7-25-19 - Donuts and Bagels


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. I have another easy day in the office since school registration for today was cancelled. Only 3 parents responded when the school staff called to confirm appointments. These same folks will be screaming when the first day of school rolls around next month, and they find that their kids aren't enrolled. Sounds a lot like what robinsnest goes through with the after school programs.
Last evening, I had nice time at Camp MeMe. We had hot dogs, chips and
S'mores at the cookout. Later, we played volleyball with water balloons and
beach blankets. You tossed the balloon over with the blanket. The other
team had to catch it. I played too.

This morning, we're going to the library event. I'll be coming home at lunch
time. The kids go home after lunch. I'll be using my trimmer after lunch. I've
had a nice time with the kids, but a lot of my chores didn't get done.

rs, enjoy your easy day. How's the weather where you are?

Wishing everyone a good day and evening.
Good morning, Red S - Enjoy your easy day at the office today. And you are right about those parents. At the risk of sounding like my dad, people these days do not seem to take much responsibility and/or accountability for one's own choices or decisions these days. Seems everyone wants to place blame on someone or something else for why something happened instead of looking into the mirror and saying, "what did I contribute to this or what decisions could I have made differently".

Katmouse, your week sounds like it has been a lot of fun and a good balance of yard work, Camp Mimi, and helping out at libraries.

This morning and all week is absolutely beautiful. I had my outdoor beach volleyball league last night and we were soaking up the sun as we played. It felt so good to finally be getting warmth and not rain all the time.

It looks like my office is going to be in for a bit of a fight that none of us want. Long story short, a girl I work with has created, fabricated, lied, manipulated her way into having an outcome of harassment filed against her in her favour and she has lied, manipulated, played the victim in another fight against our manager. She has even gone to the doctor to get a note that she cannot work in our office and has been relocated somewhere else because she claims that our manager is dangerous and she fears for her safety. 5 of us were asked to provide our witness account of what occurred one day between her and another coworker of mine, all of us recounting who the harasser was, what occurred, etc. The 5 of us were made out to be liars and protecting this coworker and basically everything that had occurred in our office was everyone's doing but her own. Anyways, so for the past 10 months, this girl has been working from home and another office while the rest of us have been enjoying a peaceful office where everyone has their bums in chairs, doing their job and the duties that come with their roles. Out of sight out of mind. Oh ya, and we were all ATIP (Access To Information Process). This meant I had to provide any emails or correspondence of any sort where her name was mentioned to this tribunal who were reviewing everything. I had two emails to my manager expressing my frustration of not being to work with this girl, doesn't perform the duties that come in her role, lack of communication, my concern for the next manager coming in, and asking for assistance in what am I supposed to do when the person who is on my team is not cooperating. There was a lot more in that email. I have been told confidentially that our regional director will be coming out in August to share with us that this girl will filing something against all of us in our office for violence, harassment, and bullying.

What she is doing is harassment and bullying. We are all sitting here doing our jobs and she is continuing to fight something that none of us asked for. I HATE that I'm going to have to defend myself against lies and manipulations especially when it has been proven that people in higher positions are believing her and have the influence to make some very poor decisions in this. Ugh......honesty, integrity, accountability and responsibility apparently do not mean anything when we are up against this girl. Anyways, sorry for that long story, I'm just sick about this.

Tonight, Mike and I are going to for a run, tomorrow night beach volleyball drop in then Saturday we are doing the Rugged Maniac. Cannot wait for it. It's going to be a sunny day, lots of people, bands, a festival, beer gardens, bbq. Looking forward to this.

Have a good day and rest of the week everyone.
Muzzaman, sorry for what's going on at your workplace. Interesting they are believing
the woman against, I'm assuming, all men. Too bad no one took video. Good luck.

rk, enjoy the time with your friend
Thanks, Kat. It is actually pretty evenly split. Her initial problem was with a female coworker but now it's just anyone and anything she can throw at us but the main people in this are myself and my female coworker. The other have just been added into the mix now. And for myself, it all started when I asked her who was covering for her and she lied to me three times, politely pointed out to her that I don't appreciate being lied to and that she is making working with her very difficult. This is what that comment has escalated into now. She asserts that I stood over top of her, threatening her, yelling this at her. Thankfully, there were three people within 10 feet that saw this interaction and was not what she has made this out to be. I admit I have a loud deep voice and it carries but never did I yell, threaten or stand over her. In fact I made a point to stand a foot outside of her office for this very reason. Fear of exactly what she said I did.

Oh well, we'll see what happens at this meeting in August.
Muzza - It is people like her who have jumped on the harassment bandwagon who have ruined it for those who truly have been harassed. It sounds like she's angling for a big money pay off.

Off to help the caseworkers do the client food pickups at the food banks. They need the help, and it'll keep me busy for a while .
Hi, Noel, thinking of you too. Not forgetting about the sneaky snake problem.

