6-15-16 - Donuts and Heat Advisory


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today and tomorrow my area under heat advisory. I think we one yesterday, but I didn't know that
when I was mowing. I mowed about 30 minutes and took a break. I stayed out longer to finish,
but it's done. I was tired since I did trimming in the AM first

Dog and I had our walk. I watered some flowers. I'm in for the day :)

I hope everyone will stay cool and have a good day

Don't forget the Heat is On

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Good Morning,

Try to stay cool kat. Heat advisory, yuck. Glad you were able to mow without problems.

It's misting out here this morning, supposed to rain most of the day. I'm glad we went to the library last night, as there's no way we'd be able to walk today in the rain. Gena chose 7 books to borrow, 1 for each day until we go back again next week.

Now that she got her summer reading program papers, we'll be there every week, as she gets a prize (pencil, bookmark, bouncy ball, etc.) a drawing slip and whole bunch of stamps in her book for each week that we go. The prizes for the drawing are a $10 gift certificate for a book store, a magic wand kit, a $5 gift certificate for any place in our downtown, and an unknown value gift card for Target. She got 2 slips last night so she entered for the magic wand kit and the book store.

Not much on the agenda for today other than dodging rain drops.

Have a wonderful day!!
JS - me too, I wish I could sign up. The bookmark she picked yesterday is cool, it's a tiny $50 bill but between the front and the back are 2 magnets so it sticks around the page you are on and won't fall out of the book. Which will be handy as we work our way through chapter books. The bookmarks are always falling out on us, and I refuse to fold corners.

I forgot to add that at the end of the summer she will get to choose a book to keep when she completes all the weeks. :)
I'm in the reading program this summer. The kids grand prize are bikes. The
adults is an iPad. Every five books you get entered for the grand prize.

I like collecting bookmarks. I sometimes get extra ones at the library. It bothers
me when I see folded corners. Anything can be used as a bookmark
Good morning. I haven't read yesterday or today's posts yet. Went to town yesterday, have to go back today. Good news is I'm getting my car cleaned up.

So much sad news. Two of my kids have recently lost close friends. My daughter's birthday is today and she will be attending the funeral of her best friend, who lost a long battle with breast cancer. The friend's daughter is my granddaughter's best friend. My granddaughter will be singing at the funeral.

I got word about an hour ago that my cousin and her husband were killed in a car wreck last night. I'm still trying to process that. Their daughters had given them a surprise 50th anniversary party over the weekend. They were a close family, lots of love and laughter.

Have to get going. Just wanted to check in and let you know I've got internet and am okay.
Good morning everyone. We have a hot but rainy day here. I still want to be outside instead of doing these reports and referral follow ups.

OC - I am so sorry for the loss of your cousin, her husband, and your daughter's friend.

I'm so proud of Gena and her love of reading. I love to read, too, and try to finish one or more books per week. Thank goodness for my Kindles so I can have hundreds of books ready to go. Sometimes, though, I want to hold a real book.

The newspaper is a different story. I want to hold the paper while I read it. I get so angry with my delivery person because I only seem to get 3 or 4 papers out of 7. When I call the newspaper office to complain, the lady always tells me to read it on line. GRRRR AT least they finally gave me free access (instead of the $255 yearly online access fee) because I'm constantly calling to complain. Yet the delivery person has the nerve to put a card made out to herself in my newspaper box for every holiday and stinking made up one insinuating that I should give her extra tips above what I include with my bill payment.
OC, sorry to hear about your cousin and her husband And your daughter's best friend.

rs, do you think someone might be stealing your paper? I used to have problems with
mine until I got a paper tube by my mailbox. Next holiday, give the person a penny...
they don't deserve anymore than that
Good Morning,

I have the worst paper "person"! We leave for work at 6:45 and the paper is never there so then it sits wherever she has decided to toss it that morning, all day long! I too like to read the paper and not online. When I called to complain, they told me they were sorry but they no longer are paid mileage so they are seeing more and more of this and to feel free and read it online (which is free to those that subscribe).

I told them I pay to READ the paper and not online. It's supposed to be delivered M-F no later than 6:00am and on the weekends no later than 7:00am. Weekends I might get it by 8:30 at the earliest. Now complaining all year hasn't helped, but for the last two years as Christmas is nearing, my paper gets there before I leave for work and before 7 on the weekends. I'm not stupid. I see what she is doing.

OC, so sorry to hear about your cousin and husband. What a horrible accident.

