7/21/21 - Donuts and Smoky Sky


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. The smoke from the fires out west and Canada is still hanging around here. It looks like we have fog, but it is the dang smoke. Your hair and clothes smell like smoke if you're outside any longer than going back and forth to the car. Some of the weather folks are saying the smoke will out of here move farther south by tonight. Others are saying we'll have it for a few more days.

I'm off in a few minutes to my last school districts for the United Way's summer program. This is one of my favorite elementary schools so looking forward to seeing the teachers whom I haven't seen since May.

Sending wishes for you all to have a good day.
Guess who this beauty is. DO NOT post the name if you've already seen this photo on Facebook. This photo was posted there by the lady's granddaughter who has herself been elected as the new Miss T.H.S. 2021. (Miss Txxxxxx High School) Congratulations to both ladies.

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Another foggy, cool morning for walking. The sun shouldn't peek out until late this morning.

My Wednesday got changed this morning. I was going to go to the church library, but
the librarian had to cancel. So, I'll be home all day. My big plan was to wash the kitchen
floor this afternoon for my company tomorrow. I'll be doing that this afternoon.

This morning after I do my Sunday school lesson, I'm going to rinse the back of the house.
I was going to do it last Friday, but it rained. There are cobwebs and icky stuff all over. I found
out two weeks ago my hose will reach it when it goes over the fence. Job has to be done
in mornings since it's sunny in the afternoons.

rs, stay safe with the smoky air. Would rain help it go away? I don't know who the woman is.
Is she related to you?

I hope everyone has a very fine day.
Hazy, foggy here, tho I did see the sun rise at 5:45. Awake since 2:30!!
RS......I have no idea who that pic is, or what T.H.S. means.....Have not seen it anywhere else, or anything using those initials.
Kat, things do get changed at last minute, rather frustrating, same here.
It does seem the entire U.S. is being affected by the smoke........
Good morning. Squirrel, I hope the smell of smoke doesn't give you migraines. I would be deathly ill if I couldn't get away from such a smell. But that wouldn't be as bad as your respiratory problems. Enjoy your visit with the teachers (probably already happened by now).

Poirot, I was awake around 5:30 this morning and thought about you and your sunrise, though it was still dark here. Sorry you were awake so early. That's most miserable!

Kat, it sounds like your company is still on track to come? Cobwebs, yuck!. I have a tiny covered concrete porch on the front of my house. There was one of those big yellow and black garden spiders living in the ceiling of it. I rarely go out that way but when my cousins were coming I decided I must get rid of the spider. I went around outside with my snake grabber to pull down the web and spider but whenever I'd tilt my head backwards to look up in there, I'd feel a little dizzy, like I was going to fall over backwards. It so happened that my niece showed up about that time and was I ever glad to see her! She got rid of it in a flash.

Another sunny day here. No rain in our forecast for the next seven days. I think it may be the first time this season that's happened.
LOL, about that kayak race......so 520 boats were registered for it. Only 414 got to starting point. Of those, 60 have dropped out. The guys had a long foggy night on the river, currently in Glasgow, MO, 2 hr. nap, then around 9 will be off again. Brave souls
Are they are poster now?
Good Afternoon,
Cool and sunny here, although there is and have had a haze in the air for the past few days, I'm guessing from the fires. Last night of Vacation Bible School tonight, thank goodness, I'm exhausted, but returned to work today since we had a lunch pizza party for my team, and a company wide celebration later now that we've all returned to the office. I'm not passing up free lunch and free supper, especially this week.

Kat - I hope you have a nice visit tomorrow
RS - Since I haven't looked at Facebook at all today, I'm guessing that's our wonderful OC.
Poirot - it's a shame about the kayak race, hopefully they don't lose too many more people, although I have a feeling you'll be happy to have less tourists in town.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Amanda, enjoy both your lunch and supper.
We had a catered lunch at work for several of county sites today ( over 200 people) from a delicious barbecue place. One of the vice presidents is leaving to be the national director of an organization that is specific to one form of genetic blindness, and today was her last day.

choice barbecue chicken or barbecued pork sandwich (the food is a cross between Texas and Missouri barbecue)
mac and cheese with pulled pork in it
specialty gourmet cupcakes

Poirot - Wow, even with the dropouts, that's a whole heck of a lot of kayakers racing.

kat - The picture is of a current Donuts poster.

OC - SPIDER!!! no, no, no, no Thank goodness your niece showed up when she did.
Hopefully, the visit goes well. My son and his family are coming to visit. They were going to
be at my house around 3 for dinner, but on the way to his dad's his car broke down two
weeks ago. Not even close to where he lives. My ex now lives an hour north of me. Maybe his
3rd wife lived there. Anyway, his dad loaned my son his truck and he was going to pick up
son's car and take it to him. He decided not to. So, now son has to go all the way to his
dad's house and switch vehicles. It might be a 4 hour drive to his dad's house and son
works nights. My son just called and we decided he will call me when he leaves his dad's
house. Then we will decide about dinner. Thursday or Friday. I haven't seen them since 2019.

rs, thanks. for the hint. It's probably OC. Your work lunch sounds yummy.

OC, those type of spiders are interesting. I've seen them in my garden before.

I've got to go and finish the kitchen the floor.
Good afternoon...... I was up and about working getting ready to leave when I suddenly remembered I was the summary person today. EEK.... sorry it's late.
My oldest is driving everyone nuts with his on again off again plans..... no idea what they are now. Guess I will find out when the rest find out too.

I am interested in the kayakers and the mysterious high school photo person..... hummmmmmmm

Have a great Wednesday
Kat, those spiders are pretty colors and their web is unusual. They like my rock house. I don't bother them unless they make their web close to where I have to be. I wasn't about to walk in and out of my front door with that thing hanging over my head. They are extremely fast moving.
Just an FYI.... two things one funny one not.... the not first
The town we go to for groceries and such is being evacuated today.... the Delta fire.... the cabin is still outside the zone but not by much..... I may spend my vacation going through rubble to find anything..... :cry:

Now the funny
last Christmas I purchased Hunny Bunny a new computer.... while it's not still in the box, it is still on his table and he continues to use his duct tapped together olde one because it's what he is familiar with.... this year I got him a counter top icemaker.... we don't have one in the fridge and we are heading to the store twice a week to get ice for him.... Well, it's a danger we must bark at every time it drops ice.... as in EVERY time the ice drops into the bucket.... I've never felt so protected..... LOL
robin, sorry to hear about the fire. I hope the cabin will be safe.
Oh Robin, I do hope your cabin will not be caught in the fire. That's funny about your protector from the dropping ice but I imagine it could get tiresome. I bought one of those for my son's family to use in their RV. They love it!

Music Man is on TCM--again!
:Lost internet yesterday a.m. ....all day ^ evening yesterday. They kept saying it would be back........by 3 p.m., then 6 p.m. , and then, Thursday a.m. ALL DAY NO INTERNET. lol.

Watched Bye, Bye Birdie on TCM, then Music Man came on, but I dozed off a few times, woke up and Meet Me in St. Louis was on....went to bed. So tired.