6-18-2017 - Donuts and Wet Weather

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Good morning. It's been raining here, off and on, for several days. The grass is getting way too high, but it's too wet to mow. This morning, Remmy went out and trotted around like a Tennessee Walking Horse so she wouldn't get her dainty feet so wet, lol.

Nothing much is going on here and certainly no stargazing at night.

Take care.
Good morning all.

I have hopes of getting out shortly to get shopping done so I can shelter inside till the sun gets off the pool. Then move to the coolness of the water till dark.

I didn't even ask if stepmom would be spending the day with her kids and grandkids and great-grandkids celebrating Father's Day. If it was anything like their Mother's Day celebration, it will be a short visit.

kt - hope you get a break in the sky so you can see the stars.

Restful Sunday to all.
Kt, I'm glad to see you've been here this morning. I've been thinking about you. Sorry you've been shut in with wet weather. That can be a downer after a while. I'm seeing this morning that a tropical storm is beginning to develop in the Gulf, so unfortunately, you may be in for more wetness, depending on which direction it takes.

Robin, staying in the pool sounds like the only way to go. I keep seeing on the news about how extreme the temperatures are and will be for some days in your area. I know how unwelcome this is for Noel but I think this kind of excess is awful even for you, and everybody else there. My good friend from here, and her husband, are in Scottsdale right now, heading home on Tuesday. They didn't pick a very good time to go, but they go there often to visit family, so they went with their eyes open.

At the oil change place the other day I found some of that mouse repellent I'd mentioned on here recently. It turns out it is sold a lot of places. Maybe even Wal-Mart. But I got one packet at the oil change place and am now ordering some more from Amazon. It is called Earth Kind Fresh Cab Botanical Rodent Repellent. It is made from Balsam Fir Oil and is said to be safe around humans and pets.

I've read the questions and answers, and some comments, on Amazon. Like a lot of things, some say it's great, while others say it's worthless. But it gets a four star review with well over 300 customers so that's pretty good. I think it sells for eight to nine dollars per single pouch at most places but I'm going to order a pack of 3 boxes with 4 pouches in each, for $33, since I have three vehicles and a gas grill that need relief.

The electronic noise device under the car hood seems to be helping some but still, I find a few twigs under there every 4-5 days. I may even get one of the electronic devices that makes the flashing light too. There is no such thing as overkill, after the expense and frustration the mice have caused me this past year!

Wishing everybody a good Sunday and a happy Father's Day to all who fit that role.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads on here! Hope you're having a relaxing day!

I woke up to rain this morning but looks like we may have some sun later today. Woke up at 3:00 this morning, wide awake. Maybe I'll get a nap in today.

Have a great day everyone and hugs to all.
To all my Salem friends:


It is 10:45 and 95f!! Here, people will be celebrating by pools or indoors. Today means men's fare: too much meat, too many chips, too much beer and most of all, too much cake. They will love it!

KT: prancing Remmy is a lovely thought that makes me smile.

OC: great that you found this new repellent product.

JS: you're my kind of summer person, avoiding sweating for celebrations.

Newt: enjoy your nap.

Everyone have a lovely day with your fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, and all family celebrating their blessing in our lives.
Goldie and I had a nice walk this morning, before the rain/storms came in. I let
Goldie stay inside when I went to church/Sunday school today. My plan was
to see "Wonder Woman" today, but I'm not going because there is chance of
rain/storms rest of the day. (thundering now)

I can see that my grass has grown the past couple of days. Mowing will be later in
week after yard gets dry.

Noel, I put that banner on my FB page early this morning.

kt, I hope the starry, starry nights return for your stargazing.

robin, I hope you have a restful afternoon.

OC, good luck with mouse prevention.

JS, I hope you enjoyed your relaxing day.

newt, I hope you got your nap today.

