6/12/21 - Donuts & Ghost


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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LOL, last night I watched Ghost, with Patrick Swayze, which I had not seen in some time. I do really enjoy that movie. I love when, as a ghost, he finally learns to deal with solid objects, and uses it to "get" the bad guys.

So it was pretty foggy this a.m. , as the temp dropped considerably, down to 58 this a.m. But the sun is out, blue skies, clear, etc. etc. Yes, those temps are due to rise high still, and for the rest of the month!

Hope you all are doing well, coping with whatever life & Mother Nature is throwing at you. God Bless.
Poirot, when I saw the title of this thread I didn't know what to expect. Good to know it was only a movie. I'm glad you found something to watch that gave you some pleasant diversion.

Kat, it sounds like you're getting your share of summer heat too. It's not even summer yet and there seems to be more than enough heat to go around already.

I'm not minding the heat so much as the humidity that's bringing all the gnats, mosquitoes and those tiny things that get into the house and end up in my bathroom each morning. I am seeing some small grasshoppers though, which probably means things will dry out. Maybe not but I tend to associate grasshoppers with the hot, dry days of summer. But for now, another hot, humid one here today.
Hi all - I have decided I am never buying another piece of fabric again......yeah, right. LOL. OMG. I have spent the last 4 days trying to put my quilt room back together and organize it - no - am not finished. I keep finding fabric. I like the way I have it organized but it keeps multiplying. LOL. I have so many unfinished projects too. It will take me years to get everything sewn.

My new mattress is coming this morning. Yay! Looking forward to it. Gotta go mow the grass now. Have a good day all!
It's another day of sunshine and humidity. I wanted to work in the flowerbed later this afternoon
in the shade, but I'm under heat advisory so I won't be going out.

The computer man is here. My big computer is dying a slow death. I should have saved things from
it earlier. He's saved most of the things. He's hoping he can get in the computer and save email
addresses too. He fixed my computer desk since my ex didn't put it together correctly. He helped me
pick out a new computer. I'll be ordering that later today or tomorrow. I'll have someone from
Geek Squad come out again and set it up.

I shopped at Walmart this morning. I wore a mask and only saw a few others. When I got home, I read
COVID is going up in my area. Under 40 percent of adults have gotten vaccinations in my state.

Poirot, enjoy your cooler day.

OC, I hope you didn't have to go out today in the heat.

dachsie, enjoy your new mattress.

robin, I hope you won't have go out in the heat.

I hope everyone stays cool.
Kat, I'm really sorry about your computer. That happened to me one time. My son was able to save most of my information but not all of it. Good to get your desk put together right though.

Robin, I'm also very sorry about your dreadful temperatures. Vinnie is goofy but in a charming way.

Dachsie, I hope your mattress is comfortable. You'll be wanting to crawl onto it by the time you finishing working for the day.
I am so lucky to have friends here, that I can lean on, when I need someone. Thank you so much, it means a lot. Don't think I mentioned.......had a dear friend whose last name was Deveraux. Such a truly nice person. He would be puzzled when some folks would call him Jack, not knowing what the heck it meant. (I clued him in), and was asked if related to Blanche (Golden Girls,) lol. He took it all in stride laughed, played along at times. He recently passed away, & his family will be holding services for him elsewhere here in Wisconsin.

Well, we had mostly a beautiful, wonderful day today, which we deserve after the horrendous heat wave that lasted nearly 2 weeks. Believe it or not, was 58 at 6 a.m., thru out most of morning and early afternoon, was breezy and the 70s. Hallelujah! Of course, yes, then it went into 80s, and just hit 90, but boy, the break in the oppressive heat was soooo welcome. I had the patio door opened a bit, and never put the a/c on.....LOLOL. (not saying I might not later, as it has gotten hot and the breeze died off. )

Hope I find something decent tonight on TV, weekends are horrible for me, all sports of various kinds. Every station. I know some of you like that, am happy for you. Ha.

Meanwhile, Robin.....I honestly would melt in your weather, I admire you for being able to exist in it. I do hope you will be able to exit AZ eventually, as you have planned.........but will Vinnie be able to adjust to non-desert temps? LOL.

Update on the caregiver's son........he may have to have skin grafting on his shoulders. Decision on Mon. by doctor.

Take care, stay safe, hydrate........God Bless.
Poirot, I'm sorry you've lost another friend......Weekends are the same for me. Not much happening online and nothing on tv that I like. But tonight--right now--I'm watching The Quiet Man, one of my favorite movies. I got in about 2/3 through but I've seen it so many times it doesn't matter. Nearly every scene is fun in and of itself. John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara are so good together and one of the few times he shows up in something that's not a western.....I hope all goes well with your son. Preferably no grafting needed or easy going if it is needed.
Where the heck did you find The Quiet Man? I was going thru the station guides for a movie & could not find a thing. A Few Good Men was on, put it on for about 10 min., not the western I thought it was. Oh, well. turned it off, got onto Hallmark's The Baker's Son, but it did not interest me at all. Maybe I was in a "mood", lol.
Hmmm, that is where Dr. Zhivago was last night. Is there really different programming for different areas of the country ??? I wonder. Are you sure it was not American Movie Classics?

Tonite is How to Steal a Million......Is that what you have?
Do you have Netflix? As it supposedly was on there??????
No, I don't have Netflix or anything besides Dish, and it wasn't American Movie Classics. I don't ever go to that channel. I have 2 lists of "favorites" with a few channels on each. I rarely go anywhere besides the ones on those lists. It was TCM. I don't know for sure what time it came on but I was watching it, toward the end of it, when I posted last night at 9:44.

Sorry I wasn't on here earlier to see your question and check what was on, but right now, at 9:45, Topkapi is on--9:15 to 11:30. I'm not watching that. I'd never thought that TCM might run different things on Dish and Direct.
Tis fine......Topkapi was on here, too, then. Just odd, but.........could be that while they SAID it was supposed to be Dr. Zhivago, they may have subbed for some reason, and only someone who watched from the beginning would know. LOL, Since you tuned in with it already running, and had just happened to run across it.....hey, good for you, you lucked out.

I really like Dish better than DirecTv (I had that for years and years)
That is odd. I had noticed earlier that Dr. Zhivago was scheduled and thought that a little bit odd, since they just ran it within the past month or so. But I didn't look later to see if it was actually on.

We had DirecTv years ago, then switched to Dish. It was in and around the time when the old-fashioned antenna service was discontinued and we wanted to get our local stations. I forget just how it went but we were back and forth, going with the one that provided the local service.
yeah, that is the rub. For a long time, I did not get local channels, so got east and west coast network channels. NY & LA. However, because I got NY, & it was Eastern time, I got to watch Days at 11 a.m. so could get the summary up early. Then, last year, DirecTv said the FAA or whoever is in charge of those things, would not allow them to give those east/west channels to anyone who was getting locals, which we were by then. So lost them, Days is on 1 p.m. here, not over til 2 p.m. & thus, summaries were much later. When my son took the job installing security systems (& Dish) he switched over himself, was very happy. He only quit because he did not like having to drive hundreds of miles to job sites every day, then opposite direction for another. LOL. But he helped me switch over, & am very happy with it.
A Few Good Men was on, put it on for about 10 min., not the western I thought it was. Oh, well.
I love A Few Good Men. Jack Nicholson did an awesome job in that movie.