6/3/21 - Donuts and Bull Bellows

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I was awakened at 6:30 by the sound of a bull not far from my house. It got my attention because my cattle are not in the pasture that surrounds my house. I got up and went through the house looking out windows but couldn't see anything. I could still hear him out in the trees though. I wanted to know if it was one of mine or someone else's. Bulls can and do go over fences but sometimes they get to fighting, neighbor-to-neighbor, and tear down a fence.

We have a 30% chance of rain today and will get to 82*. Wishing all of you a good day, as I go to get my breakfast.
The sun is out, the sun is out :) I don't remember when I saw it last. The sun will
be out part of tomorrow too.

I took a chance and washed rags this morning. I hung them out before I went
to the library. I'll be going outside after lunch.

OC, I hope you had a good breakfast and found the bull.

I hope all is well with everyone.
Good afternoon.

We had a 10% chance of rain today in the valley but alas no more. The Beast has a beauty appointment later in the afternoon.

The sun is out, again. So boring.

We have lots to try to get done during the 90 minute beauty appointment for the Beast. But I got the summary up so that is one thing done and off the plate.

I hope the bull is just out singing and not trying to make trouble for you OC.
Good afternoon everyone. I thought I'd be the last one checking in.

Finally done with kindergarten registration at a school in the middle of nowhere. Read that as no cell phone service, too. Only 8 kids are registered for tomorrow morning so only 1 of us is needed at the school. My assistant asked if she could screen by herself. The school principal and the nurse said they were ok with it so I'm taking my regular Friday off. Will be helping friend Cindy with her appointments and shopping so her son doesn't have to come in from 3 hours away.

No lunch break today so heading home in 5 minutes.

OC - I bet that bull's song carried a long way, too.

kat - Sounds like you were a busy bee this morning.

robinsnest - You know the aunties here want pictures of the little hellion all gussied up. Hellion? Did I just say that?
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Hi...ran out early this a.m. when caregiver was here, as I had to go to Post Office & do some shopping. Our road is being worked on Friday, Sat. will be re-sprayed/tarred or whatever, and then has to dry out, so NO vehicle traffic for definitely 2 days, maybe 3. Was told there would be a pathway off if one had to drive out or in, and could drive on the grass, but now have been told not to do so!!!

Anyway, had carefully wrapped up daughter's glasses in a box, bubble wrapped that, and brown paper/taped it all, but p.o. says not safe, so had to get one of their priority mail boxes, and then, had to buy tape there (!!!!) so, got it all done, but took more time than I expected. Then to grocery, home, caregiver had left, phone calls to return, stuff! Forgot a couple things so will have to run out quick when caregiver returns later. Only here for an hour or two, so..................

Was sunny & nice this a.m. but clouds moved in around 11 or so this a.m. and it has rained off and on, not much......lol, I was going to walk to mail box but took about 10 steps, and it started again. LOL In mid 70s now.
I hadn't heard the word, "hellion" in a very long time. So many old descriptive words that nobody uses anymore. I prefer them to the 4-letter words that many people have been reduced to now. I agree, looking forward to pictures of the beautified version of Vinnie.

Poirot, I hope they keep a way open for you to get in and out. That sounds worse than being shut in by mud. Too bad you didn't know you'd need to use the P.O. priority box before you went to the trouble of wrapping. Soon you're going to be meeting yourself coming and going!

Squirrel, what a nice break for you, and for Cindy and her son, that your assistant was willing to handle tomorrow herself. You are a good friend to Cindy.

Kat, I hope your rags had a chance to get dry today. It never did rain here but only occasional sunshine. It's 85* now.

Hi, Manda. I hope you got everything done that needed doing.

I didn't hear the bull anymore but no doubt some other bull heard him over the "air waves." My niece said hers were carrying on too. Must have been something in the atmosphere. :rolleyes:

I haven't been out of the house since Sunday except to feed the birds. Haven't even been to the mailbox.