7-7-16 - Donuts and Birthday cake


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday, Heather

Those cakes sure look good! Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Heather!

I need to go to the city today to pick up one of the husband's hearing aids and to get the other one fixed. These things are like my internet--great when they are working but almost too high maintenance to be worth it. The key word being "almost."

Wishing everyone a good day!
Good morning everyone and Happy Birthday Heather! Have a fantastic day!!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Canada Day/Independence Day. Weather has been muggy and very hot as of late--nights barely cooling down into the 70sF. The good news is that the cicadas, slowly but surely, have been coming out.

I've been super busy the past few days, which is why I'm still behind on Days and haven't popped in here for a while. I went with family to Niagara Falls the weekend before the 4th--we stayed on the NY side in an Air Force lodge, but did get in to the Canadian side for Canada Day. It was a nice time--none of us ever went before. Other than that, been going to the gym and going to work a lot.

Also started swimming again, since our pool is finally clean and everything. And I had a dentist appointment, had to go to the barber shop, and now am going to take a permit test. I took one in CA and passed an had a permit there, but state laws are different. Here in PA I must redo the process and can do the license test after having the permit for a month.

Hope all of you have a nice day.
Happy Birthday Heather. I hope the day treats you well.

I slept really well last night and feel good this morning. Not sure why or what happened, but not going to question it.

I get to go to Costco tonight, so perhaps I can get dinner there too. Big splurge of $1.50 for a hot dog and a drink. Whoo hooo! Or I could come home and actually fix something. The decisions.

DaysD - good to see you back and good luck on the drivers license/permit thing.
Happy birthday, Heather. Enjoy the day. P.S., the Horton Cabin Raccoon Team has baked you a cake.


Here on Long Island, it's another hot, sticky, day. All those those people here who are driving cars with Florida plates have probably not found much relief from the summer heat.
Good morning. We had a good 4th of July. We did our fireworks until about 1am, but we live in the county. The girls had a great time. We went to the library yesterday so I think we'll just stay home today and stay out of the heat as much as we can.
It's another warm day here. Goldie and I went out just before 6 AM for our walk. I spent an hour in the side
bed before getting my hair done. I wish I could show you pictures. Maybe later.

Yard was mowed last night. This morning I found a small patch of poke salad was cut down. Hopefully, I will
find a small wire fence to put up before he comes back.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

Happy Birthday again, Heather. I hope your day is good one

Happy Birthday Heather!

Word of advice never get pneumonia in July during a heat wave. I worked one hour on Tuesday and haven't gone back to work since. I go back tomorrow at 11.

It's 88 and feels like 95. Today is cooler than it's been being but I'm still staying inside in the ac.

Have a safe trip to the city OC.

Good luck with the permit/license process, DaysD.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and stay cool!
It is another hot humid nasty day here so my asthma is still acting up. Other than that, I'm going to different schools each day to screen the kids who are going into kindergarten and are in the summer school programs. It just seems like a triplication of services since I've already screened all of these kids the past school year, and the school nurses screened them at kindergarten registration. Oh well, when the United Way says to do it, you just smile and do it.
Happy birthday!

Today the high is 96° with 53% humidity.

I was just going to run to the store for some chicken and pork chops after my appointment but the girls wanted to go too so I swung by and picked them up. We left the store $231 later.

Dinner tonight is bacon wrapped sirloin, pan fried shrimp, brussel sprouts and cous cous. All with fancy seasonings or whatever, I do not know. The girls are the ones who choose the menus and cook, I am just here to eat.

My doctor chopped off all of her hair. She was so complementary when she first saw mine short so I told her to just go for it. It looks good but I cannot believe she did it as she had super long hair like me. Short hair don't care!

Good day to you all.
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the birthday wishes and for making me feel so special. I love all the cakes! I wish I had actually eaten birthday cake today but I settled for birthday cake ice cream from Baskin Robbins instead. Convenient when it's across the street.

Today wasn't really what I envisioned for my 40th birthday but when is it really? I woke up with a migraine so spent a good portion of the day nursing that. And I ended up working as well when I thought I wouldn't. I did make it to Zumba class tonight. Tomorrow we will have a special class for my birthday and then we are all going out to lunch. We are kind of tight like that. I'll also have a brunch for the rest of my friends in Manhattan later in the month after my trip to Houston.

KT: I love the Heather flowers. Thank you for the pretty picture.

DaysD: I got married at Niagara Falls so it's one of my favorite places to visit. So much to do this time of year.

JS: Love the story about your friend getting named Heather

Red and Red: I hope you both feel better
Heather, I am sorry a migraine interrupted your birthday. Migraines :(. But I envy you on the Baskin Robbins ice cream cake. I've ALWAYS wanted to taste one of those! I used to eat the ice cream a lot but the shop closest to me (65 miles) closed down 15-20 years ago. I was so disappointed because now the closest ones are DFW, some 125 miles.

A terrible situation has developed in Dallas tonight. Police officers have been shot at a protest. Some gravely wounded.