6-25-2017 - Donuts on Leon Day!


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Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Today is Leon Day! We are halfway to Christmas! A donut sounds perfect to me.


We are thinking COLD, trying to remember snowflakes, building snowpeople, sledding, skiing, and eating Christmas Snow ice cream! It is 100F at 9:20am so this is a definite challenge. [wink]

What is Leon Day you may ask:

Leon Day marks the half-way point from one Christmas to the next. LEON is NOEL, the French word for Christmas, spelled backwards. It is celebrated on June 25th, i.e. the turning point when Christmas begins to come closer on the calendar. It is 182.5 days before Christmas day. Leon Day is a time to begin thinking about ideas for homemade ornaments, creating gifts and decorations for the Christmas holiday.

Wishing each of you the weather that relaxes you and promotes your very best day!
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Good afternoon. Happy Leon Day back to you, Noel. I'd never heard of it. I don't think I'll be working on any Christmas projects, but every day has to be "something" Day, doesn't it? Or so it seems.

I'm taking a break to rest my back. Getting both of us cleaned up and presentable is the goal of the day. That's not as easy as it sounds. My daughter and her two teens plan to arrive around 4:30. Things got lively here at 4:00 this morning. By the time I got back to bed and slept some more, it was 9:00 before I got up. So I'm running late with meals and everything else.

I guess most of you are busy with other things today. I hope it's a good one for everybody.
Loved reading that! So interesting.

The Pacific Northwest is feeling like the desert today. It's 100F at 10:00am this morning and hopefully will cool down starting tomorrow. My AC quit working yesterday morning when the temp was up to 97F. Had to call my repair man and thankfully he is also a good friend and came out to see what was up.

My unit in the garage was all iced up and not good at all. He put in a new switch after de-icing it and looked at the heat pump outside and it was in worse condition. He talked to Mike on the phone and said it's on it's way out and not to put anymore money into this one. We need to look for a new one before winter. It's really old.

I have started a new book and will do some napping in between chapters. The chihuahuas are jut napping and are good for the day. Tomorrow is shopping day with Tina so I really hope it cools down. Of course it's not bad with air conditioned cars, stores and restaurants so that shouldn't be a problem.

Have a nice relaxing day all!
Good afternoon from the overcast cloudy and rainy, chilly north country. Began raining hard just before I left church, streets crowded beyond belief as today ends the musky festival weekend. There is a parade, should have just about started, buses arriving with marching bands from other towns, streets closed off, it was bedlam. They closed one street as it was the lineup street I think, and of course, my car was parked on it. A friend drove me to it, as it was a downpour, umbrella in the car, lol.

People came running as if we were parade people, we came up wrong street. No sweat, just want to get my car out of the way. LOL. I stopped for the newspaper, and skedaddled home. Was funny, as when I got out of car, was raining lightly, go in for paper, come out (less than 3 minute)and it was downpour. Oh, yeah, also just 54°. Wearing a light sweater, but think I will don a little heavier one. Hubby keeps turning on the heat, I keep lowering it. Tis end of June, for heaven's sakes.

Not much sleep last night for me, maybe 4-5 hrs. Ugh. Had to laugh, some years ago, a couple of enterprising young men came and filmed a movie called Musky madness in the town. (Personally, I think it probably was a C rate movie, not even a B). Anyway, a lot of locals were in it, bystanders, some had speaking parts, my older son had a bit part taking the rifle away from the bad guy. I guess the premise was a serial killed doing away with people using a huge fishing hook. No, never saw it.

Well, in honor of this year's anniv. they brought the movie back, now titled Blood Hook, lol, and made a huge deal of it being shown on Sat. at the local theatre. They also had something called the 80s ladies, which I learned was actually a community dance, all urged to come in 80s garb, gals were doing the big hair, no idea about the clothes, but sounds like JS's description of her youth, maybe. LOL Guess everyone had a great time, it was all a lot of fun. This is a festival, with craft fairs, street closures, games for the kids, contests, face painting, carnival, music (different bands), lots of food vendors, etc. I went to a couple, but stay away as much as I can.

Hope it is dry wherever you are. Hey, Rear Window was on last night. Still a really good movie.!!
A sunny day compared to yesterday. Yesterday, I weeded around the mailbox
again. I probably need to mulch around it.

Goldie is doing a lot better today. Since church starts 15 min later, we're walking
before I go. I was going to walk two times around. She wanted to go again.
She ate her dinner in the kitchen today. Yesterday, she wanted special service
and ate in the bedroom.

Noel, I never hear of Leon Day before. I found out there was a baseball
player named Leon Day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Day

newt, sorry to hear about your AC. I hope you'll get a new one soon.

OC, enjoy your time with your family. Relax and don't worry about anything.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day.
Hi everybody. Just a short drive by post while I'm up for a cup of tea. Not feeling well today. It started with the chills, and I was unable to keep anything down yesterday. Have just been pushing fluids since. I'm not sure if I caught a virus or if this is a reaction to the weather, pollen, etc. Will call doc tomorrow if it continues.
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day. I have not been on in quite awhile as I have been going through a lot and my health has not been good this month. Today has been alright. I woke up fairly early and did a few things I needed to get done around the house. I would have done more but I just wasn't motivated to do so. After I did what I had to get done, I read a bit and did some adult colouring. I am almost done with the book I am reading and the page I'm colouring. I can not wait till I have completed both!! I also took a nap today and relaxed quite a bit.

The weather was a day of everything. We got a lot of sun in the morning, had two thunderstorms roll through, one around noon and the other in mid-afternoon. Right now it is sunny and 68 F, a pleasant summer evening here.

Wishing all of you a super Sunday evening. Sending much happiness to each one of you.

Meijer's is advertising a Johnsonville sale. "Fresh Brats," or "Italian Sausage," or "Fresh Bratwurst Grillers," 2 for $5. From 6am Sunday, June 25, through Saturday, July 1, 2017. :)