5/7/21 - Donuts & Downpour!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Good morning! The rain woke me up at 3:00. At 4:00 I decided I might as well get up. I had hoped I might get some gardening done today, but not if this keeps up. Oh well, there is plenty to do inside. Yesterday I closed on the refinance of my house. This will reduce my monthly mortgage payment by $150. Yay! That will help me meet these additional medical expenses.

Hope you all have a good day.
Evidently rained a tiny bit during night as large wet spot on one side of patio that had not yet dried out. Lots of early daylight.......sunrise is at 5:42 a.m. LOL.......We are getting about 14 3/4 hrs. of daylight now. (It sets at 8:22)Gets up to high 50s, or 60 & lots of folks are in shorts! Down south, bet the jackets go on. Ha.

Yesterday it was sooo calm out, I had a bunch of different errands, one which meant me driving out to the lake (had to check my son's mailbox for med pkg. , he lived nearby - yep, mistakenly sent there) so was rather harried day, but the drive was nice. 20 miles but enjoyed it. After I returned to town, had to go to post office to once again, make out a change of address for him. Last time, I thought he'd be able to return home so only made it til May. Obviously they stopped right away. Then the VA sends half his med here, and then other stuff goes there. Grrrr. The VA has known for a few months that he was in the asst. living/nursing, but .........oh, well.

Hope Robin was able to sleep thru the night o.k. Wish I knew why I can only sleep 1-3 hrs. and wake up, to toss & turn, rinse, repeat. Just too much to worry about & take care of these days.

Sun is out, we are to hit 57 today. A few of the snowbirds here, usually back end of April, still have not returned. Surprising. Guess AZ, TX, & FL are keeping them very comfortable. LOL
Hopefully, my mower comes today. No rain today, but chance of rain tomorrow.
It's going to be in the 60s with clouds. I'm going out this morning and try my
new trimmer. Then lunch with a few from Sunday school class. My laptop
battery is supposed to come today. I told them after 3, but this morning the
tracking number shows it hasn't left yet.

Lil0, I hope you're doing well. Hopefully, you can get out soon and get gardening done.

Poirot. I'm glad you had a nice drive yesterday.

robin, I hope you can have a restful day before Vinnie gets home.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Yes, Poirot, in my part of Texas we've been fairly mild in temperatures so far but we're starting to have more of the "warmer" days. It's 65* right now and will get to 86*. Tomorrow 90* but some years we are already seeing triple digits by now. I can't imagine how you are handling all the details of TWO disabled family members! It's no wonder you have trouble sleeping. The country drive was a nice diversion, though it took up some of your time.

Lil0, it's good that you were able to refinance and get some relief on the expenses. I think about you often and hope you are doing well with your health issues.

Robin, I hope you aren't in too much pain today.

I'm waiting to hear from my niece. We need to do more with my cows this morning. Should have already been out and at it but she has a LOT of morning chores with her animals.
Good morning. The hardest part of sleeping last night was sleeping on my back with my leg on the wedge to keep it higher than my heart. The pain is minimal so that is good news. At least it isn't supposed to be triple digits today, but it will be upper 90's so it might just keep going.

The resort posted pictures of the small dogs yesterday, but no sign of the Beast. Either he wasn't interested in having his picture taken or was just too fast. He is just a nutball after all.
Good afternoon everyone. The heavy rain has stopped for now, but the dark clouds are still here

Went out early this morning to Sam's Club in Ohio. Friend Cindy went with me to get out of the house. She had a lot of shopping to do for herself plus her daughter's house. I kept trying to swap carts with her since her's was so heavy. She kept saying no. I made her wait under the loading area roof while I got the car because I didn't want her to get soaked loading the car in the parking lot.

Cindy looks good, but still has a horrible raspy cough from the rawness caused by the ventilator. She was a trooper today, but as soon as she started to tire we headed to the checkout.

Lil0, I'm glad you could refinance to save money.

Poirot, good thing you could track down the medicine shipment.

kat, enjoy your lunch out.

OC, I hope you can get your truant girls to behave today.

robinsnest, prayers continue for your healing after your surgery.
Good Afternoon,

It's cool and breezy here today, with rain showers off an on. Nothing super exciting going on here today. I volunteered for overtime tomorrow at work to test a new system implementation, starting at 8 in the morning. I don't know what I was thinking as Saturday is my only day to sleep in, but that's okay, I may just take another vacation day soon.

RS - so nice of you to help Cindy, shopping in the rain is no fun.

Kat - Here's to hoping your mower guy comes today.

Lil0 - congrats on the refinance. What a relief to save some money.

Poirot - what hassle that the VA can't just send your son's medications to his assisted living home.

OC - I hope everything goes well with your cows today.

Robin - so glad to hear that you don't have too much pain. Hopefully Vinnie lets you rest and heal.

Have a terrific weekend.
Happy, happy, joy, joy. The mower just arrived.

There was a snafu with the tracking number with the battery. Fed Ex called me
yesterday and I told them to come after 3 today. They gave me a tracking
number. I realized later it didn't match the email invoice I got. I was going to
move lunch to my house since ground FedEx would come when they wanted.
Lucky for me, the battery came before 10. It should be easy to insert.

robin, glad to hear your pain isn't too bad today.

OC, I hope your cow day went well.

rs, I'm glad your shopping time with Cindy went well.

manda, I hope you won't have to be at work all day.
Kat - I'm glad your battery arrived early. I should only have to work a couple hours tomorrow morning. I'd never volunteer for a full 8 hours on a Saturday, and I'm still working from home so that helps too. :)
Manda, my son volunteered to work on Easter Sunday. The person who was supposed to come in had small children and church services, he said he didn't have anything until 2pm so he'd do it gladly. She approved his overtime and he went in for a guaranteed 4 hours of time and a half for Sunday and then extra for the holiday. Finished in just less than an hour as there was no one there to interrupt him. He felt it was a win win.
Kat, glad your mower arrived. I'm waiting for mine but he never tells me what day he's coming. He just said "the end of the week." I've already moved my 3 vehicles away from the yard.

Manda, I hope your volunteering is appreciated. Not everyone would give up their Saturday morning.

Squirrel, you were so very kind and thoughtful of your friend Cindy. A good friend indeed!

Robin, thanks for the explanation about your surgery. Sleeping on your back with your knees up would be hard. I hope you don't have to do it for very long.
Agree about sleeping on the back.....hubby has had to to do since the hip surgery, & finds it difficult, but he does get sleep. Don't know why he cannot even turn on other side to sleep, he never does that, but sometimes I see him (evidently in his sleep) on his side. I think it wakes him up, as mostly he is on his back.