Kat, hopefully you can stay cool indoors!

Amanda - what a great reading program! Gena is lucky to have such a good Mommy to keep her involved with reading.
kat - yes, I also have the newspaper company's box / tube next to my mailbox.

According to my newspaper, all deliveries are to be done by 7:00 am. When mine does come, it is between 9:00 and 11:00.

When I'm home, I start watching at 6:30 for the paper. When it doesn't show up by 11:00, I call and complain.

It isn't just me that has the problem. It is everyone on my road. Either we all get a paper or nobody does. Most of the folks are retired, and sit by their windows watching for her car that is late or never shows up. I think this delivery lady is too stupid to realize that we compare notes.

The previous delivery person was a single dad who worked 3 part time jobs to support his kids. He very faithfully delivered the paper every day around 9:00. If he had a problem and was going to be late, he called to say there would be a delay. No problem, and I always tipped him extra.
Good afternoon everyone,

Haven't been on here because my cousin has been visiting from CA, so we've been showing her around town and took her down to DC for a day. Weather's been nice and really warm. Also been going to the gym and working as usual. My personal trainer will be gone for two weeks of Marines training, so I'll be working out with his friend in his absence so I don't get out of shape, lol. I've been really upset over the Florida shooting--just angry and very sad. Someone I know lost a friend down there. I didn't know the person at all, but it still hurts.

OC, so very sorry to hear about all of your losses. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I have to get caught up on Days--maybe I will today.

Have a nice day, all.
Hello everyone. It's been raining off and on here. Remmy wants to go out again, but she doesn't like rain. She has been checking out her behind, maybe to see if she can hold it a little longer, lol. I think I'm in for a long day!

OC, I so sorry to hear of your losses. Take care.

Stay safe folks.
OC - so sorry to hear about your losses, how tragic.

RS - I'm so thankful that Gena loves to read. It helps, I suppose, that I've been reading to her almost every night since I found out I was pregnant. I used to read whatever I was reading out loud, just it get in the habit for when she arrived. :)
Heat is on, exactly. Today is the last "cool" day of the week, at 103, then it just gets insane with 120 and 121 actually being forecasted!!! The overnight lows are anything but. And tragically we can't have a fire. I know, don't you just dream of sitting around a fire when it's 119 outside?? I know I don't. But the air will be so bad, no outdoor fires and they urge car pooling and such. Don't go through the drive through. YUCK. And the saying but it's a dry heat doesn't help.

Baby Cassius gained an ounce yesterday, but is still having major jaundice issues. But he gained an ounce!!!

My dad is still in the hospital. No clue when he is leaving. The skilled nursing care place he is supposed to go doesn't have the correct type of mattress.

OC - I'm sorry to hear about the folks you have lost. Prayers for all involved.

I'd like to join a summer reading club. I'd like to remember the thrill of a new book mark. I'm so happy Gena gets to experience those things.

Off to a thrilling Wednesday.
A.Guy, currently I'm reading The Guardian, which is book 2 in a series of 7, although I started with book 6 and went back to 1. LOL I'll see if the library has that one when I finish this one. :) I like James Patterson.

Sadly most nights I read about Barbie, Dora, Fancy Nancy, or one Princess or another.
I purchased Richard Scarry's "I am a Bunny" for Cassius. Well, for the baby shower. This was my son's FAVORITE book to read as a small one. We read to him and then his brother in the afternoon, before bedtime for a long time. I'd nurse and read to the kids. It might have been the morning paper but I was reading it so why not out loud??

I loved I am a Bunny as I had it memorized and could read it without seeing the pages. I still remember the first half of the book so I'm good to go when I stay over and am asked to read a story. :)
Sorry to be so late in posting. Children's softball game beginning in a few minutes. Dinner is a stuffed pretzel - frozen to thawed in the stands in this heat. LOL. Will try to read posts before my head touches the pillow later tonight. Hope all of you had a wonderful day!
RS, yes, It's the Patterson. Based upon your review, will avoid the TV show! Noticed yesterday that "Zoo 2" is out.

Manda, I've watched a few "Dora" TV episodes. :) Tried to pick up some Spanish as a side benefit, but I think some of the pronunciations sound wrong. Wonder where Dora's voice person is from. Haven't read many series, got through all the James Bond, most of Ann Rice, Patricia Cornwell's stuff, and the lion's share of the "Clan of the Cave Bear" collection. The last two prove that I can adapt to female authors! :) What a blessing it is to be able to read.