6/15/21 - Donuts and Early Sunrise

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I haven't seen the sunrise in a while so I was surprised this morning when I saw it come up at 6:30. Looks like we'll see plenty of it today and for the week. Now if only the humidity would go down enough to clear out the mosquitoes and gnats! It's 73* right now, will reach around 100*, but the humidity is 98% at the moment! I don't have any plans for the day beyond getting breakfast. Hope all of you have the best one you can.
Good morning......Saw the sun rise here, too.......It was 5:15....you know, it is already pretty light at 4 a.m. Yikes....Sun out, will be around 80 today, but right now, 54...nope, just checked, that was at 6, it is now 7:25 and 60.....we are on the way. Bookwork today, did laundry yesterday, went to pick up a prescription, tried to get someone to clean out the dryer vent,.,.,.,.,.no luck.

Enjoy the day........stay in if it gets hot, Robin, stay safe. I don't think I'd last long in your temps.
Another cool morning for walking. It's sunny today and highs in the 90s. I'm having low humidity today.

The door company men just left after remeasuring the frames where the new doors will go in. It will be
several weeks before the doors will come.

I'm going out this morning to do some shopping. I can't leave too early since Kohl's won't open for another hour.

OC, I hope you're power will be ok today. I read parts of Texas yesterday were having problems with the high temps.

rs, I hope your day went well.

Poirot, I hope you won't have to go out today.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Humidity is down to 68% now so headed in the right direction but still too high for me. It's 84* now.

Squirrel, woohoo, no rain for you today!

Poirot, I can't get over how early you get light and sunrise. But lately I have noticed a hint of light here at 5:00. I was thinking this morning how it would be even an hour earlier without the Daylight Savings. (I still wish for Standard year round though).

Kat, I'm happy for you with your low humidity. Conditions sounded pleasant for your walk. I didn't even know about the warnings on our power grid until my niece told me last night. It's pretty scary. If we're already getting warnings on it now, that doesn't bode well at all for when it gets seriously hot here in July and August! I've given some thought to buying a generator and maybe need to give it more attention, if they are even available. If/when we actually have the blackouts, people will rush out and buy up whatever they can get.
Good Morning,

Another beautiful cool morning, currently it's 68*. It was so cool yesterday, that I kept the air conditioner off and opened the windows. The breeze was fantastic. I wish we would get some rain though, all the grass is brown and we are dealing with high fire risk from my area all the way up to Poirot's area. We're almost 2 inches of rain behind for the month.

My poor Gena was having bad dreams last night and ended up crawling into my bed. She was super restless too, which made for a very long night for me of trying to get her to relax and not thrash around so much.

OC - I hope the humidity keeps creeping down for you.

Poirot - I hope your weather stays cooler.

RS - I hope everything goes well at the senior centers today

Kat - I'm glad you're having nice weather, enjoy your shopping trip.

Have a wonderful day!
OC....I was thinking the same this a.m. I want Standard all the time, but was thinking how the sun NOW would be 4:15 a.m. using Standard time. LOL.
stay in if it gets hot, Robin, stay safe.
As in your winters where I simply can't understand how people cope with ice/snow and well for me, anything below 40 is brutally cold. This is our challenging times. It was 102° at 10 am here today. Yesterday didn't get as hot as it was supposed to but ONLY because the wind blew the smoke from our wildfires in our direction and that blocked the sun. So only 113 but you couldn't breathe. The pool was wonderful. Wednesday is to be the warmest day of the week. Our overnight "lows" are a joke. Yes, they are cooler but last night's "low" was 86.

We have a dinner date tonight with out of town friends. That will be fun our first time out.

SUPER news, and very early, but my nephew will be coming to Santa Monica for Christmas so my sister is hosting again. I get to meet my nephew and he will be over a year old. Thank you, COVID.

On to a day, a Tuesday.
Robin, meeting your nephew will give you something special to look forward to. I was wondering about your niece this morning. Any changes to report? Maybe I should have looked in the Chapel forum but I forgot to do that.

Manda, sorry about Gena and her restless night. It may have been harder on you than it was on her. Hope both of you get some good rest tonight.

It's in the 90s* now, humidity in the 40%s. Don't need it to go too low and put us in fire danger like Robin.
OC - I finally was able to get ahold of my scatterbrained older sister this morning. She swears she told me. Uh huh. Anyway, my niece will have surgery on June 25th. As of now she is scheduled to go home same day.

My sister's husband hated doctors and he was a cop. He finally went to the doctor when the problem was so bad he could no longer hide it. Turned out he had stage 4 cancer of the kidneys. It had, of course, spread everywhere and the fact that the doctors couldn't cure him was the doctor's fault. So now the entire family avoids going to the doctor till it's too late. I really hope that isn't the case now.

It's 114 currently. Yippee.
Oh, Robin, ugh. Today, after the previous 2 weeks of horrendous 90s, it was a delightful 75. Yes, that was the high. It was heavenly. The lack of much needed rain was ignored. This is normal June, not hellish June. LOL.

Hubby had appt at hosp. on Thurs. with cardiologist, I have dr appt. tomorrow a.m. and maybe will be able to have lunch (been 2 years) with a couple of friends......not sure.

The care-giver's son is having surgery on Thursday, skin grafting on both shoulders, & was transferred to the Minneapolis-St. Paul hosp. burn clinic.
Yes, it is, O.C. I understand, too, they will be keeping him in the hospital for two weeks after the skin grafting.