I hope everyone and the dads especially a good afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon all, gosh, seems like it is raining everywhere, dark and cloudy this a.m. rained just a short time around 7. (I woke at 4, managed to get back to sleep but stupid dreaming, so up at 6. Just got an hour in there, lol) But coming back from town/church, was still cloudy and half way back, started to drizzle a bit, but could see the roads with puddles so knew it had already rained a lot. Ha. Drove on and big downpour. After I was hope, sun came out for about 15 min. but tis all clouded over again.

Town was a zoo, could not figure out at first why shelves so empty, then it dawned on me, that families were doing big meals/cookouts, etc. for Father's Day. Hope all the dads have a wonderful and relaxing day today.

Today was my turn to read scripture...and they were really good ones for today.

I agree that the vision of Remmy prancing around is hysterical. OC...I do hope that repellent works well. I read an article yesterday that says, it amounts to traps, traps, and more. Plus caulk & steel wool (for wherever they are getting in. Seems mice chew thru anything (and they did "beware of your car) but cannot chew thru steel wool, or Caulk??? I was reading it and laughing, those people have no idea what having an invasion of the "mice army" is like. LOL

LOL, guess what, while I was typing, the sun came out again. Doubt it will be for long, even with the blue sky and white clouds, as dark ones behind it. Must be fronts moving thru.

Enjoy your day, my friends.
J.S., the soap wouldn't even be necessary but at least the nasty creatures would be cleaner. Ha! My mother said when she was a child they would put out buckets of water and the mice would climb into them to get at the water but then they couldn't get out so would drown. (Think Dust Bowl days in north Texas when any living thing would be looking for water). I bet those dough ornaments were yummy for the mice. The most surprising thing I ever saw them eat was snake rattles. I used to save the rattles from snakes when we'd kill them. I kept them in a dish on the window sill of the old unsealed porch on the back of the house. Then one day I found them chewed to pieces and covered in mouse pills.

Poirot, my parents always used steel wool. I was rolling my eyes at the "traps. traps, traps" thing. When my husband and I first got married we were living in a new, large house in PA, with most of the basement finished off for living area, and an attached garage--at the edge of the woods. We started getting mice in the house, and I cannot tell you how irritated I was when I said we needed to find out where they were getting in and fix it, but he was dismissive and said to just set some traps. The underlying difference in viewpoint was that he didn't consider having a mouse in the house as big a deal as I did.

Kat, I'm sorry you missed going to see Wonder Woman. You sure have had a lot of rain lately.

Noel, I imagine it is too hot to have a cookout but I bet the men get their good food one way or another.

Newt, I hope you got sunshine AND a nap!

I hope Squirrel is okay. I saw they are having bad storms in her area.

I was surprised to see that we have a chance of rain tonight and tomorrow. Also, that the wind got out of the north awhile ago and it has clouded up and turned a little cooler.
OC: it is 112F and rising here at 3:44pm. We could just put the meat on a plate, lay it in the sun for a few minutes and it would be well done. But yes the men are still being served great indoor fare.

JS: well at least your dream of burial at (sea) dousing left the critters squeaky clean.
Good evening all,

Happy Father's Day! We took my dad to a dinner at a nice Italian restaurant near my house before going to see that 47 Meters Down movie---not sure if that's the best thing to see before my beach trip! LOL!

It was a toasty 90F today with on and off thunderstorms. We still are at 81F, but of course, feels much warmer due to the humidity. I worked an 8-hour shift today, and also put in some vacation time for this upcoming week when I'll be gone on my trip. I sure hope that hurricane or whatever doesn't develop while I'm away. I can deal with strong thunderstorms, but do not want anyone to be in danger.

I still remember one time in freshman year of college (still when I was at Loyola New Orleans), the news constantly warned of an upcoming severe tropical depression. Everyone stocked up, the CVS by campus was empty, and the next day, just a few branches were knocked off some trees from heavy wind, and a lot of rain, but nothing more than that. Hoping that's what happens this time.

Have a nice night, everyone.
Days: your Father's Day sounded golden. Hoping no severe storms coming your way! That is Phil Collins singing the Tarzan theme song You'll be in My Heart.

Kat: a sweet video. Thanks. Jack!! Ah and Bo with Zack too.:love:
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