7-17-2018 - Donuts and Changing Light bulbs

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I had to change a lightbulb in my kitchen first thing this morning. Fortunately, it isn't real high up. Is above the sink. It got me thinking about the recent comments from some of you. Lil0, I've always wondered how people change lightbulbs in those high ceilings. I hadn't ever thought about having a smoke detector up there. Seems to me some crazy rules have been created in our efforts to be safe.

Poirot, I know the frustration over changing bulbs and having one break. Night before last I had something similar happen in my shower. The recessed light in the shower has a metal rim that is hard to remove. It holds in a glass cover. I dropped the glass and what a mess! Now I'm trying to get a replacement glass for it.

My plans for the day have changed, it seems. I have a business appointment in the county seat town at 11:00 but I guess I will cancel because I am sick. Last night my head started hurting and my throat got sore. Still going on this morning and now my sinuses are full. I feel rather miserable. I don't think I've ever had a summer cold (if there really is such a thing) so I'm guessing this is sinus but I can't imagine what brought in on all of a sudden like that. I'll probably stay home and console myself.

Have a good day, everyone.
Good morning.....Oh, gosh, OC, and in the shower!!! A place you go with bare feet! It does sound like a summer cold, OC, a bit late in season for allergy reactions. However, weather changes, wind, dust, etc. can cause sinus to really act up. Good idea to stay home.
Bad night's sleep again for me, went to bed late, woke at 3 a.m. tossed, turned til about 4:30, and then began that dozing off for 20 min. -1/2 hr. waking up, bad dreams, etc. etc. Just refused to get out of bed, tho I started to do so several times. But then, just said NO, and flopped back down, pulled the cover up. LOL. Still am tired, and I, have a ton of errands, which I will get out this afternoon, I think, plus I do have to do laundry. \
Going to be a lovely day, sun is out, they said about 78. Who knows?
By the way, guessing maybe not only Wisconsin...........

OC ~ so sorry to hear about the sinus problems! Dust? Smoke? Seems like so many things can trigger a sinus infection. I hope you can find relief soon.
Poirot ~ I hope you can find time for a nap today A toss and turn night sure does get one's day off to a rough start!

Looks like another hot day here. I will try to get Falcon out for an early morning walk -- before it gets too hot for either of us to be out and about.

Wishing you all a very pleasant day.
LOL! Funny. In Calgary but I guess really it would ring true for the rest of Canada but we say we have two seasons. Winter season and construction season. The road maintenance around the city is ridiculous. It takes forever to get anywhere.

It's going to be 32*C (89.6*F) again today.

Have a nice day.
Morning..... it is still icky out.... but the sun is shining and the weather guessers say it will be in the 110+ by the weekend... if it is with this humidity I'm not sure we will last....

Poirot that is funny... roll out the barrels...

OC.... I hope you don't have a summer cold and you feel better.... and a light in a shower?? I'm sure it makes sense, but given the chance of dropping the glass it seems to be a bad idea....

Okay off to day 2.... I hope everyone has a great Tuesday.....
Also have a light in this shower here. Was so weird to me, and I never turn it on. Want to laugh.....tis a small bathroom, with THREE recessed lights (one over the shower) plus 4 lights above the mirror over the sink. I mean who the heck needs all those lights in that small bathroom. Then walk into the big bedroom, one dim light in the ceiling fan. That is it. LOLOL

It just dawned on me that perhaps some of you never heard that old polka song, "Roll out the barrel, actually it is titled Beer Barrel Polka" ...very popular at one time. On TV, at weddings, dances, etc. Now, I doubt young folks even know how to polka. LOL.

Morning Everyone,
I left the house to an absolutely beautiful morning, of 65* and low humidity. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the last few weeks. Today will be better at work than yesterday, half the group is back from training.

OC - sorry you aren't feeling well, I hope you feel better soon.
Poirot - I hope you can squeeze in some time to rest, even if you can't take a nap. We played that polka at our wedding. It's not a Wisconsin wedding without at least 1 polka. :)
Lil0 - enjoy your walk with Falcon
Muzz - those are our 2 seasons in Wisconsin too, the cold and snow is bad for roads so they spend the rest of the year fixing them.
Robin - I would melt in that heat alone, humidity would would send me right over the edge. Be careful out there.

