7/24/21 - Donuts and summer


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Summer has officially arrived in my area. It took awhile. It's suppose to be in the 90s starting
today and go into next week. I'll have to pick a day to water the flowerbeds.

Errands done this morning. I'm going to my friend's house around noon. They went to
grandson's ballgame and I have to check on the dog. It's too hot for her to go with them
this time.

I hope everyone has a lemonade day.
Good morning. Kat, I've been thinking the same thing this morning--summer if finally really here. We're going to reach 100* today and will be at that or over until at least Wednesday, when it will be 99*. :) The good news is that overnight lows will stay in the mid-70s so that makes a difference overall. There's no rain in the forecast and that's good news for only a little while.

My big plans for the day are to putter inside the house and maybe get the paper clutter cleared off my table once again.

Thinking about you, and your trip, Robin. Hoping you get some rest and well, I can't help being concerned for what you may be driving into. Be safe!
Wicked wicked thunderstorm in the wee hours. Woke to lightning galore, thunder booming, rain pouring. It was around 4 a.m. Wind, my goodness. All the hydrangeas front & back of house are laying flat down. Wind died down around 6 finally, so did the thunder and lightning, but the rain continued, finally ending around 9 a.m. Sun came out, along with some blue sky. Had about an inch of rain, maybe just a bit over.
Our friends from International Falls went back home, promising to return when hubby will be scheduled for valve replacement. Right now, couple of weeks.
Then, I planned on calling my very best friend (known her since 4th grade) but her daughter messaged me, my friend is in the hospital, been unable to swallow, difficulty began 4 months ago. She is having more tests today, so far they found a lesion, saying it doesn't look good.
They did the heart cath thru his wrist, which has a bandage on it, began bleeding again last nite, hopefully won't any more.
Poirot, I'm so sorry about your best friend. Hoping things may not be a bad as they suspect. Oh dear, trying to take care of your husband's bleeding sounds scary. You've got so much on your mind right now. Thank God your friends are committed to helping with the far-off appointments.
I hope everyone is being careful and wear masks even when vaccinated.

I know of two young children who have been exposed and will have to be tested next week.
One is boy who was born with problems. He just turned a year old. Young children are dying
because of the Delta variant.
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