7/25/21 - Donuts and thunderstorms


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's been raining and storming here for over an hour. The storm is sitting over my area dropping a lot of rain. I'm under a
flood watch. The ditch is overflowing this time. The swimming pools in my yard will be back for sure.

I probably won't get a walk in today since the humidity will be bad after the rain. I was going to work outside in my area
of the ditch, but that won't happen for awhile. One good thing, I won't have to water my flowerbeds this week.

I hope everyone has a relaxing, restful day.
Finch update.

The fourth set of babies are here. I wasn't sure until today if there were any.
I saw the babies when Mr. Finch was feeding them.
Holy cow, where is everyone? Back from church, and the store. will be in 80s today, very sunshiney. It is nice they began the "social" hour after the service again.....finally. (coffee & cake/cookie). Put the grocery stuff away, made lunch for hubby, now for the Sunday paper. Ha. (I forgot I had clothes in dryer, so will have to take care of that, too.
Wow, I'm just now getting here. Surprised so many are busy with other things. I went to church then had to cook when I got back. Still haven't cleaned up my dishes. Spent a little bit of time outside taking care of a couple of things. Too hot to stay out long.

Poirot, seems like you had a lot packed into the morning. Glad you've had a chance to sit down with the paper. Also, maybe nice you don't have people coming and going on Sunday.

Kat, this is one time our weather is very different. Hot and dry here. Yea! No need for you to water flowers for a while! Those finches sure do stay busy! My son's family gave me a rather delicate ceramic bird house for some occasion a couple of years ago. I got Mr. Fixit to hang it from the ceiling of the porch to the guest house, in hopes it would be protected there and not get broken. I didn't expect anything to build a nest in it. But a day or two ago I noticed some twigs sticking out of the hole so I guess something did, at some point. I need to get a ladder and take a look inside. I've never seen any activity but I don't spend any time out there either.

I found a dead Yellow-Billed Cuckoo bird under one of my windows this morning. I have had other kinds of birds hit the windows at times but I don't know what it is about this particular kind of bird. I think they are kinda reclusive so I never see them but there must be a good many around because about once or twice a year one flies into one of my windows and dies as a result. Sad.

I don't know what the temperature is for sure. The two places I look online, for two towns that are about 25 miles away from here, say it's in the 90s*. But the two thermometers I have hanging on my back porch (which is under shade) have said 106*-108* this afternoon. The National Weather site I look at had predicted 102* for a high. So I guess I can pick whatever I like.

Wondering about Robin.
Hello everyone, In a nice warm Sacramento, not as bad as home.
Rest Stop story...... we stopped to sleep about 2 am..... everyone got out to go potty.... then we parked in a area that was darker.... I tried to curl up and sleep, the BEAST was in my lap.... Hunny Bunny started counting the feral cats.... and pointing them out to the beast..... we stayed sleeping off and on for two hours then gave up and continued the drive on... also while "sleeping" the people kept coming to use the potties... and NO ONE wanted to pet the poodle leaning out the window so that was very very sad...... We got to Sacramento... unpacked the car, talked to the kids and then HB and I went for a nap.... about 90 minutes.... after being up for 24 hours...... went to the BBQ ate too much watermelon but lots of fun.....

Heading to the mountains Tuesday.... hope to check in again tomorrow.... playing with grandkids....
robin, I'm glad you're getting to see the grandkids. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
Thank you for that update, Robin. Your overnight situation was anything but funny, however. I'm sorry I just couldn't keep from laughing when I read about H.B. pointing out the feral cats to the Beast! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have found it amusing if I'd been in your place. Enjoy the kids, be safe, and check in when and if you can.