7/22/21 - Donuts & Internet is back at last


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Internet went out yesterday morning, all day. Promises to be back by 3 p.m., nope, then 6 p.m., nope, then 10:30 a.m. on Thursday. LOL. Had to take car for oil change this a.m. Learned rear brakes, rotors, bad, have to be replaced. Was shocked. So parts are ordered, will be next week to replace.
Also, the kayakers encountered some really heavy fog, which made for tough going.......so tho they hope to finish tonight.....fingers crossed.
Another foggy, cool morning for walking.

Today was library day at the small library. No time to give the rest of the news.
I need to eat lunch and finish cleaning for company.

Poirot, is the picture of your two grandson in laws? I hope they finish the race.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Yes, Kat.....You can see 3 kayaks in front of them, I believe, but sooo foggy/smoky. They have to have lights on their crafts, but still was very difficult.......Guess this smoky haze is everywhere.
An amazing picture..... thanks for sharing it......
We had a long night..... HunnyBunny left the patio door shade open, and we had a very active monsoon so thunder (doesn't bother the BEAST) and Lightning (EXTREME issue for the BEAST) starting at 10pm rolling on till 1. had to keep the lights on to diffuse the lightening.... Now we have the gardeners working so I must be warned about them..... oy.....
My son got to the cabin late last night... smoke in the air but power was still on. He sent pictures of the kids so all so far is good. Seems the fire is still raging but not in our cabin's direction. But it's a wild fire so it's not safe till it's burned through or is put out.
Getting my hair cut today.... can hardly wait.... it's so thick and heavy....

have a great Thursday
robin, enjoy your vacation time.

manda, have a relaxing evening.
Kat, hope you enjoy your company.

Robin, did you get a lot of rain with all that thunder and lightning? Oh my, I hope everybody stays safe at your cabin. I know you will all be alert but those fires can be tricky.

Hi, Manda. Hope things calm down for you.

Poirot, glad you caught the brake problem and are able to get in next week. I have an appointment for my truck in August! I'm still checking for something sooner. All the service people for any jobs around here are backed way up. Wow, that river looks big. I'm used to smaller ones but I do remember how big they are in other places. Takes a lot of grit to do what those guys are doing, especially with the smoke in the air.
Hi everybody. Today was long and very busy at work. I'm off next week , but can't volunteer to relieve someone at doing the summary Monday since no show. I'll be home all day then waiting for the Verizon repairman.

Amanda wins the prize for correctly identifying yesterday's mystery lady in the photo. She is none other than our own beautiful Old Cowgirl.

Need to get dinner. I may not get back in here if I fall asleep early.
Oh, gosh, Robin, hope all is o.k. and stays that way with your cabin.
There is a short video of the start of the race, with hundred of kayaks, tis amazing. I tried to bring it here, did not work. Anyway, some have finished, some more have had to drop out. I think everyone who finishes deserves a medal. Grueling is a mild term for what they are doing. The guys had to call a halt when they did not want to, because of the smoke, fog, haze, and inability to see.
Our friend arrived from International Falls today, plenty of time to get things going to leave early tomorrow a.m. I definitely have to go to store tomorrow so will be nice to not have to rush. Gosh, this haircut soooo short, hard to deal with. LOL
Had breakfast date with my good friend here, whose best friend (who now lives in Dallas) was visiting, I had met her before, we got along great, so they picked me up at the car dealer, and off we went. Loved it.
I'm still waiting for my company. I guess they left later than planned or stopped for
lunch along the way. My son had to get his car at his dad's and didn't get there
until after 3. I'm about an hour away from there, but they want to stop at motel
first. I just got a call and they will be later since they to make a pit stop. Dinner will
be tomorrow's lunch. I'm not sure when they have to leave tomorrow.

Poirot, sorry to hear the guys had to stop the race. Maybe they can try again next year.
I'm glad you had a nice breakfast with friends.

rs, I'm sorry you have to waste a day of your vacation waiting on the cable guy.
Oh, Kat, the guys did not drop out, but usually, they paddle all night, but had to stop longer, because of the smoke/fog. They continued on.......but now won't be done til around 11 p.m. tonight. !
Amanda wins the prize for correctly identifying yesterday's mystery lady in the photo. She is none other than our own beautiful Old Cowgirl.
Squirrel, you are too kind. The pictures came as a complete surprise to me.

Kat and Poirot, I hope both of you enjoy your company.