5-21-18 - Donuts and Critters

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. The turkeys have thinned out. I think mating season must be over or almost. Now I'm mostly getting a lone hen at the bird feeding station, and one alone is not so persistent. However, I have a new pest. Hadn't seen raccoons in a while but now one is coming every evening to see if there is any birdseed left. I see him before dark. Will have to quit putting birdseed out altogether, I guess. Then he goes over to both my shepherd's hooks and causes destruction. I wasn't sure what was doing it but suspected a raccoon, then I caught him in the act before dark yesterday. So I brought both those bird feeders inside for overnight.

This morning I found both my hummingbird feeders out in the yard on the ground, with lids off. Grrr. One of them hangs up under my porch roof (stoop, landing, whatever you want to call it) right up next to the glass doors. I don't want to bring the hummer feeders in at night because they are most active real early in the morning, often before I even get up. Don't know what I'll do.
Good Morning,

OC - sorry to hear about your troubles with the raccoon. I have no advice on how to get rid of it other than to shoot it.

Took Gena and my granddaughter to a baseball game yesterday. They had a wonderful time. My friend went along to help with bathroom breaks and what not, and it was nice to visit with her too, while the little girls giggled and danced. It was a nice break from all the stuff at home.

Saturday night (between 9 and 9:30 pm) our fish tank sprung a leak and I had to find containers for the fish to spend the night in, and then empty the tank and move it to the kitchen sink, until I could go out Sunday morning before church to buy a new one. So I was at Walmart by 6 am to buy a new fish tank so I could have it all setup before church and the baseball game. Gena was cried herself to sleep thinking her fish would be dead when she woke up in the morning. She was thrilled that they all survived the night in the 2 quart pitchers. :rolleyes:

Hope you all have a good day.
Ugh, Mandy, and ugh, OC as well. Yes, OC , shoot it. That varmint is not being a friend, and not your job to feed it. Looking for freebies in all the wrong places, tis a thief, robber, plus vandal.

Mandy, I cannot imagine what the heck I would do if that happened to me. Good for you, quick thinking. Sorry you had to get up so early, but.....you certainly are Gena's hero! A friend of ours had 3 or 4 huge tanks at one time, don't know if he still has them (lives in IL) but I remember thinking ........sheesh, what if one sprung a leak/broke or something. (he had tropical fish).

Woke up at 4 a.m. again. Ugh for me.

You know, the other night, I was able to see, again, that movie Second Chances, with Greg Vaughan (Eric) and Alison Sweeney (Sami). And relating to a thread here, have to say, having watched both actors playing these other characters.....Eric would make a fabulous dad, and I just wish Sami could tone it down, not be reckless, more like the character in Second Chances.

Sun is out, I have a zillion things to do today. Take care folks, have a good one.
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Hi everyone!

OC, hope you get rid of that raccoon soon.

Manda, glad all your fish survived until you could get a new tank.

Poirot, I hope you can sneak in a nap today. 4am is too early to be up.

I lived near a swamp for 20+ years and only ever saw too snakes. I live in an apartment in the city near a highway and have seen two snakes in just a year. I’m ready to move to the country. At least there I expect snakes. And can get rid of them.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Morning all.

So how warm is it in AZ? I got in our pool for the first time this year yesterday afternoon. I normally don't get in to the pool until mid to late June. It helped that I had been working in the yard and was a sweaty mess. It felt wonderful. Swam 6 laps and am paying for it today. But will continue the laps and adding on each day.

Here for OC are my hackberry saplings. These are thumbnails, just click on the picture for a fuller version.

Hackberry saplings 2.jpg Hackberry saplings 3.jpg

Today, Hunny Bunny and I will continue to work on the dripper system, as we need to get these babies on. The table they had been on needs to be removed so my new patio furniture can be brought out/

Healing thoughts continuing for A Guy.

Manda - good job with the fish. A+ in my book.

Off to start a Monday.
It's a partly cloudy day. I plan to plant the rest of the marigolds today. All the library
books are inventoried now. Tomorrow I'll inventory the bags of books the
teachers use.

OC, sorry to hear about the raccoons. I guess living where you do you see all
kind of critters.

manda, you had a busy Sunday, shopping, church and game.

robin, where are you going to plant the hackberry plants?

I hope everyone has an nice afternoon and evening.
Hi everybody.

Had a very early staff meeting then went to a training on how to stop seniors bullying seniors. A few of the senior citizens I deal with are worse than the preschoolers.

