6/9/21 - Donuts and Heat Index Up

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I woke up a little after 5:00 and decided not to fight it this time. I need to go to another town today and I hope to get an early start. Yesterday wore me out because of the heat and humidity. It's 77* right now and will get near 100* but we still have humidity (96% right now) so the heat index will be 106* today.

Hope everyone has a good day.
I woke up a little after 5:00 too and decided to get up. My humidity is 90% now. I walked, but
I'm very tired and sweaty.

Today the Ollie group (group for older people associated with the university) is going to a
place where they take care of big cats that needed a home. Lions, tigers and other things. I hope
I picked out the correct clothing for the hot, sticky day.

When groups go places, they usually take a van. This year you have to drive yourself. We're
meeting in parking lot to get directions and drive in a caravan. I'm glad it's not going to
rain until later.

OC, I hope you were able to leave early to town to beat the heat.

Wishing everyone a cool day.
Never rained, still HOT, WAS 94 yesterday, and on it's way there today. Woke at 4, got back to sleep a bit, but also awake at 5. It is so light out at 4, and sun rises before 5:30......heat is getting to us all I think. We honestly do not have this in June.
Good Morning,

No rain here either, it's 84* now and rising, yuck. Gena and I came back out to my office to water our garden after it cooled off a bit. I would do it right after work, but I don't want the poor little plants to try to boil themselves in the water and the hot sun. Gena finished her 2nd book of the summer yesterday. The first book was about Rosa Parks, the 2nd was about Katherine Johnson, the NASA engineer and mathematician. Gena loves to read biographies, especially about strong women, so I try to fine them for her when I can. Today she brought another book along. Thankfully she'll get a break from the boredom when she has counseling this afternoon.

As for me, I'm enjoying being back in the office, although I miss watching Days. It gives me new appreciation for all of our terrific summary writers on this site.

OC - oh dear, your weather sounds dreadful. I hope you can find a way to stay cool.

Kat - Enjoy your outing today.

Poirot - The weather is doing bad things to all of us, stay safe my friend.

Have a wonderful day!
Oy, your weather sounds dreadful. We are warm and very very dry, as in below 15% in humidity, which won't help fighting the many fires we have going. And oh yeah, it's windy. Nothing like 106° degree breeze. We are to start the 110's this week, they are in the 7 day forecast with no rain in sight.

Manda - see if you can get Rise of the Rocket Girls book for Gena. Iit's an adult read (as in written for adults, not kids), it is about the "computers" that worked at JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) in the Pasadena area of California. Growing up, some of my friends' dads worked there. It was only as a older teen/young adult that I realized what amazing men they really were.

Have a great Wednesday.
Good afternoon everyone.

Finished today with kindergarten registration for this week's school. Next week will be 2 senior citizen low income high rises each day in my southern county. This will be to catch up with all of the places that I had scheduled for March of 2020 when our governor shut down Pennsylvania.

Came out of school at 1:44 pm today, and turned on my phone as usual. Found a text from my sis-in-law sent at 11:32 am my time (8:32 their time) that they were at the OR. WHAT?!?! Neither is answering texts or calls.

kat & OC - Welcome to the 5:00 am club. That's my wake-up time every day of the year.

Amanda - I hope things turn around at the club for Gena. Maybe they didn't get enough interns or college students home for the summer. However, activities should still go on for the kids.

Poirot - I thought June last year was too hot in the high 80s, but this 90s business with high humidity is just plain brutal.

robinsnest - The men and women who worked on the early satellite and space missions are truly amazing. How they accomplished so much with their then modern methods is unbelievable.
Thanks for the suggestion Robin, I will look for that book. I got her one for Christmas called Behind Rebel Lines, it's about a Emma Edmonds, who worked as a Union spy during the Civil War.

RS - apparently they will be switching rooms weekly for where they get to hang out, and hopefully they will figure out a better distribution of the games and activities. Thankfully there's a girl in her group (Mia, I think her name is) that Gena is already bonding with.
Robin, I don't know how people live in 110* and up for most of the summer. I've seen it last here for days or maybe a week but only a few times. Temperatures like that are made for lizards, snakes, and scorpions, not people!

Poirot, this year has been so odd. During the winter it was colder here than where you are, at one point, and now you've gotten hotter in June than we have here, for a couple of days. Certainly a confusing year for weather.

Manda, I think you're right about how those poor little plants might boil themselves in the water if you waited until after work--so long as you're having this excessive heat in your area. I hope things cool down for all of you up that way soon and I hope Gena's counseling goes well.

Kat, that sounds like such a fun outing but you are brave to do it in the hot, sticky weather. Will it be a drive through or are there walking areas?

Well, my plans were a complete flop. By the time I got finished with breakfast I was too tired and sleepy to drive to town so I lay down and slept hard for two hours instead! I guess I needed to recover from being out in the heat yesterday plus waking up too early this morning. I hope to get some cards and notes ready to mail before the day is done. Not a very high bar but I'll be happy if I get that much accomplished.

I had a good visit with my daughter yesterday. We had lunch and visited for a short while, then we went to the only place where I have any interest in shopping for clothes. She helped me pick out a pair of pants and a summer jacket before we went our separate ways.