7-25-2018 - Donuts and Buffet



Let them eat eggs, or ham, or Scotty's egg nests, or pancakes, or whatever their hearts desire.

Morning all. It's 5:35am, waiting for the "city limo " (train) to pick me up and the days are getting shorter. A few weeks ago the sun was coming up and could see a good chunk of I. Now, you can see brightness to the east with sun just about ready to pop up.

Seeing family from Australia today then vball tonight. Hope you all have a good hump day.
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Good morning, grey skies here with talk of rain possibly for next 2 days, but not much. cooler air coming with it though, supposedly. I have noticed the sun rising later and later. Well, one doesn't notice a minute or half minute, but when you realize the reason it is not bright sun at 5:30 is because the sun is now rising much later..hmmm. Yes, folks,up north, we start to see light in the mornings earlier than down south, but we also lose it earlier. I remember one year going to Chicago area in October, and up here, was dark at 6:30 p.m. but still pretty light down there, and that is just about 400 miles south. So am sure the more southern states are even later. Coffee is done.......got to get my "fix". lol
Good morning everyone . Off to school as we drive between the rain drops. Another day in the 80s here .

Couldn't wait to get out of the office this morning. The noise from construction is awful. I'm taking a required online course from University of Pittsburgh that has videos throughout, and it is soooooo hard to hear what is said even with headphones or ear buds. I'm just happy that I've aced all of the tests so far. My senior citizen brain still works in student mode ! :clap:

Muzza - have a great visit with your family

Poirot - Yikes! I don't even want to think about soon going to work and coming home in the dark.
Morning Everyone,
I've definitely noticed a change in the amount of sunshine in the morning and at night. I'll say it's much easier to go to bed at 8:30 when it's already darkish, vs a month ago when it felt like daytime. It was already dark when we got home from vacation Bible school last night, although we did stop at Arby's for Coke Floats on the way (Diet Coke in my case). I've seen too many commercials for them so we stopped for a treat.

Muzz - enjoy the visit with your family
Poirot - we have thunderstorms in our forecast for tonight, so stay safe
RS - enjoy the peace and quiet of the school today.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
So curious me just checked.......and on July 1...in this area.....sunrise was 4:41 a.m. Today it was 5:06. And sunset
was 9 p.m on the lst, and will be 8:43 today. So, we lose 1-2 min every day....of daylight.....lol, except days when it is really cloudy, right? LOL
Now you made me want to check ours, Poirot.

July 1 in Calgary
Sunrise 5:27am
Sunset 9:52pm

July 24 in Calgary
Sunrise 5:51am
Sunset 9:33pm

@mandamiee - Sorry, I thought your husband accepted a job in a nearby town and thought he was working. Well, hopefully that fire under his assets is working. LOL!

Today we are each 'being Santa' and delivering Christmas in July cookies to family, friends, co-workers and church goers tonight. Last night I had to sing silly Christmas songs in the hot kitchen just to finish this project of love. An oven at 8pm when it is still 106 kinda makes it hard to 'think snow'.

It is 7:38am and near 100F already. We are headed to another record-breaking day. I have not noticed the sun rising or setting at a different orientation or time yet. But then we are closer to the sun in this location so you all have darker mornings and nights long before our location. Enjoy the extra rest and hopefully cooler temperatures.

Muzza: enjoy the time with your family!
Poirot: hope thunderstorms pass your area by quickly and you have a good night of sleep
Manda: glad you treated yourself to a Coke Float. Still praying for your husband to find the right job and for your VBS.
Squirrel: that much noise would give me a headache. What is their time line to finish? You'll be getting autumn rain in a month or more, right?

Wishing everyone a good Christmas in July! Keep that joyful peace in your heart all day long.
today it was a brisk 94 at 6:30...... I almost needed my robe to walk around the house it was so chilly........ Holy Crimeinee.... but this is uncomfortable..... it's expected to "cool" down from the 100 teens to the simple mid 100's over the weekend.... but with humidity and possible rain.... but as we all know the weather guessers are rarely correct about the rain portion of the guessing.....
Mr. Gus enjoyed his day at the kennel..... Hunny Bunny enjoyed his trip to Flagstaff..... so yesterday went smoothly..... unless you are a parent who is just now waking up to your kid going back to school and are looking for before and after care at their school.......

Manda has your husband thought about working with kids?? would he like to move y'all to Arizona and work for barely minimum wage ??? we have openings....

Ah... off to celebrate Wednesday.......
Robin: yes, isn't this almost 95F fun for our low temperature of the day?! :rolleyes:
Glad Mr Gus and Honey Bunny are doing well. I am still puzzling over parents who would even consider dropping off their children at an unscheduled school without a care in the world about their safety?!?!?!:angry: Ah, well, it is Christmas in July and I am going to remain happy & positive no matter what an wishing you the same.
Poirot, you've given me a new interest. I'd never thought of looking up the times for sunrise and sunset. Mostly I notice the sunrise times out my windows. These days I keep all the curtains shut on the west side of the house (the front) so I don't notice sunset as much.