Have a wonderful day!
Welcoming a hot, steamy, dusty sky in the early morning hours means I am purposing thinking "Christmas in July". Anything to think something cool......no, COLD!! And, yes, Robin, our humidity & dewpoint are predicted to be higher than yesterday the next couple weeks with more triple digits. I don't think I will survive either. :sad:

OC: yes, there are colds in any season of the year. But you may have a virus from the nursing home, or anywhere large groups of people gather. Either way, cold or allergies, I hope your immune system kicks it to the curb quickly.

Poirot: your busy day sounds like a nap is required when you slept so little last night. But, then, a nap sometimes just promotes more partial night time sleep. Is it noisy around your house at night so maybe something keeps awakening your sleep? Love the 'barrels'!!

Lilo: hope you & Falcon enjoy a nice summer walk this morning. Still hoping someone helps you with replacements at ceiling height.

Muzza: here's to the winter season!! Make it a great day.

Robin: toasting to your 2nd day being an even greater success than yesterday! Enjoy!:wine:
Another hot day here. Had a little rain late yesterday.

Since it's Tues, I'm going to see "Jurassic World" It's been here so
long it's a teeny tiny room.

I wish one of you lived close by. I need to tie up the rose of Sharon
bush because it has so many buds. I got up two areas up over weekend
because I had two small sections of rope. I'm afraid I'll cut myself
cutting the rope I have. Which is odd because the bees are all over
the bush and I'm not afraid of them.

OC, I hope you feel better soon.

Lil0, I hope you got out early for your walk. Goldie and I are still
going out at 6.

robin and Noel, sorry to hear about your icky weather.

Poirot, I hope you sleep better tonight. My cat is waking me up at 4:30
to go outside. I usually get back to sleep.

manda, enjoy the rest of your day. When is Gena going on her trip?
School starts here Aug 13.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day and evening.
Kat: wish I lived nearby so we could spend time together. Also I could see your garden grow in real time! Enjoy Jurassic World! And be careful cutting the Rose of Sharon -- hope a friend can stop by to help you.
Actually, it is very quiet here, and this house is very well insulated. Don't even hear traffic or birds or anything, as long as windows are closed. So I don't know what wakes me up, except I think perhaps hubby wakes, wanders around drinks some water, or something, and though he is back in bed, i have been pulled from the deep sleep, and while nothing is going on at the time, there I am awake. Then again.....just me. too much on my mind of late. So many things to take care of, to tend to.....probably why OC wakes up as well. Brain won't let us sleep.
When is Gena going on her trip? School starts here Aug 13.

kat - they fly out on July 29th, but she'll be sleeping at my mom's the night before as they leave fairly early in the morning. Her first day of school isn't until Sept 4th. For whatever reason, school always starts the Tuesday after labor day.
Hi everyone.

Poirot, you posted a picture of our state flower!

OC- broken glass in the shower! Yikes

Muzza- I like to polka, but looks like none of that for me for a while.

Was off to school early for 3 classes. Arrived to find out things were changed, and I wasn't told. Yes, 3 classes but in different buildings in different parts of that city. GRRR
Got the first one done.

Went to the second...no signs of life, and couldn't get in.

Went to the third. Couldn't get in. The teacher saw us from her window, and yelled for us to go to the side door. Twisted my ankle, and had to hop into school. Teacher got an ice pack, and wanted to call 911...nope did screenings while sitting with the ice pack wrapped around my ankle.

Human Resources at work sent me straight to urgent care from school. Here I sit waiting to be seen
I sent my assistant back to the office so she could eat her lunch.
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I think you're right, Poirot. My house is perfectly quiet now and while I do get more sleep than I did when the husband was here, there still are nights when I'm just awake for no apparent reason. Last night I woke up before 3:00 but that was because my head and throat were hurting. Only dozed off and on for the rest of the night.

