6/22/21 - Donuts and Sunshine

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
After a wonderful reprieve from the heat yesterday, we have full sun this morning but the wind won't switch back to the south until later in the day so the day will still be cooler than usual for this time of year. It was in the low 60s* this morning, will get into the upper 80s* I'm waiting for my niece but I need to go and close a gate next to the pens so here's wishing all of you a good day.
I have sunshine too this morning. I wore long pants when I walked this morning since it was in the 50s.
I won't be outside today since I'm doing the summary later. I'll be out Wed and Thurs afternoons.

OC, enjoy your cooler day.

I hope everyone has a nice day.
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Sunshine here as well, we are to get up to about 72 today, will be nice .....but next few days up in mid 80s again. After all that rain, was hoping to see nothing but green grass, alas, still widespread brown spots. LOL Maybe as it grows and gets cut, it will show green. ???

Was 50 at 5 a.m. Crazy weather.
Good Morning,

It got very chilly here over night and even now it's only 62*, I brought a light jacket with me to work as the wind just sends chills down your spine. I even broke down and put an long pants instead of capri pants today. Gena's ankle is improving every day. She's better in the morning than the afternoon though, as she's up and moving so much at club and can't keep her foot up, so she spends most of the evening with her brace off and foot up.

Tomorrow should be interesting for her as they have a walking field trip to one of our high schools for a track and field day. The school is only a little over a half mile away, but on a strained ankle that's a long walk. Sadly she can't stay behind either as her whole "pod" is required to attend or not go to the club tomorrow until after lunch.

OC - I hope the cattle move today goes smoothly.

Kat - enjoy the cool break in the weather.

Poirot - our grass is still very brown too, despite all the rain. Here's to hoping it becomes soft and green again soon.

Have a terrific day everyone!
Good morning. My neighbor left last week to go to her home in the mountains to avoid our high heat. She was evacuated due to a wild fire yesterday afternoon. Waiting to hear from her.

We will be "normal" today weather wise, 104. This is the cooler we were promised by the weather guessers last week and we have a 20% chance of rain this afternoon growing to 40% by tomorrow morning. The guessers say we could get up to 0.10 of an inch. We only need about 5 inches but of course, not at one time.

Hope Gena has a good day and her ankle doesn't bother her too much.

I have to go save the garbage can from that dangerous machine that tries to steal it every week.
Poor Gena. An injured foot or ankle is so very painful. I hope it is noticeably better by tomorrow and does get worse from the walk.

Poirot, sounds like your grass took a beating. I'd bet there is some green to come, from down under the brown.

Kat, I hope you enjoy your day indoors.

My cows are now in their happy place and I'm in mine, although I'll probably be grumbling about the messes before long. The pasture I moved them from is 1/4 mile away from my house, with hills and trees in between. They could have gone in any direction to graze but they wasted no time coming straight to my yard. First stop was the bird water dish and then the grazing began. I should have thought of this weeks ago when I couldn't get my yard mowed! They do a spotty job at best though. There are several baby calves so I'll have some entertainment. It's good to have live beings around for a change. There are also 2 cottontails playing around in my yard now, which is nice because I'm not seeing birds much at this point.

Robin, it almost makes me sick to think of 104* as being a cool spell for you.
manda, I hope Gena's ankle is better for tomorrow's walk. Are they doing things different at the
Boys and Girls club now?

robin, I hope you're able to save your garbage can from the evil machine today :)
Hi all - we had some wild weather last nite. My dog woke me up because he was scared and he has never done that before. It looked like a laser light show was going on outside there was so much lightning. This morning I saw a tree that may have been hit by lightning and the scaffolding on a church across the freeway was collapsed. My tomato cages were also knocked over so I righted them this morning too.

Been busy at work which has made the days go by fast so that is nice. Have taken a break from working on house but need to get it going again. I have one more room ceiling to paint and then the outside of the house. A little at the time.

Hope everyone is doing ok.
Kat - Club is still doing things more or less the same, however they added some Wii Fit systems to the fitness center and they make sure to get kids outside to the "green space" every day for at least an hour. The green space has playground equipment and a pizza garden. At the end of the summer they will make pizza from the things they grow.

Gena said they have tomatoes, peppers, onions, and herbs in the garden. She's still reading a lot, although she's taken up sketching little doodles with a friend now, so she's not quite devouring books quite so fast. Well that and the fact that she's reading "Rocket Girls" which Robin recommended. She likes it, but has to ask sometimes what words mean.

Dachsie - My cat has stopped waking me up during storms. Instead she's taken to hiding in the bathroom on the floor mat right next to the toilet instead. Pets are silly little family members sometimes.

Robin - I sure hope the "garbage monster" doesn't try to eat you too. :rotfl:
My life is so topsy turvy right now, I have no idea anymore what day it is. Hubby is going for an aortic valve replacement, done thru leg veins or something. He has to do 3 trips to Duluth, one lasting 2 days (2 hr. drive from here), and we have no transportation ability. He has to go to dentist for teeth cleaning and exam, to make sure no infections, and that has to be next week, (he has not visited a dentist in years). All this within next couple weeks!

Meanwhile, he is eating better, but rarely leaves his bed except to bathroom. I am not a nurse........he even wants to brush teeth in bed, asking for bowl of water, etc. Grrrrr. Sorry, I am frustrated, depressed, upset, and all the rest. He belongs in a hospital or nursing facility, but rejects the idea.

My kids have no idea or understanding of what goes on here. I apologize for ranting away, I just am getting to end of my patience.
Poirot, your kids need to know what's happening. You need more help since you can't do it alone.
Be honest with your loved ones.
Poirot, contact your church too. Hopefully, someone can help out with driving him places.

Maybe someone on your Facebook page can help. Anyone there live close to you?
Oh Poirot, I'm sorry you are dealing with so much, I agree with the others you need to let your kids know what's going on and that you need help. I know I'm a good distance from you, but truly if I can help in any way just say the word, I'll take some time off and come up to help. You are such a wonderful woman. I'm sure Gena would love to get away for a bit too. Sending virtual hugs and prayers your way.