI Friday since my kids made an appointment at my doctor because it seems I've been doing some wierd things lately. What do they expect? I am 77 years old and weird anyway. But I am having the tests anyway.

I would love to stay and chat but have to get supper for my husband. See you later.
only got about 1/4 done of what wanted to do. Grrrr. And again, I had to go to Walmart, hate doing so, wanted to get a folding outside chair, (none), I asked about masks.....they had NONE. Take that back, they had some pkgs. said 3 for $9, but were actually, one mask, one head covering, & one head band. Stupid. No thanks. Will try at Walgreens......this was 3rd time I tried at Walmart (don't go often) with no luck.

AND was shocked, saw 3 different couples...no mask! Most everyone, including employees were wearing them. Guess some folks do not care if they give to others........they just do not "get" that they can be carriers, with no symptoms.

Anyway, guess tomorrow will be hardware store visit to see if I can find an outdoor folding chair that doesn't cost an arm and leg (hubby likes to walk outside in warmer weather, but, he cannot walk really anywhere, except to the driveway, so thought putting a chair out there for him would be nice. He has a problem just stepping over the threshold at the front door. )

I also would love to get a petunia or pansy thing, I love them, always used to plant them around my previous home. (Can no longer kneel, & if I sit down on the ground, will never be able to get up, that means bending way over, and my back suffers badly, so.......having a basket or whatever filled with those petunias/pansies would be lovely for me. Hanging baskets???
Poirot, I hope you find masks. My Walmart had a lot on sale in the clearance aisle. I found
a few I like. If I find some next time, I'll send you some. More and more people in my
area aren't wearing masks. I don't know why some stores don't enforce the sign on the
door that you have to wear a mask to shop.

Nanahl. nice to see you post today. Good luck on your surgery when you have them.

OC, I'm glad you were able to get your niece's medicine.

robin, I hope your doctor visit went well.