5/6/21 - Donuts and Birthday cake


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday, manda. Wishing you a wonderful day

Thank you for that reminder, Kat!!!

Manda, I was thinking earlier that this was your birthday. I guess I remember because it was also my husband's birthday. I hope you enjoy your day as much as I did mine yesterday. I believe you said you are taking today off work. I hope you find a bit of time to relax or dance around the house or go somewhere or whatever you'd like. :love:

Those cakes are so beautiful!

I'm expecting my niece at any moment. We need to go check on the cows. Have a good day all. Hope Robin comes through her surgery with as much ease as possible. I know that's a painful surgery.
Thank you all. I have the day off work so I'm just relaxing today, and just finished the summary for today's show. I did some shopping this morning while the stores were empty. I picked up some stuff for Gena to make her First Communion project for church, seeds and garden tools, and some lunch from the deli at the local supermarket.

My company is offering 10ft x 10ft garden plots on the company grounds for us to use. Sign up starts May 12th. Gena and I miss our vegetable garden so much that we decided together to try to get one. I don't know that I need a full 100 sq feet, but I got some green beans, broccoli, and bush cucumber seeds. I'll get a couple tomato plants closer to when they can actually be planted.

We left all the garden tools at the house when we moved, so I picked up 2 little shovels, 2 cultivators, 1 pruning sheers, a watering can, and a couple of 5 gallon buckets. I figure we'll need something to transport the weeds we pull and any veggies we eventually harvest. I know there will be water spigots out by the plots, but I don't know if there will be a hose and if there is, if it will be long enough to reach the plot, so better safe than sorry.

Sending Prayers for Robin, that surgery is successful and that healing and recovery is fast.
Good afternoon everyone. Work intervened every time I thought I had a few minutes to post here.

Amanda - That's fantastic that your work offers garden plots to people. If you don't want one that large, is there a possibility that you could split one with someone who also may want a smaller garden plot??

OC - It sounds like you had a very good day yesterday. Hopefully mama and calf can be reunited with their herd.

Prayers going up for robinsnest that her surgery is going / has gone well.
Robin, I was shocked to see you here so soon. Did you have knee replacement or some other kind of knee surgery? Hope you are getting some good rest.

Manda, getting out early was a good idea. So glad you got to do something a little different today. Here's hoping your garden spot provides not only some great food for you and Gena, but also a fun time in the doing of it.

Squirrel, the mama and her new baby were at the fence again. We called them along toward the gate for a ways but mama couldn't make up her mind to bring her new baby any closer. Another cow showed up with her and she came right up while we opened a wire gate for her to come through. By now, all the other cows had heard us and had come running. What we didn't know was that the 2nd cow had a calf on our side of the fence with the other cows. So they pulled a fast one on us.

Instead of that cow coming through to be with her calf and the herd, her calf ran past us and joined its mama on the other side of the fence! I have 2 major mudholes which have prevented us from closing a certain gate that would facilitate getting everybody together. Today we decided to chance it with one of them so we drove 3 miles around the county road to come in from the opposite side and to our relief, with the help of 4wd, we made it through the mudhole. So we're hoping to take feed in the morning and try a different approach. It got pretty hot and the mosquitoes were coming out of the tall grass and weeds everywhere.
After lunch, I was outside for awhile. I first used my old trimmer to cut down
some weeds that are tall. It's three weeks today since the yard has been
mowed. The mower is a fireman who has 24 hour duty working. Then 48
hours off. Every time he's off it's raining. There are a lot of yards in my
neighborhood that need mowing. I worked in the flowerbed too.

robin, I'm glad Vinnie will have time away from home while you recover.

manda, sounds like you having a good birthday and plans for the summer.
You might plant flowers with the vegetables. That might help bring the bees
early so they are there to pollinate the vegetable plants.

OC, sounds like you had a good day with the cows.
OC and others - I had arthroscopic knee surgery today. Trying to get the kneecap to ride properly as it's causing pain. The doctor didn't talk to me when I was awake enough to understand and he didn't call HB. I'll have to find out what was what at the post surgery appointment in a week to 10 days. They will call with the appointment tomorrow given I haven't received a call today and it's way past business hours.

I was up and at the clinic at 5 am so I was the first one he worked on.

I have slept most of the day and will sleep well tonight, I hope.