Muzz, I honestly don't see how anybody works in an office environment these days, with the issues that permeate society now. I'm really sorry you are having to be subjected to that mess.

Rk, I'm so glad you had a good visit with your classmate, and her kids.

Kat, the cookout food and activities sounded like a lot of fun. Those chores will always be there. You need to have some fun and relaxation along the way.

Squirrel, I guess we all know some kids who have neglectful parents--some parents who can't and don't even take care of their own needs, let alone their children's. I talked with a kid just yesterday from such a home and it was heartbreaking to see the sadness in his eyes. I'm sure a lot of the parents who don't get in for registration are just busy and it slips by them, but I'm becoming increasingly aware of how many children are living in homes that are completely dysfunctional to an alarming degree. Sorry for venting here. God bless you for doing the job that you do. No doubt there are kids getting some needed attention from you for things that would otherwise never get addressed.

Not sure what I'm doing today. I was planning to follow my niece to town to leave her truck for a/c repair but she's not feeling well so we may not do it today. The weather is still nice, will be only in the upper 80s* again today. I went outside just after sunup, around 7:00, and I almost had to wear a jacket! I'll probably stay inside now though. Not much for me to do outside and it gets too hot inside storage buildings even in the 80s*. Still lots of clutter inside the house to work on though, as always.
Morning Everyone,
It's my short day in the office, so I'll be going to the laundromat and spraying for the vampires today. Although I have not seen one evil little creature since I did all the squishing and bagging on Tuesday morning. Vacation Bible School is officially complete and the kids all bounced themselves silly in the bounce house last night, after hearing the parable of the lost sheep, marching around the neighborhood singing and making a craft. Here's a picture of the craft, except we used paper plates, (picture is from Pinterest) I'm going to put up a bulletin board at church using the pictures, then send them home with each child once we switch the bulletin board to back to school.

Muzz - I'm so sorry you are being forced to deal with all of that, it's terrible the way some people manipulate the system.
RS - enjoy your time at the food bank, I always love helping with things like that.
RK - I'm glad you had a nice visit with your friend.
OC - Enjoy the nice weather, some day soon I hope to attack my clutter too.
Kat - I'm glad you were able to take a break from your chores and have some fun. We all spend too much time working and not enough time enjoying creation.
JS - yikes, I can't believe HR would just blow both of you off like that, not good. I'm glad you don't work there anymore.
Noel - I hope today is a good busy day for you.
This afternoon I'm getting together with a very good church friend. She is coming by to get me in less then a hour. We are go and have some ice cream together. It's hot and humid out good day for ice cream. Going to Dollar General store.
Manda, what a good idea for "life savers." I hope you never see another vampire!

Just Samantha, glad you got out of that work situation long ago!

Rk, how nice that you've been having visits from friends lately! Ice cream on a hot day, and a trip to the Dollar Store.....hard to beat that!

We ended up taking my niece's truck to the shop after all. We each had other errands in town too. Also, we ate lunch there. Mr. Fixit got my water pump going at the well this morning. It's been down all summer and the cows have been having to walk nearly a mile up the hill to get water at the tank. They will be happy to get water at the well again, and I probably won't have them in my yard as much, which is not altogether good or bad.
Just want to say how much I enjoy the posts here. We all lead very different lives, live in different parts of North America, experience so many different things, share our ups and downs, backs and forths, likes and dislikes, aches and pains, you know what I mean. We are all ages, yet we are bonded together in a special way. It means a lot to me to have caring friends here, Thank you, and God Bless!
Just want to say how much I enjoy the posts here. We all lead very different lives, live in different parts of North America, experience so many different things, share our ups and downs, backs and forths, likes and dislikes, aches and pains, you know what I mean. We are all ages, yet we are bonded together in a special way. It means a lot to me to have caring friends here, Thank you, and God Bless!

I agree, I truly mean it when I say you all feel like my family, even though I could walk past most of you on the street and not have any idea. I picture you all to match your Avatars on this board , which I know is silly but that's the "face" I associate with your names.
Just want to say how much I enjoy the posts here. We all lead very different lives, live in different parts of North America, experience so many different things, share our ups and downs, backs and forths, likes and dislikes, aches and pains, you know what I mean. We are all ages, yet we are bonded together in a special way. It means a lot to me to have caring friends here, Thank you, and God Bless!

YES our group is such a daily blessing!! :love:
Poirot, I don't know how I go through my days without the group here.

I appreciate everyone listening to me.
I love being thought of as looking like the 1970s Deidre Hall (Marlena) and Andrea Hall (Samantha)!

Someone once said when they read my posts, they "hear" it in Marlena's voice, which I thought was funny.

At least yours is a person, I see Robinsnest as a bird, even though I've seen her picture, and OC I usually picture as that cute cowgirl picture she has sometimes, because I refuse to mentally picture her as cattle.