6/9/22 - Donuts & still no rain!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning........don't remember ever having so many forecasts of rain, storms, etc. that never materialize. For a week, thunderstorms were forecast for Wed., starting in afternoon. Nope, never happened, sunshine all day. LOL Of course, we all know it will only rain when you plan an outdoor fun event....birthday party, picnic, wedding, fund raiser for a charity, hike, or perhaps a day working on one's garden. Oh, well, It is soooo chilly in the mornings these days, 40s...brrr for June.
Enjoy the day..........

P.S. For those of you who missed this really good Hallmark movie, it will be shown again tonight, 8 p.m. Central, on the Hallmark Movie & Mysteries channel........."Rip in Time".
It was foggy this morning when I walked. It was foggy to the library too. The sun is out now. It will be close
to 80 this afternoon. Maybe I won't need the A/C.

My cat is feeling better today. He wants to go out, but I have to go with him. Yesterday, was rainy so he didn't
want to stay out long. We go to the vet this afternoon.

Poirot, enjoy the cool day.

I hope everyone has a joyful day.
Good morning....It's warm and sunny here.... we also have no rain!!!! It would just sizzle when it hits the ground..... the car is going to the shop for an oil change... this is the correct day..... silly me.... going in a week early..... oh well......today we are also receiving another box of dog food. Chewy delivers.... I currently have an unopened box of food that arrived while we were in Kansas.... I meant to cancel the shipment but alas I ordered it... I cannot understand this dog.... sometimes he consumes a bag of dog food in 4 weeks other times as is this case it's been 6 weeks and I still have half a bag....makes for auto delivery issues..... silly dog.....
I attended the HOA board meeting last night for our Cabin.... boy was that an amazing bunch of talkie talkie without a lot of productive movement done. They were shocked that someone attended who wasn't a board member. They posted on the HOA website an internal page, not the first page of the site the zoom information for the meeting...they need to have open meetings, I found it and attended...took notes sent them on to my sister....

Have a great Thursday....
Kat, I hope your cat continues to improve.

Robin, FedX was delivering some Chewy boxes to my niece this morning as I was leaving her place after we got her cows penned. He was putting them on her cattle guard but then told me to pull up and he'd put them in my truck. They were big and heavy.

Poirot, it's strange how the rain keeps missing you. Thanks for the reminder about the movie. I want to watch it.

I went to town: bank, post office, drug store. Then I stopped at the grocery store but after sitting there looking at my short list for a minute I decided there was nothing I really needed right now so I came on home. Stopped and paid my gas bill at the farm store on the way. Yikes, it was about double the usual and I haven't done anything different.