Kat, I wish I could help you cut the rope. I use utility knives for cutting mesh off the big hay bales and for other things. I hope you enjoy the Jurassic movie.

Poirot, funny about the barrels. I know the song from my childhood days, when my parents had square dances in our garage. They also did polkas and some other dances.

Manda I'm glad your weather was nice this morning. You are due some good weather!

Robin, like Poirot, my bathroom is small and I don't really need the shower light for taking showers but I do use it a lot. It isn't very bright so it makes a good night light. When husband was here I always kept it on at night so he could find his way to the bathroom. Now I keep it on at night while I'm up and around because most of the house is dark and it makes it easier to get to the bathroom without bumping into something. The cover keeps moisture out of the light. Next time I have to change it I will put a towel on the shower floor, in hopes the glass won't break if I should drop it again. Hope your 2nd day on the job is good.

Muzz, I think that two-season thing may be more common that you realize. I don't know whether it is winter weather or the summer heat that causes the most highway damage here but during the hot months it seems there is always repair going on. I don't know how those workers survive the heat while putting down the sticky, stinky blacktop, etc.

Lil0, dust could be causing sinus problems, although I wasn't aware of it. It's all over the news here that the African Saharan dust has once again invaded the airspace of most of the state of Texas. They're warning people with breathing problems to stay inside. You and Falcon were smart to get out early to beat the heat.

Noel, I've always been skeptical about summer colds but I'll take your word for it, though I do suspect mine is sinus. Allergy doctors have told me I'm allergic to everything in the air all four seasons. It doesn't seem like there's much going on here in the summer but there are still a lot of weeds, like sunflowers and others, and hay in the fields and such. Always something. I've noticed the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries channel has quit the Christmas movies, which is good for me, since I like to watch Murder She Wrote at 10:00 p.m. But the regular Hallmark channel is still having Christmas. For a while, they both had them going.

Manda, my friend's grandkids in Michigan start school then too. It's what we did when I was in school and we got out in mid-May. I wish they'd go back to that now. It seems their summer breaks are over so fast! But then, I guess it doesn't really matter to me, since I don't have any kids in school. I bet Gena is getting excited about her upcoming trip.

Squirrel, you make me think of the old HeeHaw song, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." I sure hope you don't have any broken bones or a sprain that will require much special treatment and care. You work too hard to be saddled with an impairment like that.

Time to get some lunch.
OC, had a nephew who lived in the Dallas area, and worked on roads. They had to start very early a.m. because of heat, and actually had to stop for the day when it would get to 95 or so. He ended up leaving Dallas, and guess where he lives now. Yep, good ol AZ. Ha! (but no longer working on roads) His brother, my other nephew lives in San Antonio.
We always started school the day after Labor Day, and went to end of June. But mind you, we got 2 weeks off at Christmas, 1 week in Spring, usually around Easter, plus the other holidays. However, it seemed suddenly, school was starting last week in Aug., for some reason, but they ended in mid-June. Up here, was shocked the kids all got out end of May, but they started 3rd week in Aug.
OC - so sorry your sinus' are bothering you. We were on the lake this last weekend and the Cotton trees are in full bloom and they sure made my sinus act up!

Poirot - loved your picture! Our whole town is torn up right now. Whenever I'm heading out to do things I have to sit and figure out the closed streets and the best route to go. Every Friday in the first grade our teacher had us move the desk's and she played Roll out the Barrel's and we danced!

Lilo - Your smart to get your walk over with early - we are to be in the 90's today!

Robin - How nice to hear someone talking about how well your doing on the first day, it kind of lets you take a deep breath and relax some! Good luck today - no worries I'm sure!

Noel I climbed into bed around 10ish last night and the hallmark channel was turned on and it was a Christmas Movie and I thought of you! I watched it for quite sometime and it was snowing at the end of the movie and our Air Conditioning was running! I had to laugh!

Oh Kat I wished I lived by you - I wou8ld help. I really enjoy working outside!

RS - I sure hope and pray your ankle is not broken! Please let us know how your doing.

We had a great weekend - the days are flying by and I want summer to slow down some!

Have a great day