5-7-2016 - Donuts & Mothers Day Weekend


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Good Morning friends. It is still dark, a nice 70F. Yesterday we had 5 minutes of good rain so the dusty haze over the city has been cleansed away. And the temperatures dropped yesterday afternoon!

Wishing all my friends a blessed Mother's Day weekend. We lare leaving this morning to visit family. If you, like I, are missing your mother let us make her proud in heaven and bless someone else this weekend. Thinking of each you and grateful you are all excellent examples of a mothers love!

In case you did not see this last night in the Donut thread (I posted late) we had a very warm mid 80s day, a thunderstorm rolled in, lightning as well, did not last too long, but left this absolutely huge double rainbow. Honestly I had never seen one so big You can click on the pic and it will get bigger, then click to make it back to regular size.


notice the water & sky, darker w/storm on one side, and lighter on the other.
Wow, Poirot, I just looked at the one you posted last night but did not notice how it is lighter on one side of the rainbow and darker on the other, until you pointed it out. Guess I'm not as observant as I thought. Watching the sky is one of my favorite pastimes. Love this picture!

Noel, my mother has been on my mind the past couple of days. Your post almost brought tears to my eyes. Sweet. Glad you got the shower to clear up the air for a little while.

I may go over to my niece's in a few minutes. She has a beekeeper coming to remove a hive that has taken up residence in a building in her yard. She had to deal with them several times last year, in various locations. Thought maybe that would be it, but it seems not to be the case. I like to go watch them remove the bees. But I just remembered the mosquitoes have been bad and I don't go out when there are mosquitoes or gnats. But it is cloudy, cool and windy right now so I may give it a try.

Wishing a good weekend to all of you!
Morning all. Up early to clean house a bit then off to spend the day with dad. Noel's couple of minutes of good rain caught me in a parking lot trying to get to the store. It was a good rain. I could have entered a wet t-shirt contest by the time I got to the store. It was not a pretty sight, trust me.

Poirot, that is a wonderful picture, and would have the AZ weather folks interrupting regularly scheduled television to announce clouds, rain and rainbows. They'd even get the helicopter up so we could get an airborne viewing.

Noel, it's been 18 years without my mom. I sure wish I could have one more day, one more hour to talk with her. Thank you for the wonderful card.

Off to fold clothes and try to get another load of wash done before I leave.
Hi everyone!

What a beautiful picture Poirot.

Hope you have a good Mother's Day trip with your family, Noel.

Enjoy watching the bee move, OC.

Have a good day with your dad, robin.

Working 3-10 today and then I'm off until Thursday. Tomorrow is church and lunch with the boyfriend's mom and then a late dinner with my mom since she has to work. Then Monday we're off to the Outer Banks for 3 days. We were going to go the the North Carolina Aquarium in Manteo when we got there but it's closed for renovations so we're going to go climb the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse instead.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy Weekend everyone! It's supposed to be in the low 80's today and 20* cooler on Mothers Day. It's a beautiful sunny morning. It's going to be a quiet day here.

Hugs to all!

Angels have walked beside me all my life--and they still do.

Happy Mothers Day!
Good afternoon and good weekend to you all. Today the high is 78°. Nice change from the rain.

Beautiful double rainbow.

JBS paw is doing better finally. I ended up taking him back to the vet and getting more meds because it had gotten worse. Plus he needs a ten minute soak with Epsom salt twice a day. Still working on how exactly to get that done without making a mess. Thank gosh my floors are hardwood versus carpet.
RGA also ended up needing to go for a UTI and got some meds herself. She will take her meds in a pill pocket but I have to shove JBS meds down his throat.

I got us a Nutra Ninja blender with a ton of attachments to make our own smoothies and shakes in this summer. Today we tried it out with ice, pineapple juice, pineapple, strawberries and chia seeds. It turned out pretty good.

I bought a protein powder but since it is whey based I do not really like it as I do not drink milk and things that taste like milk are weird to me. I am just learning about protein powders so I ordered another plant based one that I hope will taste plain and I can just add fruit flavors to.

I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer for the summer with my oldest daughter. I am sure I will continue after she goes back to school but it will be fun to motivate and work together for the next few months.

Glad my girls and I will be taking some trips this summer to get away. We plan on going to GA once school gets out and a trip to the beach some time. Secretly I hope TR does not go. He needs to be here, working his tail off, not taking vacations that I will pay for.

I hope you all have the best weekend and day tomorrow. I am just glad to not have to cook or clean up lol.
I'm taking a few minutes rest from mowing. It's almost 80 now. The grass seed I planted
wasn't old after all. It's coming up.

Noel, enjoy your family time.

red, enjoy your time off.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.