So on July 1: 6:30 a.m. and 8:49 p.m. Today: 6:44 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. I can't imagine the sun rising at 4:41 a.m.

Mercifully, while I was sick last week I didn't have any migraines. Had allergy/sinus headaches but Tylenol kept the edge off that pain, so long as I took it regularly. Now, for the past couple of days I've had a migraine and it looks like it will get down to business today. Guess I'll take a migraine pill, which I resist when possible. I suspect the new eye drops are causing the problem. Each day, my eyes are hurting and itching more. Getting sick is a double whammy. The "cures" often seem worse than the ailments.

I've had some unusual business things come up lately. Strangely enough, good things, but still requiring time and attention. I'm up to date with all that can be done right now so I plan to try to get back to the nursing home.

Robin, has your school already started? I feel for you and Noel and for all who live in that wretched desert!

I've managed to read everyone's posts. Thanks to all of you for checking in and keeping us updated. I had a dream that A. Guy checked in. Guess I have to get away from this screen now. Will check back later. Have a good day, all.
Manda has your husband thought about working with kids?? would he like to move y'all to Arizona and work for barely minimum wage ??? we have openings....
He would not be a good candidate to work with kids, some of the things that come out of his mouth still leave me completely flabbergasted after 20 years as a couple, the man has no filter when it comes to his mouth.
Funny thing is I could keep my job and move to AZ as my company offers insurance in AZ, and I'd be able to do what I do now and work from home. However the heat would absolutely kill me. I need my snow and falling leaves. And yes, some days it does look like the pictures below where I live although these are from Google Images.
It's a warmer today than yesterday. I used trimmer this morning and I've been out doing
beetle patrol. Last night, I found them on the marigolds in the flowerbed. I think
one bug found them and told his friends to come by. Hopefully, I can keep
them off. There are more beetles are out now. The rose of Sharon on the other side of
subdivision are covered now.

I'm debating if I should water tonight or wait. Rain in forecast over weekend.

manda, I hope hubby puts a filter on when he's around Gena.

Muzzaman, enjoy your family visit and volleyball.

rs, I hope construction is almost over and you can have some quiet time at the office.

Noel, enjoy your July in Christmas Day.

OC, sorry to hear your eyes aren't better. I hope you got to the nursing today.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
Muzz have fun with your relatives and enjoy the vball

Poirot - I went and looked at our sunrise & sunset and it's kind of funny because it says our sunset is 8:50 but we got back to the house at 9:20 and our sun was just going down and it wasn't completely light out but it wasn't dark either?

RS - Glad you got out of the office before the noise drove you crazy - good luck on your test.

Manda - I have seen the ads on the coke floats --- I love Root Beer floats and I was wondering are the coke floats as good as they make them to look! My Mom would do them with 7 UP

Noel - you put a smile on my face with your Christmas in July especially as hot as you are. I have never met anyone that loves the Christmas season like I do but I think you out do me. I had to laugh last night when we got home from our bike ride I turned on the Hallmark channel and sat down and watch the Christmas movie as the AC kept kicking on - I thought of you and smiled and thought I should make some Christmas cookies!

Robin - 94 at 6:30 in the morning is unbelievable! Wow - stay cool! I'm glad Mr. Gus did good yesterday.

OC - I was afraid you were going to end up with a migraine with all the different medicines! So sorry but I'm glad things are looking a little better.

Lilo - Our sunrise was 5:17 and you were 5:38 --- funny it only takes the Sun 21 minutes to be clear across the state of Washington?

It's going to be hot here today also but no complaints because my high is Noel & Robins low!
Ember had asked me if she could have a pool party and of course I said yes - so tomorrow is the day! She asked what I was doing Wednesday evening and I said watching you and Harlow --- Oh then I won't ask --- I said oh what is it? She wanted to know if I could make her Lime Jello salad she loves for the party -- again could I say no! So we will be making that this evening - LOL

Have a great day
Shan: .we are Christmas sisters of the heart!!:love:

Enjoy making Ember her jello salad and hosting her swimming party. She is such a sweet little girl and has your heart smiling. Stay cool today.
We all are in different time zones and I do agree it seems weird. But again, the different sections of the country make a difference as to sun. Actually, we all have light after sunset, and before sunrise. Heck, if you look at a map of U.S. half of Washington state seems further north than northern Wisconsin! But they do have the Pacific ocean there to alleviate some (definitely not all) of the chill.
And I honestly keep envisioning Calgary being just above me in Canada, or maybe over MN a bit, and I know it is not......actually above Idaho. I know that, but I still just keep thinking Muzza is just north of me. LOLOL