I wasn't on line most of the weekend just due to being down in the dumps. Doc discovered another auto-immune health problem when I was in for my appointment Friday. He was suspicious after seeing all of my test results from the week before, and said he was 99% sure after checking me in the office. Sent me straight to the diagnostic center for additional testing. He called later Friday to confirm it so I was off to the pharmacy for 2 more prescriptions. I'm now on 13 prescriptions and 3 over the counter drugs (same strength but less expensive than prescriptions). I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I hate needing to take all of these drugs so my heart and lungs can function properly.

Sorry for being a Debbie Downer and dumping this on you folks.

Has anyone heard from A.Guy?? Prayers continue for his recovery.

The boss is calling for me now, and I don't feel like another meeting.
RS, though, visits senior centers, which don't close, and then those dang reports. Me thinks squirrelly needs a long rest, no vacations, visiting, volunteering, just herself, home.

I do know that contact with the kids all the time has folks catching everything under t he sun. Just ask the teachers!

Have not even had lunch yet, am off. Am guessing our A. Guy has suffered a setback of some kind, as am sure he would have checked in by now, so....let's all keep him on the prayer lists. :)
OC - be careful if you're going to shoot the raccoon. My dad did that on their back deck and the mess it left took him 2 days to clean up. We all laughed for days.

Manda - nice job saving the fish. Isn't it funny how we just do what has to be done.

KT - I will truly miss you. You always remind us of the shooting stars and your Remmey stories I have missed so much. You always have an answer if one of us need help.

Noel - I'm so glad you are home. Isn't it funny how the heat isn't quite as hot now that you're home?

RS - I hope you feel better soon. As my mom used to say all the time, the golden years just aren't for the weak.

We had a great weekend. We went up to Sandpoint for the car show and took Ember with us. She had so much fun and her mom got a little break. Yesterday, we worked in the yard. I got the garden all planted and flowers in the boxes.

Have a great day.
Heya Everybody! :) How are you? I hope that everyone is having a fabulous day. Today has been a pretty good day. I am off for the Victoria Day holiday so I am enjoying my 3-day long weekend. I got up, did a few chores around the house and have been relaxing and engaging in hobbies I like to do. I really wish every weekend was a 3-day weekend.

The weather has been beautiful here today as well. Right now it is sunny and 68*F, a nice Spring day here.

My prayers and love go out to AGuy.

Wishing all of you a marvelous Monday! Sending each one of you so much happiness.
LOL, yep, have seen stuff like that. Stretched a rope between two trees far apart once, bird feeder in the middle. Squirrels quickly learned to walk the tightrope, from underneath! We tried pulleys, all kinds of things, dang things are very determined. Gave it up finally. Pointless. Not gonna feed the squirrels, they get plenty all over. LOL
The hackberry trees came in 2 inch pots. They were transplanted into 4 inch pots, and now into gallon pots. We used the tiny ones in a workshop. The person brought them from California and couldn't return with them. You can't take trees or outside plants back to the state, so we purchased them from her. We also got some junipers and elms. The elms died early on or we sold them. Now these will continue to grow and I'll take them to the next swap meet and hopefully someone will want them and make something spectacular out of them.
Interesting to see pictures and read about your trees, Robin. I'd never have imagined hackberries getting all that attention.

Thanks for that crazy squirrel video, Kat. I'm starting to think squirrels may just be miniature raccoons.

Poirot, I haven't had to deal with squirrels, but my niece and I were talking about raccoons just yesterday and saying the same thing about them. There is no way to outwit their determination! When she first moved out here she came up with some creative attempts, none of which worked.

Squirrel, I'm so very sorry your health problems have become even more complicated. I know with auto-immune problems it's important to get plenty of rest and it seems like you never get very much rest. You work so hard all the time. You are so good at your job but I wish there could be a way for you to minimize the long hours and the exposure to so many viruses and other stuff. I'm glad you have a good doctor who is alert to your problems.
This is a very late post, and I hope most of you are sleeping soundly. Today we had 3 sets of twins admitted and that kept us all very busy. As you know, I prefer they be in the same basinet as a comfort to one another. In the morning I have pre-shift mandatory meetings and most likely will be a late poster again. I am hoping this is not a trend! I hope to catch up on all your posts tomorrow night. Thinking of you all.
Noel, did you see those newborn twin boys on tv the other day that started screaming when one of them was picked up. They'd been lying together with their cheeks touching. So the one that was picked up got put back down in the same position, with their cheeks touching again. and they both stopped crying immediately. This was repeated and it was the same every time. Or maybe the video was just repeating, I'm not sure, but it was the sweetest thing ever. See you this evening, if not before. Have a good day.