7/5/21 - Donuts and Unexpected Fireworks

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Last night I had an unexpected treat of seeing fireworks across the river in a small town, which is probably 7-8 miles as the crow flies but about 30 miles to drive there from here. It wasn't a total surprise. I knew there was going to be fireworks but I was surprised that I was able to see them. Not as good as up close but with my binoculars it still was a nice diversion for me.

I hope all of you are enjoying your extended weekend.
I got to see Macy's big fireworks display, after I thoroughly enjoyed Music Man (last hr.) and Yankee Doodle Dandy on Turner Classic Movies. I opted out of 1776, flipped channels for a bit, finally found a Golden Girls rerun, and of course, fell asleep. LOL. The fireworks in town were well done, I heard, aimed out at a field they thoroughly wet down before hand, since no rain and so hot, all dried out. Today is another 90s day, (was 80 at 5"30 this a.m. ) Awake since 4 a.m. Dang it. Tomorrow, hopefully a cool down arrives.
A beautiful day here. It's sunny and will be in the 80s

I thought I would be outside now, but I need to be close to my big computer. Sunday when I tried to
play a game on Facebook I got an error. Something about driver on the graphic card. I talked to Geek
Squad yesterday and they did a remote. I thought fixed. When I told the person it was not fixed he just
left. I had to call twice this morning to get someone to look at it. I got a woman the 2nd time and she
checked with another browser and found it didn't work on that one either. I've been watching the
tech person off and on. Maybe this one can fix the problem and I won't have to get a new graphic card.
I can play the games on the laptop, but I get higher scores on the bigger computer.

OC, I'm glad you could see fireworks. I don't get see them from my house. There's a lot of trash on
streets and sidewalks in my subdivision.

Poirot, I'm glad you daughter is going to be with you and help you out.

FYI, no mail today since the 4th was on a Sunday.
@kat........I cannot play any game on my big desktop (Windows 10) except for Yahtzee.......but I can play them on my laptop (Windows 7). They say new driver needed or some such, but I think it is Facebook. I cannot even do the Jigsaw puzzle on the big computer any more.....only the laptop, and that screen is smaller, which of course, doesn't help with larger puzzles. It could also be Microsoft, which keeps updating this 10 version, but doesn't help, only makes it worse.

I used to be able to play them, no idea why they no longer work.
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Third time not the charm. There's no need to ask Geek Squad again.

I've already made contact with Dell since I bought the computer for them. I'll probably have to do a
remote with them like Geek Squad. You don't have to sit there the whole time, but you have to look
at your computer from time to time. I was going to do tomorrow afternoon then I remembered it's
my summary day. I'll try Wed afternoon. I need to get out Tues AM and work in flowerbed or trim.
Good Morning. I slept too long and had to get the summary up before visiting here. It is a very HORRIBLE show today. So many hurtful things said and done. And on a day when a lot of people might be home and watch in real time. Oh well.

All is well here. Lots of idiots blew up things last night, but didn't seem to bother Vinnie. He'd notice them but didn't really seem to care. He does enjoy his chicken and rice, so that's a good thing.

Good luck with your computer, kat.
Good evening everyone. Another 90* day here, too, with high humidity.

Our local fireworks were held on Friday night, and I could see those from the front porch. I watched Netflix last night then switched to the fireworks from Washington, DC, on PBS. After that, I watched the rerun of the Macy's fireworks. I just can't stand most of the acts before the patriotic music begins on either show so I skip the first hour of each show.

Spent most of Sunday hanging new curtain rods and curtains. They make a big difference in brightening up the kitchen, hall, and bathroom. The only downside is they don't block the heat. Will definitely be putting my thermal drapes back up in October to keep the house warmer in the winter.

My computer downloaded massive Windows 10 updates today. I'm amazed that it is back to the fast processing and connection speeds again. The last big updates in April and June seemed to slow my laptop down to a crawl so I used my phone or tablet to do most things at home. If this speed keeps up, I'll keep using this laptop instead.

I'm glad that Vinnie is eating better. He needs to keep his strength up to get over whatever was ailing him.

My sincerest sympathy to nanahl on the loss of her husband.
Poirot, I hope the dental trip for your husband went well.

I hope the weather improves for all who are dealing with abnormalities. Some rain got close to here this afternoon but missed. It's been hot and humid but I've stayed inside.
For those of you having problems playing games on/through Facebook, the problem probably isn't with your computer.

1) Facebook discontinued Gameroom on June 30th. All games based there are now gone.

2) All games using Flash are now discontinued on Facebook. Adobe quit supporting/updating Flash in 2020 that's why you get notifications that you need a new driver. Facebook told each game developer they had to migrate/rewrite their own game to an HTML platform. If that wasn't done before December 31, 2020, the game is now unplayable through Facebook.

Free games through www.aarp.org or https://games.washingtonpost.com/ are very easy to use, and I have no problem with either site. There are probably a lot of other sites that some folks here use.
rs, the games that used Flash on Facebook were updated by the creators and the ones I play I still can.
I don't know why the new computer won't play them while the laptop can. Maybe Dell can figure it out.

OC, enjoy the rain. I might get rain on Thurs., or the weekend.
Oh my goodness, The Shop Around the Corner is on Turner Classic Movies! What is it with Christmas movies in July? I knew Hallmark was running them but Turner?

Thanks, Kat. I'm trying to stay positive about the rain. It is pleasant to watch and at least it only rained half an inch in that round.
robin, is the limit on how many days they can do fireworks? Last night, hardly anyone
did them. No one is supposed to shoot any off after yesterday. If I'll hear them today
in my subdivision, I call the cops.
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