7/23/21 - Donuts & Energy Drink


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Appleton, WI
Good Morning Everyone,
We're still ridiculously busy at work, but 4 new people started for my team this week, so hopefully in about 8 weeks they'll be ready to dive in and lighten the load for the rest of us. Gena and I got home blissfully early from my mom's as she was exhausted and didn't feel like cooking, so we got sub sandwiches at a restaurant close to my house, I bought dinner this time which my mom was super grateful for and she ended up with leftovers for lunch today. Gena finished her quilt top yesterday, she got through this one a bit faster as the center is a big picture panel, the next one she picked will be more trick with lots of stars. I'll share a photo when my mom gets it back from being long-armed (that's sewing the front, back and stuffing together with a very fancy expensive machine).

Wishing you all a blessed Friday and terrific weekend if I don't make it back.
Good morning. Looks like I'm waking up at 5:30 no matter what. Today I decided to go ahead and get up, after lying there and listening to the owls and my mystery sound for a while. Nearly every morning I hear the owls and at the same time I hear a short, high-pitched noise, something like a squawk, which I have assumed to be some kind of bird. My hearing isn't so great, though I don't wear hearing aids but probably should, for one ear. I have my husband's hearing aids and put one in that ear occasionally, when I especially want to hear something. So this morning I put in both and oh my, was every tiny move LOUD! I went out on the deck and heard sounds I'd never heard before, at least not in many years. Suddenly the coyotes seemed to be right at the edge of my yard, screaming full blast, from more than one direction. It was creepy, almost scary. Soon they moved on, making little yips and yaps as they departed. Bingo! It finally dawned on me the mystery sound I'd been hearing is a single whining yap of a coyote. Somehow the owls must stimulate a response in coyotes. Who knew?

Have a good day, everyone.
Well the storm I posted pictures on yesterday donuts has returned.... thunder/ lightening and rain since 5 am today.... now why can't this storm be over my cabin putting out that horrible fire????? I;ll see if I can get a picture of our catch basin....
Laundry is done so now need to put it into suit cases and then into the car..... packing for an active BEAST who is freaking out over the things being moved around is humorous.....

OMGoodness OC..... to hear that much more with the hearing aids......
manda I'd love to see the quilt if you can get it posted......

Okay out of here for now....be back later if possible...
Well, I am not sure why I didnt realize yesterday was last day of Days for the Olympics. Oh well. Been trying to catch up on posts. Looking forward to the weekend. I need to try to do some weedeating but we will see. I get aggravated cause my string breaks constantly and I dont know how to stop that. My friend is coming over tomorrow to work on quilts. I need to get in my quilt room and figure out something to sew. I still haven't finished putting up all the fabric. LOL

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Robin - I will definitely share when I can. My mom was getting it all packed up for shipping when I arrived, so I only got a quick glimpse before it was folded and tucked in the plastic shipping bag.

For that matter if anyone knows a veteran whom you'd like to have a quilt presented to, please send me an private message and I'll get you the information on how to do a nomination, the group my mom is part of does presentations all over the country. If you're in Wisconsin, my mom would more than likely be the one to present your quilt, she and my step-dad drive all over the state presenting quilts on the weekends.
tHE kayakers finished the race at 11:15 p.m. last night. Exhausted, needless to say.
I woke at 2:30 again. Wish I could get back to sleep...4:20 was still awake. finally dozed off at 4:45, awake at 5:30, so am up and awake.
Hubby left at 7:15 with our friends, got there early, was taken right in. They have done the pre-work, then the heart catherization, had to put in a stent. He is doing well, They feel he probably can go home around 4:30. Then in a couple weeks, will return for the valve replacement.
Company is gone..... They arrived last night after 7. Two hours later than expected.
They left around 8 to head to the motel to go swimming.

I didn't make the dinner last night since my son called ahead of time and said they
would be late. (5:30) I made the spaghetti for lunch. Lunch time is when I eat my big
meal everyday. Worked better for me anyway.

After lunch, we went to Kohl's. We took separate cars since they were going home
after. I bought my grandson two pairs of shoes (gym class needs separate pair)
and clothing. I had a discount and it was earn Kohl's cash time. I gave that to them
to get him more things. My grandson has grown a lot since I saw him two years ago.

manda, I hope you and Gena have a relaxing, fun weekend.

OC, I trade wake up times with you. I've been waking up around 3 or 3:30. Sometimes I go
back to sleep.

Poirot, I'm glad kayakers finished the race.

robin, I hope your vacation is a good one.

dachsie, enjoy your sewing time with your friend.

I hope everyone had a good rest of the day and joyous weekend.
Robin - I will definitely share when I can. My mom was getting it all packed up for shipping when I arrived, so I only got a quick glimpse before it was folded and tucked in the plastic shipping bag.

For that matter if anyone knows a veteran whom you'd like to have a quilt presented to, please send me an private message and I'll get you the information on how to do a nomination, the group my mom is part of does presentations all over the country. If you're in Wisconsin, my mom would more than likely be the one to present your quilt, she and my step-dad drive all over the state presenting quilts on the weekends.
She is involved with Quilts of Valor? Our guild does that
Kat, I'm glad you got to see your son and grandson. They packed a lot of activity into a short visit. So thoughtful of you to get some clothes for the grandson.

Poirot, I bet those kayakers didn't have any trouble sleeping last night. Hope your husband is still doing well and got to come home. Once he gets through these heart procedures, he may be a good bit stronger.

A dear, sweet 92-year old lady in our community recently fell and broke her hip. As they were doing pre-op tests for the repair surgery they discovered a heart problem. They put SIX stents in and then did the hip repair a couple of days later. I never heard of anybody having that many stents.

Dachsie, I don't know how you find any time to watch tv, with all the other things you do. Hope you enjoy the quilting with your friend.

Robin, wow, when it rains it pours! Poor Vinnie, he thinks his world is being uprooted.

Manda, how nice of you to take your mom to dinner. Mom's love it when their kids do thoughtful things for them. I love how she and Gena are making the quilts for Veterans!

I stayed pretty busy today, just doing one thing and another that needed to be done. I'm winding down and getting sleepy now.

There'll be a full moon tonight--the "Buck Moon"--and it may have some odd coloring due to the smoke. Around 10:30 eastern time, I think they said.
O.C. Hubby not home yet, probably on their way. The friend who drove him up there has had 8 stents!!!!
So hectic here, I even forgot, for the lst time, to go get my mail!
Well, Days is off for a couple weeks, made a new, temp forum for some "fun" stuff to post about. Hope everyone enjoys and participates.
You probably would not find one up here either...tourist season. I worry about you going into fire area. Hope you all find a parking lot to pull in and nap for a bit. (Better the car than a kayak, lol)