7-11-18 - Donuts and More Noise!!!

Sympathize completely Dr. Baker, having had to do the same last October. Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, Goodwill made out well. We left a few things at the house.....but evidently some of the items are here when they should not be. Plus, when my books went to the library.....alas, I lost some needed ones, like a dictionary. LOL
Good morning all. You all have been very busy.

RS - I remember when they remodeled the building under us and the noise involved, but it didn't involve any of the heavy cutting of concrete or walls. Just moving walls and such. I can't imagine trying to actually work in the environment you are dealing with.

Muzz - the Stampede is on my bucket list. I've always wanted to see it. Maybe in the next year or two.

Dr. Baker Fan - I dread moving. This small house is packed to the gills with "stuff" and we have a 10x10 filled to the rafters storage unit.

I know I'm missing bunches of you. I'll try to check back in later this afternoon.

Happy Wednesday.
Dr.BakerFan - Ugh, what a huge undertaking of going through 37 years of stuff and trying to decide to keep it or store it or donate or etc. I hope the move goes well and once you're settled in with the kids and grandkids nearby, I also hope it will be a feeling of relief and excitement to be there. Good luck.

Manada - I hope, I hope, I hope it works out for your husband. Making less than what he would like is still making better money than $0 and in the meantime he can also look for the job that does pay better.

OC - Glad the MRI went well. I hope things are getting better and more settled with your husband too.

Little Sweetness - Best of luck getting work done. I'm having a very difficult time getting anything done, still.

Robinsnest - If you ever do make it up here for the Stampede and this applies to anyone else on the Doughnuts page, to please let me know in advance so I can take a day off of work to do up the Stampede with you and show you around.

And I'm giving a rowdy, boisterous YEEHAWWW to Katmouse cause this isn't the first time she has helped me with my pictures. A few years back I was trying to sell a bunch of dolls that one of my sisters inherited. They were the dolls that you purchased from the Bradford Exchange. Well, I had taken a picture of me wearing one of the dolls hats surrounded by all of the old fashioned dolls in period dresses. There were a few Princess Diana dolls in there as well. I was talking about these dolls on Donuts and having trouble posting a picture of this but Katmouse came to my rescue and was able to do it.
Muzzaman, I'm glad I was able to help. I had forgotten about the doll pictures.
For those of you with Windows 10, there is a keyboard shortcut for emojis. I wonder if it will work on the board?

✨ Only some are showing up here. The board will only let me post one at a time.

Click on the windows key (4 white squares on the key. usually lower left) plus the . key (period) at the same time, and the emoji board pops up.
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Wow, that is pretty cool. It is not ours here, must be Windows itself, and there are several different boards. You click the tab key and a different one pops up. LOL

Hey, I had about 8 there, but only two showed up when I hit post. Hmmmmm.
thanks rs. Mine won't stay when I post

they don't show when I open for edit either........odd........ P.
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....hmmm, I put one in my line in Kat's post, and it did not show up either......guess it is no longer working, as I just tried in this post.....and no dice. ✔
Squirrel, the noise at your workplace sounds almost as bad as the MRI I was in for an hour yesterday. It seems they should have moved all of you to a different location while this is happening. The dust could make people sick, and the noise is bound to raise everyone's stress level.

Muzz, I liked hearing about the Stampede. That's as close as I'll ever get. I haven't been to any kind of rodeo in so many years, even though most of the towns around here have them.

I'm going to try to watch one or two episodes of Days tonight. I'd better get started.
Some of the emjois work for me in Donuts! Thanks Squirrel, great fun.

After shift, we had another meeting so I am just home. Late for dinner, desperate for a shower and on my way, then exhausted enough for an early-to-bed goal. Sorry to be so absent today in posts, but always thinking of each of you. Goodnight.
Do you have Windows 10, JS ? If not, you probably can't see them.

A co-worker and I put some in emails to each other to test them, and they all showed up there. I'm wondering if the board software doesn't recognize some of the coding for a lot of the newer emojis.
Mine is still there.

I know there are some emojis on the board I can't see on my PC, but
I can see them all on my laptop. Computers have minds of their own.
I see a tiny bunny in kat's post that is all. None show up for me that I can see, except a check mark. LOL I tried on Facebook, nothing at all. And here, I mean I can put them there, but they do not show up when I post the reply