7-17-2018 - Donuts and Changing Light bulbs

Can anyone tell me how to get the Amazon Prime discounts? Nearly everything I get from them is Prime. It just so happened that I have several items in my cart, not because of the Prime Day discount, but just some things I've been needing. If I could get the discount on them, that would be great.
Finally back from the workman's comp doctor. I have a severely sprained ankle with a possible tear in a ligament. A tear didn't show on any of the xrays, but the doctor's thumb went in where it shouldn't have so he suspects one. I'm on crutches until he sees me next week.

OC - you have to sign up for prime. The price just went up from $99 per year to around $120 per year. If you buy a lot from Amazon then it may be worth it for the discount and 2 day free shipping.
I got out of the movie just when the storm hit. Goldie was outside. It was
raining a lot until I got closer to home. Goldie was happy to see me since
it was storm was coming closer. I was suppose to go out tonight, but
I'm going to stay home.

rs, sorry you twisted ankle. It's too bad the school didn't have a sign up
to let you know where to go in.

manda, schools used to start here closer to Labor Day. This year schools
were out before Memorial Day. I don't think teachers are enjoying going
back earlier this year. They start a week before school starts.
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Squirrelly, you have NO idea how glad I am you went to get medical help right away. My niece hurt her ankle dancing, figured she could just ice pack it, and all would be fine. I told her to go, she would not, oh, it will be o.k. Well, a month later she finally goes because swelling would not go down, and she did have bone broken. Lucky for her, it was still in place, so she was moaning about a boot cast for 2 weeks. Told her she was lucky, my friend just got hers off after over 3 mos. (She fell and broke on Good Friday. ) I did refrain from saying "I told you so". LOL
Then her sister's husband, a cop, gets suddenly very sick in his patrol car, could barely make it back home in a.m.. running 102 fever.......and nope, no doc either. She was nursing him herself, despite .....well I won't go into all the things he had going on. She said no doc, as that was how virus's spread, when you go there.
Anyway, am sorry you are injured, on top on all the other lung problems you have going on. Just please, take it easy!
Had to go out, bus. appt., lots of errands......and only got half done. Business took longer than I expected. Got home later than I thought, so stopped at Subway for "dinner". Good side....did not have to cook. LOL
Squirrel, that ankle injury has to be very painful. I'm so sorry that happened. If you are able to continue your job with the crutches, you're going to need somebody to carry stuff around for you, at the very least! I'm hoping your can get more time off your feet than usual, and for uncomplicated and rapid healing.

I am a Prime member on Amazon. Have been nearly forever. I just don't understand if I have to take any extra steps to get the "special day" Prime discount or if I can just order things as usual and the discount will automatically be applied to the products that are Prime.
OC, I think the "special" day is over now. You had to go to the web site and a page popped
up just for Prime members. Amazon picked what items were cheaper during the day. I
didn't take the time to look at everything.
Also a prime member, they are extending the "Prime Day" discounts as the site actually shut down when I was there, and heck, I was in the flood light bulb dept. LOL Got an e-mail this a.m. (I became prime because of saving the shipping. However, I am annoyed that a few things I have ordered come from 3rd party, take a week or more, and I won't buy anything that says not eligible for Prime. I keep getting notices I am not taking advantage of other things, steaming movies, for one.......but no idea how that works, was never told there was any benefit except the free shipping and fast delivery. Used to be 1 day, now is 2......but then at times is more.
hello...... I will be very happy when these 10 hour days end.... today I got to learn how to Unlock the door and Lock the door...... turn on the television in the lobby such amazing things...... LOL
it was more of the same and then tada.... i can no longer print because I can't connect to the printer.... why??? who knows.... one of my coworkers can't print either..... I had a father threaten to sue me because I wouldn't give him information.... he wasn't listed on the student's records so he gets no information.... apparently this guy thought he could bully his way to get the information..... it didn't work.... hahahahahha

RS.... Please take care of your ankle.....I speak from rebuilt experience..... if you can get your doctor to prescribe a knee walker it will really help.
Capture.JPG I had one with a basket and it was really helpful in getting around. A pain getting into the car when I was driving alone... but doable.. this is just a picture of one...

I hope everyone has a good evening......
robin, what will your job be after you learn all the "important" things? Is your school
a year round one?
I am a registrar at the Community Ed center of the school district. I help register all before/after school care, pre-k classes, enrichment classes and anything else that comes into the door....
so it will be a bit more complicated than learning to unlock and lock the door.... LOL
That's why you had start early. Register all the students.