6/15/22 - Donuts and an Oven


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. I'm just back from school, and it is like an oven outside. The temp is already at 90* and is supposed to go over 95* today. Our humidity is at 93% . :eek:

I thought I had posted yesterday, but saw that I had just "liked" posts in Donuts.

I have beautiful large green tomatoes on my plants. Can't wait for them to ripen. I'm afraid that critters will get to them first.

A co-worker's wife had him bring a pot of 3 large spider plants for me. They just need to be repotted, but it was too nasty outside yesterday to do them, and it'll be even worse today. They'll have to wait until Friday or Saturday when it is a bit cooler. Since she had them inside, I'll pot one to keep in the living room. Th other 2 will hang outside on the porch.

OC, has your air conditioning unit been fixed ? I can't imagine being in that heat without it.
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Good morning. The HVAC man just left. My unit just needed a new capacitor. That was such good news. My unit is old, about 20 years, but the service guys tell me it is better made than the ones they make now. I haven't had much trouble with it but when there is a problem I can't help but wonder if it has finally worn out. The room with the mini-split was a big help, especially with sleeping last night. Being inside the rest of the house was nearly unbearable last night and this morning.

I hope everyone is getting along okay with whatever weather or other circumstances you have.
Your wish is my command :)

It's a nice day here with clouds and a breeze. It will be in the high 80s with medium humidity today.
After my walk, I worked in the side bed. I would go out this afternoon, but my mower might be
coming today.

rs, I'm sorry you got my weather. I noticed yesterday the mid west was in a heat wave. I hope your
weekend is cooler.

OC, I'm glad your A/C was fixable.

Wishing everyone the best day they can have with the wacky weather.
kat, I saw that on the news last night. When Internet Explorer first came out, we thought it was the best thing since microwave ovens. Now I only use Chrome at home and work. A lot of my state server connects won't even work on Microsoft Edge.

I'd gladly give you your heat and humidity back, but I don't wish this on anybody..
Good morning, folks. Well, we hit the 95 yesterday as well, hot, humid. Today, was overcast, grey, very humid and 70, & then began to rain around 7 a.m. Only for about 45 min, tho. I had an appt. at the bank at 9, had gathered all the papers, items I needed, get over there....the employee wasn't at her desk, stood around, finally sat down. along comes another employee, my appt. isn't in today .........I knew her family had been sick with covid, evidently still going on.......and tho this one was willing to help, one thing was super complicated so I opted to reschedule. Frustrating, for sure.

Didn't know about internet explorer, never used it, did not like it, use only Chrome.
However, it is frustrating to attempt something, and have Edge automatically appear as the program to use (This is with Windows 10). Must be some way to stop that from happening. LOL
Good morning.... hey we hit 95 here yesterday too..... and well blew through it.... but still..... per our weather guessers we will be in the 110 range with a 20% chance of rain on Saturday..... rain sounds nice.... I'll take rain but really 110 and rain..... gosh thanks..... I guess....
HB is at his eye doctor and then we will end up at COSTCO at some point today to get meds for him....and perhaps if we are lucky some food stuff items too....
The Beast will protect the house. too hot to take him now.

good Wednesday to all....
Afternoon everyone!

Glad your AC was quickly fixed, OC. It’s horrible to think of this heat without any.

We are mid to upper 90’s this week with heat indexes in the 100’s blah!
Hi there everyone,
Sorry for staying away so very long, life got crazy there for awhile. Work is keeping me hopping with back to back training classes lasting between 6 and 8 weeks at a time, I spent 3 days at camp with Gena's 6th grade class, then 6th grade graduation, school concerts, Girl Scouts, and most recently my dad's funeral. I'm still in complete and utter shock about that last one. He had been recovering really nicely from the surgery he had back in March and was expecting to go back to work in a few weeks. Then June 2nd he had a major cardiac event (not sure if it was a massive hear attack or just plain old cardiac arrest) and he was gone. To complicate things, my step-mom had his body sent for cremation the very next morning, before my sister in Chicago or I had a chance to see him one last time and say goodbye. It all feels surreal. I guess the good news for me is that once we get past my sister's wedding in October, I will potentially never have to see my wicked step-monster again.

Sorry to be a downer, my mood has been a little gloomy lately for obvious reasons.

I hope you are all doing well with good things going on.
Poirot, probably just as well you stay away from the bank until the Covid connections pass. My daughter in Dallas is pretty sure she had it last week. Some friends she'd been with had it and she had the same symptoms. She'd had it before and thankfully didn't get very sick this time.

Kat, 80s* sounds pretty good but even that is hot, with high humidity. High humidity is never pleasant except for actual rain when you need rain.

Kris, it sounds like you've got some humidity going too. Ugh!

Robin, maybe the Beast is like I am and doesn't even want to go anywhere in this heat. Rain at 110* would be strange. It would be nice if it rained and that made the temperature drop.

Squirrel, if you'd make fried green tomatoes I'd almost try to get there to eat them with you.

Just heard from the Ford place, where my truck is in the shop. Turns out the radiator is completely plugged and has been for a long time. It will need a new radiator. :eek: A costly repair job! Seems like there's another one every time I turn around. But this explains a lot of things about why I've had this truck in the shop numerous times with complaints that nobody has ever been able to explain before so I'm hopeful there will be some overall improvement.

Manda, it's good to see you here. No need to apologize for your mood. You've been through something that takes time to heal. Sending love to you and Gena.
Has rained off and on today a few times. No idea yet about amount...doubt it is much. However huge clap of thunder overhead around 3:30 and lost TV. Came back about about 20 minutes. Actually, is still raining. Well, we need it. !